Chapter 395
"I'm right, Uncle Ji is prejudiced against Dad." Not only did Xiaotian not restrain himself, he roared even louder.

"Since you are facing him, then go back and live with him." Ou Ruoling said angrily.

"Stop! I'm going back to find Dad." Xiaotian's emotions were completely out of control today, and he yelled to get out of the car.

"Brother, stop the car and let him get out." Ou Ruoling was furious and simply followed his wishes.

Ji Yan was still very calm, he didn't stop the car as they wanted.

Ou Ruoling was always sad because Xiaomei didn't come out with her, thinking of how hard she worked to bring them up alone.Now that they know their biological father, everything is biased towards Ou Zixi.

In fact, she was a little jealous in her heart, because moms in single-parent families tend to have a strong desire to possess their children.

"It's almost home, Xiaotian, don't mess around. Xiaoling needs you most now." Ji Yan calmly persuaded.

Xiaotian pursed his mouth and didn't want to listen to what Ji Yan said, so he covered his ears with his hands in anger.

Ou Ruoling was about to explode in anger, the children defended Ou Zixi against her.

"I'll send someone to take you back later, you all go back and be with your baby daddy." Ou Ruoling turned her face and looked to the other side.

The car quickly drove into Ji's house, and Xiaotian immediately opened the door and got out of the car as soon as it stopped.After getting out of the car, he immediately walked to the door.

"Xiaotian, your mommy was just telling me to come back in anger." Ji Yan shouted.

"Let him go, he will go back on his own and we don't care about him." Ou Ruoling walked into Ji's residence angrily without looking at him.

Xiaotian got into a taxi and went to Ou Zhai alone.

Ji Yan shook his head helplessly, he hoped that Ou Ruoling would be separated from Ou Zixi, but he didn't want her to be separated from the children.

Once Ou Zixi's identity as the child's father was revealed, she was obviously at a disadvantage.Judging from today's events, Xiaotian and Xiaomei both favor Ou Zixi.

Ou Ruoling returned to the living room and sat down with an impatient look on her face.

"Now you should be able to understand why I didn't let you disclose that Ou Zixi is the father of the child. You see, Xiaomei simply ignores you, and Xiaotian can't tolerate us saying no to him."

Instead of comforting the child, Ji Yan poured cold water on Ou Ruoling.

"It's useless to say this now, they all know about it. Zixi blamed me for not telling him immediately after knowing about it, saying that I didn't trust him."

Ou Ruoling felt aggrieved when she thought of this, she didn't think so at all.

"I'm sorry, it's my brother who made you suffer." Ji Yan always showed his best self in front of Ou Ruoling, a qualified elder.

"No, it's not your fault. It can only be said that we don't trust each other enough to cause this kind of problem." Ou Ruoling sighed deeply, with a frustrated expression on his face.

"Don't think about it too much. You just came back from shooting, so you can rest at home these few days. I asked Chuanyang to come and accompany you. His love for you is the most sincere."

Ji Yan said that he was about to call Xia Chuanyang, but Ou Ruoling refused.She wants to be alone for a few days!

Ji Yan didn't call Ou Ruoling in front of him, but after turning around and leaving, he sent a message to Xia Chuanyang.He will not miss any moment for Xia Chuanyang to take advantage of it.

The next morning, when Ou Ruoling got up and went downstairs, she saw Xia Chuanyang.

"Why are you here?" Ou Ruoling was surprised.

"I couldn't find you in Ou Zhai, so I guessed that you came here. Xiaoling, I want to ask you out for a walk today." Xia Chuanyang smiled slightly, and the sadness that flashed in his eyes was quickly covered up.

"Where are you going? I just want to go out and relax." Ou Ruoling was in a bad mood, and Xia Chuanyang came at the right time.

"Just follow me." Xia Chuanyang deliberately played tricks.

Ou Ruoling followed him out, and the two returned to Saint Asia College where Ou Ruoling had studied before.Looking at the huge plaque at the school gate through the car window, she felt mixed feelings.

She thought of her self-willed self back then, and the little things in school.I also remembered some friends who have no contact.

All of this has long been changed, and in a blink of an eye she is already the child's mother, Ou Zixi's woman.

"Does it feel like it's been a long time?" Xia Chuanyang had already stopped the car, got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Yes, it's been so long that I almost forgot every bit of memory here." Ou Ruoling recalled how Ou Zixi doted on her before.

It's not easy for them to go all the way to the present.

"Wear your mask well, otherwise you will cause a commotion if you go in." Xia Chuanyang handed the prepared mask to Ou Ruoling.

"Thank you for always being so careful." Ou Ruoling took the mask and put it on.

Xia Chuanyang's child just smiled and didn't answer. He hoped that he could spend the last time with her well today.Because after today he will be leaving.

Ou Ruoling and Xia Chuanyang walked back and forth, his gaze was fixed on her back.There was deep reluctance in his eyes, but Ou Ruoling, who had been turning his back to him, didn't know it.

At this moment, her thoughts are all on memories, and she still clearly remembers the scene where she was bullied and Ou Zixi appeared to help her out.

All of this seemed to be just yesterday, and she couldn't get back what she missed.

"Xiao Ling, what are you thinking? Tell me?" Xia Chuanyang stepped up and asked.

"I think back to the time when I was in school. At that time, I was very self-willed. But he has always tolerated me." Ou Ruoling's mouth is of course Ou Zixi.

Xia Chuanyang stared blankly, he thought Xiao Ling would say that this place was the place where they met back then.Unexpectedly, it was Ou Zixi that she was thinking of, her heart was full of Ou Zixi.

"Think about it again, what happened to that alumni pavilion over there?" Xia Chuanyang asked, pointing to the pavilion on their right.

Ou Ruoling looked in the direction he was pointing at, but she never made a sound.

"I knew you had a bad memory, that's where we first met. At that time, you still had some baby fat, very cute and pure."

Xia Chuanyang recalled the scene he saw for the first time, and the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but twitch.From the first time he saw Ou Ruoling, it was love at first sight.So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and he has always been the same.

It's just that love is for both sides, and his wishful thinking cannot be exchanged for a perfect ending.Now he has also figured it out, in fact, love is fulfillment.

"I remembered when you said that, and then we became best friends." Ou Ruoling suddenly realized and said with a smile.

"Let's sit over there for a while." Xia Chuanyang wanted to relive the scene of that year. For him, this was the most beautiful meeting in his life.

Although he couldn't get Ou Ruoling's love, he felt very happy to be able to bring her back here to relive all this.

Ou Ruoling accompanied him to the alumni pavilion and chatted with him about the school.Of course, she was the one who talked more, and Xia Chuanyang listened more.

"Chuanyang, I really hope our friendship can last forever like it is now." Ou Ruoling said happily looking at the football field in the distance of the Alumni Pavilion.

"Then can I give you a hug for this friendship." Xia Chuanyang suddenly raised this embarrassing question to Ou Ruoling.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Xia Chuanyang, who was sitting aside, with a puzzled expression on her face.

Ou Ruoling often forgets that his feelings for her are not friendship, but love.She thought that Chuanyang should have let go after so long, but his eyes told her that he didn't let go.

"Chuanyang, I'm very grateful for your kindness to me, but it's more suitable for us to be friends." Ou Ruoling politely rejected him again.

"Just once, just once." Xia Chuanyang reached out and hugged her without waiting for her response.

Ou Ruoling's face was stiff, her eyes widened and she quietly looked into the distance.

"Chuanyang, what's the matter with you today?" Ou Ruoling asked cautiously.

Xia Chuanyang quickly withdrew his hand, his red eyes looked into the distance in embarrassment.

"I'm going to resign, and I've decided not to be your agent in the future. Then I'm going to go abroad to continue my studies, and I'll help my dad with the company."

He controlled his sadness and forced a smile.

"Will you often go back to China after that?" Ou Ruoling's mood was very calm.In fact, she always felt that this was the most correct choice for Xia Chuanyang.

"It may be very few, so Xiao Ling, you must live happily with Ou Zixi." Xia Chuanyang sent the most sincere blessings.

"Well, you should find your own happiness as soon as possible. Don't worry, I will be happy." Ou Ruoling smiled slightly.

She thought of Ou Zixi's headache. After they reconciled, everything was not as happy as imagined.There are still bumps in life.

"I have an evening flight booked."

"So fast!" Ou Ruoling was surprised that he left so quickly.

"No, it's already very slow." Xia Chuanyang replied.

After Xia Chuanyang and Ou Ruoling left the alumni pavilion, they continued to walk on the avenue of the school, and Ou Ruoling fell into his own thoughts.But his attention was always on her.

Even though Ou Ruoling was wearing a mask, he was quickly recognized by others, and a tall figure came from behind them.

"Ou Ruoling, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to wear a mask even when you go out. Big stars are different."

Ou Ruoling turned her head suddenly when she heard this familiar voice.

The person who greeted her was none other than Yang Xiaoman who she regarded as her best friend back then.

"Hello, Yang Xiaoman, long time no see." Ou Ruoling politely took off her mask and greeted her.

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect you to remember me. In a blink of an eye, you are married to your brother and have two children. This is really surprising."

Yang Xiaoman still remembered that they had a falling out because of Ou Zixi.

Ou Ruoling's face was embarrassed for a while, everyone knew that she was Ou Zixi's adopted sister and had no blood relationship at all.Didn't Yang Xiaoman embarrass her obviously?
Xia Chuanyang, who stood aside, immediately defended her.

"Xiao Ling's life is very happy now, and it will inevitably attract the jealousy of some people." Xia Chuanyang said without mercy.

"Who is this? I hugged you at the alumni pavilion just now. Could it be your new brother again?" Yang Xiaoman has been following them since just now.

There is still a photo of them hugging in her mobile phone!
"He is my manager, Yang Xiaoman, if you continue to chat in this way, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Ou Ruoling's mood just improved, and Yang Xiaoman's targeted words made her irritable again.

"Being a star is different. My temper is much bigger than before. An ordinary person like me is not even qualified to talk to you. Come and see, our school's senior sister Rose has returned to school."

Yang Xiaoman yelled loudly before leaving, deliberately exposing Ou Ruoling's identity.

Ou Ruoling was quickly discovered by the students and surrounded by them asking for autographs. Yang Xiaoman, who was standing outside watching, looked at her with envy.

(End of this chapter)

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