Chapter 40 Gossip
In the next few days, Ou Ruoling returned to her previous state.She goes to school on time every day, but the difference is that she is alone no matter where she goes.

She gradually felt that the people around her these days seemed to be deliberately avoiding her. At first she thought it was just her own illusion and ignored it.

After class, she was bored and had no choice but to go shopping alone, but on the street, she ran into her close roommate, Xiao Hua, who was shopping with other classmates.

Ou Ruoling was very puzzled, she went to find Xiao Hua after class, but Xiao Hua said she didn't have time.Why are you shopping with other classmates at this time?

She felt that after her relationship with Yang Xiaoman broke down, it seemed that the classmates around her also began to reject her, and she felt a little lonely.

But since he didn't want to accompany her, she didn't want to force her, so she didn't say hello.

It's just that now she doesn't even feel interested in something that can ignite her enthusiasm, such as shopping for clothes.

"Miss, do you like this dress?"

Ou Ruoling held the clothes in her hand, and looked at Xiaohua and the others not far away in a daze. The salesman stood by and asked her several times before she realized it.

"Look again."

She put down her clothes and left the store.

Ou Zixi has followed her here since she left school.He left work early to come to school to pick her up, and when he saw her getting into the taxi alone, he followed her with concern.

Ou Ruoling went outside to the Starbucks and sat down, drinking something bored while playing with her mobile phone.

"your clothes."

Ou Zixi suddenly appeared and bought the clothes she had been holding for a long time just now and gave them to her.

"Brother, why are you here?" Ou Ruoling was surprised.

"I just passed by and saw you sitting here alone."

"I'm bored, so I go shopping alone, why don't we go home." Ou Ruoling didn't want her classmates to catch her sitting with her brother, and was worried about being misunderstood, so she dragged him away as soon as he sat down.

Ou Zixi obediently picked up her clothes and walked out with her.

What Ou Ruoling didn't know was that there were students from Shengya School just behind them, pointing at their backs as they left.

"Strange." Ou Ruoling turned her head, her bright eyes swept across the alumni of the same school.

The alumni immediately bowed their heads and continued drinking their drinks.

"What's wrong?" Ou Zixi stopped and asked.

"It's okay." Ou Ruoling didn't tell her brother. If she told her brother, he would definitely investigate. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

Ou Zixi accompanied her back home, and Ou Ruoling could only find two rabbits to accompany her.

"Xiao Dai, why do they ignore me recently, my dear?"

Ou Ruoling's eyes drooped, she stretched out her hand to gently stroke the little rabbit, feeling a little aggrieved.

After holding the little rabbit and muttering to herself for a long time, she finally felt sleepy.

It was another day, and Ou Ruoling cheered up and went to school.

As soon as she walked into the campus, she greeted familiar classmates when she saw them, but her enthusiasm was extinguished by their silent responses.

She found that none of her classmates were willing to respond to her greetings, and some even avoided walking with her.

And wherever she passed, as long as there were students, they would point at her and talk about it.

Ou Ruoling is even more strange. Recently, she has been obediently going to class, eating, and sleeping.Nothing major happened, but why did they look at themselves with such eyes?
Just as she was curious, Xiao Hua who refused to go shopping with her yesterday passed by.Ou Ruoling immediately followed up to say hello.

"Xiao Hua, you are so early."

"Xiao Ling, morning."

After Xiaohua smiled awkwardly, she immediately quickened her pace, obviously wanting to avoid Ou Ruoling.

Ou Ruoling also quickened her pace and walked up.In the past, Xiaohua had a pretty good relationship with her, and Xiaohua took good care of her during the few days when she lived in the dormitory.

But why is she even indifferent to her attitude?She must ask clearly.

"Xiaohua, wait for me, you also went shopping yesterday, didn't you?"

Ou Ruoling trotted up, took Xiao Hua's hand and asked.

"Xiao Ling, I still have urgent matters. If there is nothing else, we can find time to talk another day." Xiao Hua shook off her hand and left in a hurry.

Ou Ruoling stopped, seeing that she was also indifferent to him, and felt a chill in her heart.Her friendship with Yang Xiaoman had just broken, and now even Xiaohua ignored her.

She doesn't even know what she did wrong?And those strange students who come and go are pointing at her.She really had the urge to step forward to question them, but she still held back.

She didn't do anything wrong anyway?Don't do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!

So she continued to walk towards the classroom with big strides.

As soon as she walked into the door of the classroom, the strange eyes of the students immediately shifted to her, and Ou Ruoling scanned all the students.He walked to his seat with his head held high.

She kept telling herself that no matter what happened, she didn't have to worry about it, let alone be afraid.It doesn't matter if she is isolated!
But at this moment, Xiao Hua, who was in her class, suddenly cried out.

"My stuff is missing."

Everyone in the class looked over immediately, including Ou Ruoling.

"What's missing?" asked the female classmate sitting next to her.

"For me, it's a very commemorative pen. I put it in my bag, but it's gone." Xiao Hua continued to search for her bag and drawers.

"Look for it again, or did it fall off on the road?" The students in the class enthusiastically went up to help find it.

Of course, Ou Ruoling would not ignore it, and went up to help find it.

"Xiaohua, is this the pen?"

When the whole class was actively helping to find it, a female student opened the drawer of Ou Ruoling's seat, pointed into the drawer and shouted.

This pen is made of pure gold, and it was a gift from Xiaohua's family.

Xiaohua ran up and saw the pen lying quietly in Ou Ruoling's drawer.

Ou Ruoling was dumbfounded, looking at the pen in the drawer, she couldn't explain for a while.People got all the stolen goods, even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she couldn't clean it up.

The whole group cast mixed gazes, and Ou Ruoling was so wronged that she was about to shed tears.

But she held back, if she shed tears at this time, she would not be able to clear her innocence.

"Xiao Hua, I didn't steal it." Ou Ruoling immediately defended.

Xiao Hua stared at her fiercely with disappointed eyes.

"Ou Ruoling, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You grabbed me just now to steal a pen. You are dissatisfied with me because I didn't go shopping with you yesterday?"

"No, I didn't." Ou Ruoling was very helpless.

The students around also spoke up for Xiao Hua, and began to condemn Ou Ruoling in various ways.

"I never thought that it would be fine to be a mistress, and now I'm a thief." A girl in the class who had long been jealous of Ou Ruoling's beauty began to sarcastically.

Little three!What's going on?
Ou Ruoling became a thief for no reason, and she was stunned by the addition of a mistress.

"That's right, do you think it's Miss Ou's that everyone obeys her? Xiaohua, you don't get in touch with such people in the future. You didn't go shopping with her yesterday and she stole your pen. Maybe someone will plot against you tomorrow."

The other girl is going to hurt her even more by adding fuel and vinegar.

"I'm not a thief, let alone a mistress, what's going on?" Ou Ruoling roared angrily.

It's all right for her to be wronged, and now she is accused of being a mistress for no reason.Not to mention them, even she hates characters like Xiaosan very much.

"Ou Ruoling, are you still pretending to be stupid? Everyone knows how close I was to her before, but in the end she seduced my friend's boyfriend."

Yang Xiaoman suddenly appeared and splashed dirty water on her in front of everyone.Ou Ruoling is also well-known in the school, after all her brother Ou Zixi is the shareholder of this school.

And Yang Xiaoman used to be almost inseparable from her, often sticking together, and the classmates all saw it.For a person with such a good relationship with her, the credibility of saying such a thing is very high.

Everyone was deceived by Yang Xiaoman's lies, and they all believed that Ou Ruoling was the mistress.

"Yang Xiaoman, you're spitting blood!" Ou Ruoling retorted.

"Everyone saw today that Ou Ruoling stole Xiao Hua's pen. With such quality and character, it's not surprising that he would break up others."

Yang Xiaoman led the students' thinking to this point. She has spent a lot of effort in the past few days to get people to create a public opinion in school that Ou Ruoling is a junior.

And she came here today to make everyone believe that she is the material to be a mistress, and now the matter of stealing the pen made her character even more doubted.

"When did I become a mistress! Don't talk nonsense without evidence. I didn't steal Xiao Hua's pen!" Ou Ruoling continued to refute, even though her refute seemed very pale at this time.

"Don't hide your true nature anymore, I also broke up with you because I saw through your true nature." Yang Xiaoman snorted coldly, triumphantly.

She has been humiliated these days because of Ou Ruoling, but this time she can finally relieve her anger.

"Yang Xiaoman, isn't it enough for you to take revenge on me?" Regarding the fact that she asked someone to kidnap her, she didn't make it public, and she didn't let her brother attack her.

But she was so stubborn that she didn't realize it. Instead, she got worse and fell into her injustice.

"I knew that after you were exposed by me, you started to create some lies to slander me, but everyone has heard and seen it, so who will believe you?"

Yang Xiaoman acted first and won the trust of his classmates.

Some students who followed suit immediately echoed Yang Xiaoman's words and kept blaming Ou Ruoling.

"Ou Ruoling, you are not welcome in our class."

"Ou Ruoling, I didn't expect you to be the mistress."


All kinds of criticism rang in her ears, she knelt down aggrievedly, covered her ears and didn't want to hear it!
But Yang Xiaoman was not willing to let it go.She always felt that Ou Zixi was indifferent to her because of this woman, so she directly pulled Ou Ruoling up.

She wanted to see her aggrieved face now, to see her helpless expression.There is no her brother here, no one can help her, her heart is extremely happy.

"Let go of me, I hate you." Ou Ruoling got up and pushed Yang Xiaoman away in a fit of anger.

Yang Xiaoman not only did not refute this time, but fell in the direction she pushed away.

Sitting on the ground, she pointed at Ou Ruoling with an aggrieved look and reprimanded her. "Students, this is her! After being exposed by me, she began to want to take revenge on me."

Ou Ruoling is now more wronged than Dou E, and the only person she can ask for help at this moment is Xiaohua.Based on her previous understanding of Xiao Hua, she shouldn't question herself.

Because she also knows what this pen means to her, which she told her personally.But why did she suddenly have such an attitude towards herself and completely side with Yang Xiaoman?
Could it be a trap set by Yang Xiaoman, and Xiaohua has a last resort?
She walked up to Xiaohua and finally asked her.

"Xiaohua, do you really think I stole this pen?"

There was still a glimmer of hope in Ou Ruoling's eyes, because she believed in Xiao Hua's kindness.

Xiao Hua clenched the pen slightly, and looked at Yang Xiaoman.

(End of this chapter)

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