Chapter 204 The Lantern
Seeing Zhou's mother talking outside, Xi'er took the biggest gold bracelet and ran out, and said to Zhou's mother, "Si'er asked me to bring this to Zhou's mother."

Mother Zhou's eyes were straightened by the big bracelet, "Si'er gave it to me?"

A little servant girl is even more generous than the imperial concubine. Is that girl a princess living among the people, or did she pick up a carriage full of headdresses and give them away as stones?

Xi'er pulled Zhou's mother into the house, and Balabala told Zhou's mother what happened in the Dingbeihou's mansion, and then told her, "The old lady has issued a password, and this matter cannot be told to outsiders."

Zhou's mother sighed when she heard this, and she said that the eldest girl and the second girl had been in love since they were young. They turned out to be biological sisters. Temperament will definitely love her well and make up for her, even if she doesn't need the headgear she used to wear in the second room.

The concubine Shizi was smart, she didn't have a cheap second room, so she gave it all to Si'er and Xi'er, and even the old lady with her got a big deal, such a big gold bracelet, an old lady with ten acres of land may not have it.

All women love beautiful jewelry, no matter their age, Mother Zhou likes it more and more when she wears it on her wrist, but she only wears it for a while, then wraps it in a handkerchief and locks it under the box, and tells Xi'er, "There are a bunch of beautiful jewellery. The headgear is a good thing, but this is the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, a servant girl must have the duty of being a servant girl, and don't go beyond the rules and let people gossip about the concubine."

Xi'er nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I know, I'll just lock it in the cabinet and have a look for a while, and I won't go out without wearing it."

But with a bunch of beautiful tiaras, she won't have to save money in the future, and all her monthly money can be used to buy food, just thinking about it makes her happy.

After returning home, Xi'er and Xueyan divided up the jewelry. Xi'er had a gold hairpin inlaid with rubies and a pair of pearl earrings more than Xueyan. After all, Si'er and Xi'er had the best relationship. With so many rewards, she could wake up with a smile from her dreams.

Xi'er held the earrings, and the more she looked at them, the more she liked them, while Xueyan said, "The lantern festival will be in a few days, so let's bring more money to the streets and buy more delicious food."

Ming concubine was drinking tea when suddenly the word "Lantern Festival" came into her ears. She raised her head and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Xueyan covered her mouth and smiled, "We're talking about the third young master's fiancée, Miss Yang Biao, who came to invite the third young master to visit the lantern festival in a few days."

The Lantern Festival is a grand event before the flowers and under the moon. My sister-in-law is very interested. She said, "There will be a Lantern Festival in a few days. Why haven't you mentioned it?"

Xueyan shook her head, "The servant just found out."

Chu Mochen put down the teacup and said, "It should be the Queen Mother who is going to hold a birthday banquet."

Ming concubine doesn't like the queen mother very much, but this time she praised, "It's good to have a birthday banquet like this, and have fun with the people."

A smile flashed across Chu Mochen's beautiful phoenix eyes and said, "Happiness with the people is what the emperor means, and the queen mother may not like it."

Ming concubine didn't understand. After hearing Chu Mochen's explanation, Ming concubine knew why he said that.

The Empress Dowager’s birthday banquet is still early. Two months later, the Lantern Festival is actually the anniversary of Empress Dowager Dezhao’s death. , His road to crown prince was also very difficult.

The first emperor and Empress Dowager Dezhao met at the Qixi Lantern Festival, and they fell in love at first sight. When Empress Dowager Dezhao was alive, the first emperor wanted to hold a birthday banquet for her, so she begged the emperor to allow the people to hold a lantern festival, and everyone had fun together. Today, Empress Dowager Dezhao is loved by the people, and they even look forward to celebrating her birthday every year and holding lantern festivals to enjoy with the people.

Eight years ago, the King of Jin proposed to hold a birthday banquet for the Empress Dowager in the court hall. During that time, the King of Jin suppressed Duke Huguo. The Empress Dowager Zhao loved the Lantern Festival the most during her lifetime, and Duke Huguo hoped that on the day of Empress Dowager Dezhao's death, he would allow Kyoto to hold a Lantern Festival to celebrate the Empress Dowager Dezhao's favorite way.

This proposal won the sacred heart, and the emperor agreed.

From that year onwards, as long as the queen mother held a big birthday banquet, the emperor allowed the Lantern Festival to be held on the day of the death of the queen mother Dezhao.

The death day of Empress Dowager Dezhao is before the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. The former enjoys the joy with the people, and the latter enjoys the same with the officials.

Although the Empress Dowager Dezhao has been dead for 20 years, her prestige in the eyes of the people is even higher than that of the current Empress Dowager. How could the Empress Dowager be happy when she was overwhelmed by a person who had been dead for more than 20 years? Tooth root itching.

The Dajing Dynasty ruled the country with filial piety. The emperor's move not only demonstrated filial piety, but also suppressed the queen mother invisibly.

Thinking of the Empress Dowager standing out for Princess Jinyang and rewarding her with incense, Ming concubine didn't have any affection for the Empress Dowager, but she was very interested in the Lantern Festival, she said, "That night, I will go to the Lantern Festival."

Chu Mochen looked at the anticipation on her face, patted her shoulder and said, "Behave better these two days."

Ming concubine is no better than a boudoir now. In ancient times, her husband was the god. She married to celebrate. If Chu Mochen doesn't go to the lantern festival, Ming concubine will definitely not be able to go, unless she is brave enough to sneak out.

Seeing Chu Mochen looking at your appearance, Ming concubine scolded the evil old society in her heart, and asked him to nod when she went out. Is there any human rights anymore? But there is a saying that people have to bow their heads when they are under the eaves , in order to go out to play, you have to work harder, Ming concubine got up, but she was not reconciled, she called to the bead curtain, "Mother concubine?"

Chu Mochen opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a little maid walking by the bead curtain, stared at by Chu Mochen, trembling with fright, not daring to come in, just saying, "Shi, concubine Shizi..."

Ming concubine patted Chu Mochen on the shoulder, "It's okay, what are you scaring the servant girl for?"

Chu Mochen laughed angrily, "Where is the mother concubine?"

Mingyu blinked her slender eyelashes, and said with an innocent face, "My concubine didn't come again, I just want to remind you, but my concubine said you bullied me, so let me tell her."

She did find a good backer, Chu Mochen glanced at Xi'er and said, "Come here and squeeze my shoulders for me, it's lighter, give me a hard time."

Xi'er's face turned pale, Master, you can't do this, you can't take the concubine as a concubine and bully me as a little maid, under the cliff, I have served you a lot, Xi'er looked at Ming concubine eagerly, A painful expression on his face.

Ming concubine stared at the back of Chu Mochen's head viciously, whether it was serious or not, it was not up to him to deliberately use the maid to suppress her and force her to submit, but she still took him for nothing and resigned herself to helping him shoulder.

Chu Mochen said with a comfortable expression, "This time, I didn't force you."

Ming concubine gritted her teeth and said, "You didn't force me, I forced you. If you don't let me pinch your shoulders, I'll never end with you."

Chu Mochen glanced at the maid and said, "Listen, your girl is really fierce."

(End of this chapter)

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