Chapter 220 Paying
After Ming concubine heard this, she glanced at the floating clouds in the sky. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. With a few words from the maid, she can feel that the Beidinghou's mansion is at odds. He demolished the platform of the second room in front of the eldest wife, but it is not to blame for the anger of the head of the Beidinghou Mansion.

The death of the daughter is not clear, the Zhennan Prince's Mansion will not give a satisfactory explanation, and the Beidinghou Mansion will not force the Zhennan Prince's Mansion to give an explanation, but will marry another daughter of the Beidinghou Mansion. How to check, her daughter died in vain.

Furthermore, after getting married with the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, the second house will grow bigger and overwhelm the long house. In the future, it is not certain whether the title of Marquis of Beiding will be the long house...

The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins. The eldest wife will definitely agree to this marriage, and let Beidinghou's mansion fight among itself. At that time, there is no need to marry the daughter of Beidinghou's mansion, and there is no need to rush to confess.

Under the corridor, Ming concubine had a quiet smile on her face, and was about to go to the study, when Zhou's mother came over to stop her, Ming concubine turned around and said, "Mother Zhou has something to do."

Zhou's mother came over and said, "The concubine is getting married, and the Hou's mansion has given a lot of dowry. They are all placed in the warehouse. They should be tidied up when they are free. There is also Zhuangzi's shop. The concubine should see those in charge when she is free." .”

Although the concubine is not short of money, and the princes and concubines treat her well, those Zhuangzi shops can't be left to the management. When the wife is here, don't dare to fool her. Seeing that the concubine is young, she makes false accounts to fool people. , have to guard against.

Ming concubine really forgot about this, she said, "Let those in charge come to see me tomorrow with the account books, I happen to be free now, go to the warehouse."

Zhou's mother agreed and sent someone to notify those in charge, while Ming concubine took Xi'er to the warehouse.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, Ming concubine went to greet the old lady and the princess, and drank half a cup of tea when she came back. The managers of the Zhuangzi shop arrived, and Zhou's mother went to the gate of the palace to bring them in.

Zhennan Prince's Mansion is the General's Palace, and the prince's study is a place of great secrecy. The idlers are not allowed to get close. It is inevitable that someone with a heart sneaks in. The people who enter and leave are strictly checked. It is confirmed that Ming's concubine is married to Zhuangzi and is in charge. let go.

Those in charge had a few thick account books, piled up on the table, and the Ming concubine's head was too big to look at.

Some sell silk and satin, some sell jewelry, and some sell rice and wine. There are all kinds of things. The business is not bad. A shop can earn 2000 taels a year, and 8000 for making some ointment. For the concubine of the two relatives and common people, she really doesn't like it.

After getting the account book, Ming concubine told Xi'er, "Send the ointment for the girl from the Dongning Hou Mansion later."

In this situation, Xi'er guessed that her family's concubine disliked that the shop did not earn as much money as she sold the ointment, and then thought of the girl from Dongninghou's mansion who sent someone for ointment.

Xi'er's guess was right. If she hadn't seen the account book, Ming concubine would have never thought of sending ointment to Miss Chen San of the Dongning Hou Mansion.

Several managers sat there and reported the situation of the shop one by one. They were all trusted by the Su family, and the accounts were also clear. There was nothing to be picky about.

Just turning to the latest few pages of the account book, Ming concubine frowned imperceptibly, and asked, "What's going on with these few pages?"

The manager hurriedly got up, took the account book and looked at it, and replied, "A few days ago, Grandma Sangu sent her servant girl to the shop to fetch dozens of silks and satins, saying that she needed them urgently."

Ming concubine's face sank, and Xi'er asked, "Did you pay?"

The steward shook his head, "No..."

If she had paid, she wouldn't have taken the silk from her dowry shop, Ming concubine looked at the date on the account book, wasn't it the day she returned home?

That day when Wei Mingrou left crying, who would have thought that she would not forget to give her a favor when she left, taking advantage of her being her "sister" to take advantage of the last fortune, but she was very good at it, so she didn't take advantage at this time, Looking back, I can't even occupy it.

Ming concubine thought that Wei Mingrou only asked the servant girl to ask for dozens of silks and satins, but the greed of others was beyond her expectations. The manager who sold the jewelry got up and said, "A few days ago, Grandma Sangu also sent someone to the jewelry store to get a lot of silk. Gold and silver jewellery, said to be used to reward servants."

Silks, satins and jewelry are considered small, and there are also those who sell antiques. Wei Mingrou took the two treasures of the store, and the antique shop in charge adds up to 6000 taels, at least five to six thousand taels. Many rare and rare copies were taken away to support the facade.

In the eyes of the steward, Wei Mingrou is Ming Concubine's biological sister. When she disappeared, she took her into the bridal sedan chair to marry the fourth prince. Rou is not short of money, she wants silk and satin, and the manager dare not refuse to give it. Besides, Wei Mingrou used to take silk and satin from the shop too often, sometimes a few feet, sometimes one or two pieces, as long as the account book is clearly recorded , Su didn't say anything, they only thought it was the same this time.

Ming concubine laughed angrily, she had never seen such a shameless person, if she didn't kill her, her surname was neither Su... nor Wei.

Ming concubine groaned angrily, her chest rising and falling.

Afraid that she would lose her temper, Xi'er brought her tea, and Zhou's mother said with a livid face, "Can I get the money back?"

You who are in charge look at me, and I look at him, both with bitter expressions on their faces, not daring to go to Prince Heng's Mansion to ask for debts.

Zhou's mother also knew that this matter was difficult, she was deliberately cheating the imperial concubine, how could she get it back, but she couldn't swallow this breath, how many things can be bought with ten thousand taels of silver, if not it's so cheap other people's reasoning.

"I'll go back to the Marquis Mansion and tell Madam."

Zhou's mother walked away, Ming concubine didn't have time to call her, so it's good to ask her to go back, I'm afraid not only her shop will suffer, but the shop left by Su's probably will not be spared either.

He took a few deep breaths, drank another half a cup of tea before subduing his anger, and continued to look through the account books. These managers couldn't offend Wei Mingrou, so I don't blame them. She pointed it out, without blaming it, just to let the manager know that any problem with the account books can't escape her eyes, and even a little thought is hidden tightly by her.

After picking out two account books and looking at them, Ming Concubine asked the steward to leave. Before leaving, she told them that if Wei Mingrou asked the maid to pick up things again, she would call her and she would bear all the consequences.

The manager resigned in a sweat.

As soon as Zhou's mother left, Ming concubine might as well finish her meal, and she didn't come back after wandering around the yard, Xi'er looked forward to it, "Why hasn't Zhou's mother come back for so long?"

Such a long time is enough for her to go back and forth twice, don't let something happen.

Xi'er was worried, but Ming concubine didn't think so much. Zhennan Wangfu sent a carriage to take Zhou's mother back, and there was no possibility of accidents. If there was a problem and she came back earlier to report it, there must be a delay.

Ming concubine took the embroidery frame to pass the time, calmed down and Ming concubine couldn't embroider well with needlework, not to mention that when she was depressed, the embroidery would be messy and without the slightest sense of beauty.

Outside the house, there was a sound of footsteps, Xueyan said happily, "It's the footsteps of Mother Zhou."

(End of this chapter)

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