Chapter 224 Irony
Princess Langhuan's nose was sore, she looked at Princess Jin and said, "The concubine mother is here to fulfill her wish today, the joy will work, and the fourth brother will be able to stand up soon."

Princess Jin glanced at Chu Mochen, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Back then I had a son and a daughter, and Princess Zhennan envied me for having both sons and daughters, but now I envy you, one son died, and another The son can inherit the title."

The words are like knives, and the internal organs of the person who pierced it seem to be broken.

The concubine didn't answer the words. Concubine Jin saw her say some acupuncture-like words not once or twice. She was used to it, her slightly narrowed eyes drooped to hide the pain in the bottom of her eyes. Don't let him go to the battlefield when he is on the battlefield. King Jin is the empress dowager's own son, powerful and powerful, so he doesn't need Prince Jin's son to go to the battlefield to fight for military exploits. After all, it's not because the Prince Jin's residence wants military power.

It would be fine if he died in battle, but the son of King Jin was greedy for military pay and violated military regulations and was killed. Such a person, not to mention meritorious service, is simply a moth of the court. The prince's removal of him is to eliminate harm for the people, to do justice for the sky, and to do justice. A good deed that the people admire.

Just because Jin Wangfei has no son, and the position of Jin Wang's son will be inherited by the bastard in the future, she hates the prince and concubine. The paired princess ridiculed?

Just as Ming concubine was about to speak, Princess Jin looked at her and said first, "The concubine Shizi is indeed not an ordinary person, not only can she survive a catastrophe, she is so happy that the son can be cured, and the stubborn illness that Marquis Dingbei has been ill for more than ten years can also be recovered. "

Ming concubine Ji Yan smiled and said, "Princess Jin is absurdly praised. Mother has taught Ming concubine since she was a child that there is a god in her head. As long as Ming concubine does not do anything wrong, does not have the intention of harming others, and is devout and good, she will be a bodhisattva." If you will bless yourself, you will be able to make disasters auspicious, and turn bad luck into good fortune. For those who have done things that are harmful to nature and reason, the Bodhisattva will remember them one by one. The more faces there are, the faster the retribution will come, because Bodhisattvas are afraid that their killing intent will be too strong, and they will cause harm to the world, and the more they want to gain, the more they will lose."

Ming concubine's voice was gentle and sweet, like the sounds of nature, but Princess Jin's complexion was even uglier than before.

Chu Mochen secretly cast an admiring look, and said, "I have to make a special trip tomorrow to thank my mother-in-law for teaching my lady so well."

Ming concubine's cheeks were slightly red, and she took a look at Chu Mochen and said, "My mother said that the Vajra glared, so he surrendered the four demons; the Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows, so he was merciful. If you look at the Bodhisattva a few more times, your heart will turn cold and your palms will sweat, this is the Bodhisattva's warning, if you do bad things again, you will die soon."

Concubine Jin's complexion became more and more ugly, and people who had done something wrong were very guilty, Ming concubine said these words in front of the Daxiong Palace, it was no different from pretending to be a ghost in the middle of the night to scare people.

Prince Jin's concubine said, "Mother, let's go in and offer incense."

Princess Jin looked at her with a deep breath and said, "I still have something to say to Princess Zhennan, please wait for me in the gazebo over there."

The princess didn't know what Princess Jin wanted to say to her, so she nodded slightly.

The concubine of the Jin Dynasty helped the princess of Jin to go in to worship the Buddha.

Princess Langhuan supported the princess and said, "Concubine Mother, I will accompany you for a walk over there."

The concubine took a look at Chu Mochen, told Ming concubine to take good care of him, and then went forward with Princess Langhuan.

Seeing Ming concubine pushing the wheelchair away, Xi'er rolled her eyes and turned back to the Daxiong Palace.

Chu Mochen doesn't like to be stared at by people, whether it's his handsome and flawless face, or sitting in a wheelchair, he is particularly eye-catching. He pointed to the front and said, "The environment over there is quiet. Walk over there."

"No," Ming concubine said decisively.

Rejecting so quickly without any hesitation, Chu Mochen said, "Why don't you go?"

Why didn't she go? Can she say that last time she and Xi'er were hiding in the quiet place, but they encountered people fighting, wild, or fighting? If it wasn't for her cleverness and the help of Princess Qingyi, she and Xi'er would probably have been killed by others. Silent, she has a shadow.

That place is a fairyland on earth, and she is determined not to go there.

Instead of going, Ming concubine pushed Chu Mochen to the crowded places. Anyway, she pushed the wheelchair, and she had the final say on where to go.

The bazaar under Foguang Temple was lively, selling everything. My concubine picked out several pearl flowers and tremella pendants, looked left and right, and asked Chu Mochen, "Is it beautiful?"

Chu Mochen frowned slightly, and said, "You are the concubine of Prince Zhennan, and you still wear such low-quality jewelry?"

What kind of inferior quality? Is it silver? "I bought it for Xi'er and the others. I haven't forgotten my status as the princess of the Prince of Zhennan, so I won't humiliate you."

They are not taller than others, and they are classified into high and low. Ming concubine said to the small vendor, "I bought these pairs."

The peddler happily explained that she had good eyesight, wrapped it up in a nonchalant manner, and said, "It's a total of one or two or five silver coins."

Ming concubine took the wooden box and shouted, "Xi'er, pay the bill."

Shouted a few words, but there was no answer, Ming concubine looked back, only to find that Xi'er was not there, where did this girl go.

Zhao Lie took the silver ingot from his pocket and gave it to the peddler. The peddler didn't have enough money, so he said, "Ten copper coins are missing, how about I give you a hairpin?"

Zhao Lie's serious face tightened, "What do I, a big man, want hairpins for?"

The vendor smiled and said, "The hairpin can be given to the girl you like."

"I don't have a girl I like," Zhao Lie said coldly, "You don't need ten copper coins."

The peddler couldn't agree more from ear to ear, "Really don't want it anymore?"

"If you say no, then don't..."

Before Zhao Lie could say anything, he stretched out a hand and almost snatched the hairpin, "Don't be so stupid."

Xi'er took the hairpin, and said Zhao Lie was stupid, and ran away after Ming concubine. The vendor laughed and said, "He also said that he has no girl he likes. It's not obvious that they are a couple."

Zhao Lie's tense face loosened a bit, the corners of his mouth hooked up, and he lifted his heels up.

Xi'er took the hairpin and walked to Ming Concubine's side, twittered, covered her mouth and laughed, "Concubine Shizi, you are too bad, just now Princess Jin and Prince Concubine Jin turned pale with fright."

Ming concubine was stunned for a moment, and Chu Mochen was also stunned.

He only saw Ming concubine poisoning the concubine of Jin. When did she do anything to the concubine of the prince of Jin? This woman's ability to poison should not be underestimated.

When he was secretly surprised, he heard Ming concubine muttering, "I didn't poison the concubine of Prince Jin."

Xi'er's eyes blinked, didn't they?
But just now in the Daxiong Palace, Princess Jin looked at the Bodhisattva, her palms were sweating profusely, her face turned pale from fright, and Princess Jin rubbed her hands on her clothes secretly, and she saw it with both eyes.

She was still distracted, Princess Jin said coldly, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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