Chapter 251
Ming concubine can't laugh or cry, how much this servant girl likes money, no matter how much she likes it, she can't show it so clearly on her face, she will be dismissed by the elegant bastard as too vulgar, I can't see Xi'er's eyes shining, Ming concubine endures He couldn't help reaching out and knocking on her forehead, and Chu Mochen said, "Come in."

The window opened, and Zhao Feng stepped into the room.

But he was the only one who came in, Chu Mochen raised his eyebrows and said, "Where is Zhao Cheng, why didn't you come back with you?"

He specifically asked him to bring a "quack doctor" to heal his legs, to see what his dark guard outfit looks like, a quack doctor, he dared to ignore the wind when he said something.

Zhao Feng took out three bank notes from his pocket, handed them to Ming concubine and said, "This is the consultation fee."

After finishing speaking, he went back to Chu Mochen, "I planned to come back together, but before I left the Wei Palace, the guards of Prince Heng's Palace invited her to give Concubine Heng a boost."

Three bank notes, 6000 taels, Ming concubine could not close her mouth from ear to ear, but when she heard Zhao Feng's words, the smile froze on her face for a moment, "Zhao Cheng went to Hengwang Mansion?"

Zhao Feng nodded, shook his head again, and said, "The Prince Heng's Mansion sent several guards, and they seemed to be tied up if they didn't go. Zhao Cheng didn't want to make trouble in front of me, so he got into the carriage."

Of course, he just got into the carriage, and if he doesn’t know medical skills to treat people’s tires, he will definitely reveal his secrets. Zhao Cheng can’t be so stupid. Those guards are not Zhao Cheng’s opponents. There is only one end for those who are tough, and that is to ask for it. Bitter.Ming concubine took 1000 taels to Zhao Feng and the others as a reward, and asked Xi'er to keep the rest. Xi'er was even more curious about the process of the treatment, so she couldn't help asking, "Did the second master and the second wife call you special?" awful?"

Not only was it miserable, it was inhumane, utterly miserable, the shrill cry was still in his ears, Zhao Feng felt that he was a little sympathetic to the second master and second wife, it was not good to offend anyone, but offend the concubine.

Originally, the injury on the buttocks would heal within a month, but now after being treated by a "quack doctor", the pain lasted for a full two months, and I was so grateful that I offered the consultation money with a face full of pain.

It was supposed to cost 2 taels, but Zhao Cheng cut off the flesh on the second master's butt with a knife in his hand, and the hysterical cry almost shattered his eardrums.

After the second master was cured, it was the second wife's turn. The men and women could not kiss each other, and the screams were really unpleasant, so Zhao Cheng said that the charge would be 4000 taels less, and asked the second wife's maid to treat him.

Zhao Cheng is a martial arts practitioner, he is precise, he raises the knife and falls, and the job is over quickly, while the maid cuts flesh with a blunt knife...

If it weren't for the fear of hearing a series of sharp screams, the second wife stuffed a cloth strip in her mouth, she would have bitten her tongue off in pain, and finally passed out from the pain.

That's a terrible word.

After this incident, Zhao Feng made up his mind that in the future when the concubine and the master fight, he will stand by the concubine without hesitation...

Miserable is fine.

The worse it is, the more satisfied Ming Concubine is.

Presumably, the old lady is also satisfied with such meticulous treatment, Ming concubine told Xi'er, "Come back to Dingbei Hou Mansion tomorrow, and ask the old lady if she is satisfied."

The corner of Xi'er's mouth twitched, the concubine Shizi wanted to piss the old lady to death, but she would not refuse, she made a special trip to Dingbeihou's mansion to send a message, no matter how dissatisfied the old lady was, she would give her some rewards to make them more Persuade the concubine Shizi, the concubine Shizi earns a lot of money, and these maids can bulge their pockets with some minced meat on their buttocks.

Seeing more and more banknotes in the box, Xi'er laughed so hard that she couldn't see her eyes. Just as the box was put away, Zhao Chengcheng jumped out of the window. It wasn't that he came back too fast, but that Zhao Feng Waited a little while.

However, Zhao Cheng was dressed in black and did not wear the clothes of a quack doctor.

From Zhao Feng's mouth, Ming concubine knew that he got on the carriage to Hengwang's mansion, and Zhao Cheng made up what happened later.

Zhao Feng originally wanted to accompany him to Prince Heng's mansion, but the guards of Prince Heng's mansion said no, they hit Zhao Feng and Zhao Cheng in the arms, and Zhao Feng rode away.

The carriage went straight to Prince Heng's Mansion. When passing through the busy street, Zhao Cheng stopped the carriage to buy wine. He had a big jasper gourd pinned to his waist, which symbolized his status. It was obvious that he loved fine wine.

It's just that the guards of the Hengwang Mansion have a bad temper. A quack doctor who can treat their princess' illnesses is a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes, and he refused in every possible way. He got into the carriage of the Hengwang Mansion, but he couldn't help saying no went.

The guard's attitude was tough, and Zhao Cheng's attitude was even tougher. He could not enter Prince Heng's mansion no matter what. After a few words of argument, Zhao Cheng kicked over and directly kicked the guard driving the carriage off the carriage.

He was dying of illness and was about to leave. The guards of Prince Heng's Mansion came to arrest him, but he was beaten by Zhao Cheng, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, his face was beyond recognition.

After beating the man, Zhao Cheng took the Guafan with the words "ancestral medicine" written on it, and walked away amidst the wailing and fear of the guards.

Here, Mingyu is smiling happily, while Hengwang Mansion is in a haze over there.

The guards of Hengwang Mansion, who were beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces, helped each other back to plead guilty, but were stopped by the guards who guarded the gate, and they didn't recognize them at all...

They were not allowed to enter the government to report until their identities were verified.

Originally, Wei Mingrou was a little pregnant, it wasn't serious, but seeing that the quack doctor hadn't been invited back, and the guards were beaten up like this, it doesn't count if she took advantage of it and sent it all away. After spending 6000 taels, I felt anxious for a while, and my stomach ached.

Prince Heng's mansion was in a mess, calling for doctors and imperial physicians, lest something unexpected happen to the fetus in her womb.

Wei Mingrou is pregnant with the flesh and blood of King Heng, the precious grandson of Concubine Sun Gui, and if there is any disturbance in Prince Heng's mansion, it will be passed on to Concubine Sun Guifei.

Then, there was another one who hurt his liver and got angry, and he flew into a rage.

As the saying goes, when you beat a dog, you have to look at the owner, not at the face of the monk, but at the face of the Buddha. A little quack doctor, knowing that it was Heng Wang's mansion who asked him to have a pulse and prevent pregnancy, dared to refuse, and even beat Heng in the street. The guard of the palace, what is this called?This is called putting the face of Hengwang Mansion on the ground and stepping on it for everyone to see!

Even a small quack doctor dares not to pay attention to Prince Heng's Mansion, how can he not be angry with Concubine Sun Gui?

Zhennan Wang Shizi concubine did not spend any money to treat her illness, so she was given a bunch of ointments and replaced with others. A bottle was charged 8000 taels, which was still a price close to the people.

It is okay to heal the legs of Prince Zhennan's son, but the Hengwang Mansion sent a carriage to invite him, but they pushed him repeatedly, so ignorant of flattery, Concubine Sun Guifei wanted to chop up the quack doctor and feed him to the dogs.

Coupled with the fact that the nurse on the side was fanning the flames, maybe it was the order of Zhennan Wang Shizi and Shi Zifei that the doctor of the quack did not treat Princess Heng's illness.

A sneer flashed in Concubine Sun's eyes, "I really think they can cover the sky with one hand. A charlatan borrows from the sky and dares to disrespect Bengong and Heng'er. I'd like to see. If something goes wrong, they Can you protect him!"

"Your Majesty?" Nanny looked at her, and was about to ask what she was going to do, but seeing Concubine Sun raised her hand, Nanny knew what she was going to do, and quickly helped her up.

Inside Chen Xiangxuan, Ming concubine was humming a little tune in a happy mood, her voice was so low that she couldn't hear what she was singing, but there was a smile on her porcelain-white face and eyes, and the brilliance dazzled people's eyes.

She couldn't be unhappy, not only took revenge, but also forced Wei Mingrou's second wife to spit out everything she ate. She calculated carefully, and the benefits they stole from the Su family were all recovered. All that's left is to pay for Wei Ming's life.

When she was in a good mood, her brows and eyes were bright, and her whole body was full of vitality. Chu Mochen's heart was itching to see him, and he couldn't help asking her, "What ditty are you singing?"

"Humming casually," Ming concubine dismissed him casually in fear of his questioning.

As soon as she sent her away, Chu Mochen frowned. Can't this woman have a good chat? With a face of refusal, he flipped a page of the book and threw out a few words, "No wonder it's so ugly. .”

The smile on Ming Concubine's face was stifled, and she bared her teeth at him. It would be extremely uncomfortable if she didn't criticize her body for a day. She finally had such a bright mood that she insisted on pouring cold water on her.

In order not to affect her good mood, Ming concubine decided to ignore him, so as not to quarrel with him.

As a result, she ignored her, and Chu Mochen was unhappy. It was fine if she didn’t tell her what ditty she was singing, and she didn’t refute it even if she deliberately found fault. Are you a little too happy?"

One pot of cold water is not enough, splash another pot, ignore him, he is addicted to it, Ming concubine said in a bad mood, "Why did you get happy too early?"

Now that the money is in hand, can Wei Mingrou and the second wife still want to go back?
(End of this chapter)

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