Chapter 297 Stalking
Changhui Courtyard.

The old lady was sitting on the arhat couch drinking tea, when Mama Qian came in, she looked regretful, the old lady said when she saw her, "Why did you come back only now, how is Yan'er?"

Mother Qian went to visit Mu Yan at Mu's house under the order of the old lady. Just after she came back, seeing that the old lady was worried, she stepped forward and replied, "My cousin used ointment on her face, and she recovered very well, but the ointment from last time was not much left, not enough. use."

The last time I hurt my jaw, the wound was small, and half of the ointment was not enough, but this time the wound was deep, and the remaining ointment from before was evened out for the third master, how could it be enough.

Needless to say, the old lady also knew about it. Mother Qian sighed, "Biao girl was slapped by the concubine, and the Mu family was not happy. When the slaves went, the Mu family was having trouble buying ointment."

1 taels is not a small amount, not to mention that the money spent on Mu Yan's face has already exceeded 1 taels.

The last time the elder son was very reluctant to help, this time the quack doctor didn't know where he was, and the cousin girl hurt her face because she pushed the empress concubine, even if she paid for it, the elder son might not be able to help.

The old lady also knew that Chu Mochen wasn't that easy to talk to. Although she cared about Mu Yan, the old lady's eyes were full of disappointment in her, more than failure.

The Mu family only has a girl of the right age like her, and the Mu family is determined to go to the Zhennan Palace...

The old lady had a headache and raised her hand to rub her temples.

Outside, there was a sound of brisk footsteps. The old lady looked up and saw Chu Ke walking in.

Chu Ke stepped forward, with a respectful and polite face, her face could not find fault, but she was obviously estranged from the old lady a lot. If it was before, Chu Ke would have sat down next to the old lady, hugged her arm and talked and laughed.

Although the old lady loves her very much, how can the old lady love her more than the third wife?

In the matter of Aunt Tao and the concubine, the behavior of the old lady and the third master made Chu Ke unhappy, and she was protesting to the old lady with alienation.

The disappointment in the old lady's eyes deepened.

Chu Ke straightened up and said, "Just now I overheard the Shizi Concubine talking to Mrs. Su, and felt that there was something wrong, so I came here to tell Grandma."

The old lady frowned and waved, "Come to grandma and tell me."

Chu Ke obediently sat next to the old lady, whispering in her ear, speaking very quietly, after all, eavesdropping is not a glorious thing.

What Mrs. Su and Ming concubine said was an admission that the quack doctor was instructed by Chu Mochen to lure Dali Siqing to the side courtyard of the Prince Jin's mansion. The timing was so good that the quack doctor was not in the palace. People believe.

After Chu Ke finished speaking, the old lady looked at Qian Mama, and Qian Mama said, "The maidservant has already sent people to watch Chen Xiangxuan. Since the quack doctor appeared yesterday, no suspicious person has been found entering or leaving Chen Xiangxuan."

Chu Ke said, "The quack doctor knows martial arts, and he can climb over the wall to get in and out if he is not neat."

The old lady patted Chu Ke's hand and said, "Your uncle sent someone to watch."

There has been no movement until now, the quack doctor should not have come to the palace to heal the son's leg again.

However, the imperial doctor also said that the acupuncture should not be interrupted, and the prince spent 20 taels to make Chu Mochen happy, so how could he be willing to pay just in case.

As long as you guard Chen Xiangxuan well, you are not afraid that the quack doctor will not be caught.

Outside the palace, there were people watching, outside Chen Xiangxuan, there were people watching, even inside Chen Xiangxuan, the maids were extra vigilant.

But who would have thought that it wasn't some charlatan who actually treated Chu Mochen's legs, but the concubine Ming, who had looked in the wrong direction from the beginning, how could he possibly win?

Ming concubine thought, if she is exposed in the future, knowing that she is the real quack doctor, she will probably piss off many people to death, right?
In a blink of an eye, the five-day period is here.

On this day, the sky was gray and the air was oppressive, as if a storm would come at any moment.

Such bad weather is especially suitable for doing some unpleasant things.

Chu Mochen asked Zhao Feng to pawn all the looted things, and the money he got would be sent directly to the military camp and handed over to the prince without showing him.

Chu Mochen felt that this matter was a certainty, and Ming concubine felt that there would be no further changes. The quack doctor was one of them, and it was impossible for him to appear. Even if he did, it would be too late after the agreed time.

But unfortunately, things didn't go so smoothly.

In the study, Chu Mochen managed to provoke Ming Concubine to play chess with him. Just after placing more than a dozen pieces, Zhao Lie stepped into the study, and Xi'er happily asked, "How much did you pay?"

Zhao Lie shook his head, "Not even one or two."

Xi'er's eyes widened, what do you think?

Chu Mochen turned his head to look at Zhao Lie, "What's going on?"

Zhao Lie said, "The pawnshop doesn't dare to accept it, saying that someone said something harsh, whoever dares to accept it will never be forgiven lightly."

This person is obviously from Cheng Guogong's mansion.

It is human nature for those pawnshops not to dare to offend Cheng Guogong's mansion, Chu Mochen can't put a knife on the pawnshop's neck and force them to accept it.

The prince said in the Hall of Political Affairs that the Zhennan Palace would not want those things, and now that they cannot be pawned off, how to dispose of them has become a difficult problem.

Ming concubine looked at Chu Mochen and said, "What should we do now?"

"After playing this game of chess first," Chu Mochen said.

Ming concubine took a flag, and while waiting for Chu Mochen to put it down, she was thinking about how to lose faster.

As a result, Chu Mochen put it away casually, Ming concubine glanced at the chessboard several times, her cheeks puffed up, and she angrily threw the chess piece into the flag box.

Fortunately, she was still thinking about how to make a quick decision, but fortunately, he blocked her way with one move!
I will never play chess with him again!

Ming concubine's face was engraved with the word "unhappy", and the corner of Chu Mochen's mouth curled up slightly, and said, "Accompany my husband into the palace."

"No!" She was not so easy to talk when she was angry.

"Aren't you going to watch the excitement?"

With that coaxing tone, Ming concubine looked sideways, who is this guy going to dig a hole for?
For the sake of the excitement, Ming concubine got up and pushed Chu Mochen out of the study, but before Ming concubine got into an accident in a carriage, the princess had ordered that Chu Mochen was not allowed to leave the palace without her permission. The concubine's words were taken to heart, but Chen Xiangxuan's maid and mother-in-law would not dare.

While having someone go to the front yard to inform Manager Chu to prepare the carriage, he also sent someone to tell the princess that Chu Mochen and Ming concubine were going to enter the palace.

No, as soon as the two of them reached the second gate, the concubine chased after them and said, "Why did you enter the palace again?"

The tone obviously did not want them to leave the palace, Chu Mochen only said, "I have something to go to the palace to find the emperor."

The concubine looked at Ming concubine, Ming concubine nodded lightly, but the concubine still disagreed, "Is there anything your father can't do? You have to go to the emperor, or you can let your father go."

Chu Mochen's handsome and impeccable face was a bit stinky, "I don't dare to command my father, his bad temper, I don't have to ruin my business."

Who has the worse temper? Ming concubine stood aside and looked up at the sky.

Knowing that the princess was worried, Chu Mochen said, "Concubine Mu, I will not joke about the lives of myself and the concubine Shizi, I will take Afeng and the others with me."

Seeing that Chu Mochen insisted, the concubine had no choice but to let him go, but she was still not at ease, so she asked Mr. Chu to lead someone to follow.

However, Manager Chu and the others did not follow up with the palace, they were only sent to the gate of the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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