Chapter 397
After returning to Chen Xiangxuan, Concubine Ming gave Zhao Cheng a few words, then changed her clothes, combed her hair again, and went to the front yard.

At that time, the eldest wife was already waiting there. Regarding the matter of Chu Mowei marrying Princess Langhuan, the eldest wife was really too concerned. She kept saying that it was not good for her to intervene in this matter and let the princess take care of it, but in the end it was still she.

I don't know if the eldest wife knew that the Taoist asked her to copy the Buddhist scriptures for blessing a thousand times, which was actually the meaning of Princess Langhuan. I don't know if the eldest wife would be so happy now.

After standing aside and waiting for half a cup of tea, the mother in charge who counted the betrothal gifts came over, and the eldest wife asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

The mother in charge smiled and said, "Madam, don't worry, there is no mistake at all, and the things I picked are all very good."

The eldest lady took a look at the sky and said, "The weather is fine today, let's go."

The eldest wife wanted to accompany her, but she came to the front yard for a long time, and the eldest wife didn't say a word to her, and completely treated her like a wooden stake.

After getting into the carriage, Ming concubine began to close her eyes and rest her mind. She had to stay up late at night to make up for the time lost during the day.

In the carriage, he seemed to be sleeping but was not asleep, bouncing around for half an hour before the carriage stopped in front of the East Prince's Mansion.

This is the first time that Ming concubine came to Dongwang Mansion. Since it is a palace, the grandeur is indispensable. The gilded plaque is shining, and there are two mighty stone lions in front of the gate, all of which show the dignity of Dongwang Mansion to passers-by. .

Seeing the eldest wife presenting the dowry in person, the servants of the East Prince's Mansion were very hospitable, and the smiles on their faces dazzled people's eyes.

How much everyone sympathized with Princess Langhuan before, and now they envy her so much.

The second young master is not dead, he is the son of the Zhennan prince, and Princess Langhuan is the concubine of the Zhennan prince. Unfortunately, the second young master was killed, or by the prince. Princess Langhuan became a widow not long after she got married, which is embarrassing Sigh.

Because of Ming concubine, Princess Langhuan can remarry. Everyone thinks that if she remarries, she will definitely not be able to marry a good family. At least her status must be much worse than that of Zhennan Wangfu. , and is still the eldest son.

The eldest son!

Although there is an eldest son in the Zhennan Prince's Mansion now, but if he has a broken leg, he will give up the position of the eldest son one day if he can't keep it.

The king of Zhennan can spend 10 taels to heal his son's legs. The most important thing he lacks is money.

In the whole of the capital, there will never be another person as lucky as Princess Langhuan.

With such a lucky princess, can the servants of the East Prince's Mansion be unhappy from ear to ear?

The eldest wife personally delivered the dowry gift, and Dong Wangfei came out to welcome her. When she saw the eldest wife, she had a slightly embarrassed smile on her face. The eldest wife smiled and said, "Congratulations to the Dongwang Palace."

The embarrassment on Dong Wangfei's face disappeared, but she was still a little reserved, and said, "Please come in."

Concubine Ming stood aside, watching Concubine Dong's expression in her eyes, and raised her brows slightly. The eldest lady is so attentive, she thought that Princess Dong gave the 4 taels promised to the eldest wife to the eldest wife for the sake of Princess Langhuan. It seems that there is not. If it is really given, Dong Wangfei will not be so embarrassed.

It's really embarrassing for the eldest wife, who was swayed by someone and lost 4 taels, but she can let the past go and give her a gift as if nothing happened.

But the more she thinks about it, the more unhappy Ming Concubine feels in her heart. She and the eldest wife do not interfere with each other, and people target her everywhere. Princess Langhuan teases her, and she even gets close to her. How tall is she? Unlikable?
Or is it necessary to plot them everywhere in order to please them?

The eldest wife and Princess Dong walked forward talking and laughing, while concubine Ming walked behind, admiring the beautiful scenery of the East Prince's Mansion all the way.

Although I don't like the people of Dongwang Mansion, I have to say that the scenery of Dongwang Mansion is pretty good, with pavilions, terraces and pavilions in a well-arranged arrangement, every step and every scene, it is dizzying for people to see.

Walking to the second gate, Ming concubine saw a woman approaching. It was the princess concubine of the Eastern Prince who had passed through the gate not long ago, Miss Jiang San of Beidinghoufu.

There was no smile on her face, and when she came closer, her expression softened a little, and she greeted the eldest wife.

The eldest wife praised Dong Wang Shizi and envied Dong Wang's good fortune.

The princess of the East Prince had a shy face after being praised, and when she turned her back, the smile on her face as delicate as a peach blossom was wiped out, her eyes were cold, and an embroidered handkerchief in her hand was being torn fiercely, as if she wanted to tear someone into pieces.

Concubine Dong greeted the eldest wife, while Concubine Dong and Shi Zifei talked with Concubine Ming. Originally, Concubine Ming was her savior. She looked at Concubine Ming and said in a trembling voice, "That day, at the lantern festival, was it also Langhuan County? The Lord plotted against me?"

One word, endless sadness and pain.

There was sympathy in Ming's eyes, and she said, "Since you know, why ask me."

The teardrops in the eyes of Princess Dongwang's eyes fell, and she looked up at the sky, as if the tears would flow back.

These days, she has been telling herself that she fell into the water and was pushed, and it was a coincidence that he threw the East Prince down. God would not treat her so harshly, but it was too a coincidence!

The East Palace didn't really ask her to marry her. What the East Palace wanted was not her as the eldest concubine, but just an amulet, an amulet to protect Princess Langhuan!
"You really shouldn't have saved me," she said, biting her lip, holding back her tears.

Ming concubine knew she was in pain and didn't know how to comfort her, so she just said, "It's better to live than to die. If you die, it's all over. Think about your big sister, at least your parents don't need white-haired people to send black-haired people, at least You still have a chance for revenge."

Mingyu's bottom line is her life. If someone wants her life, she will never be merciful. Even if she dies, she will take one or two backs.

A chance for revenge?
The concubine of the Eastern King gave a wry smile, "I'm a fish for a knife, so why talk about revenge?"

But she couldn't suppress this hatred!
The servant girl's eyes were red, and she said, "Consort Shi, Wangfei and Mrs. Chu have gone far away."

The Eastern Prince's concubine wiped away her tears, and smiled at Ming concubine that was uglier than crying, and the two walked forward.

Ming concubine looked at the talking and laughing Concubine Dong and the eldest wife in front of her, and then looked at the concubine Dong Wang who was full of hatred in her eyes. The Dong Wangfu married an amulet to protect Princess Langhuan. The sky has become a reminder.

After entering the room, the princess of the East Prince smiled and said, "The princess of Zhennan Prince is gentle, and Lang Huan is always worried that she will have a grudge with her, and she will hold a grudge. Now she is accompanying the eldest wife to send a gift, you and Lang Huan can rest assured gone."

The smiling concubine Dong Wang respects Dong Wang Concubine very much, and she also cares about the sister-in-law Princess Langhuan.

Listen carefully, the princess of the East Prince is mocking Princess Langhuan for treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. She doesn't count on others, and others will not target her.

Concubine Dong heard the implication, her eyes turned cold for a moment, then she smiled, "Concubine Shi Zi can let the past go, her generosity is admirable, Lang Huan and you will definitely get along well."

(End of this chapter)

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