Chapter 401 Scars
If it wasn't the young master, they would have to find a way to save him. If it was the young master, they couldn't just watch him die.

Xueyan shook her head at Xi'er, the concubine was worrying about this matter, but Xi'er was smart enough not to tell Madam rashly, if Madam knew that Young Master Shen might be Young Master Shen, she would definitely go to ask for proof. If it is true, and the concubine Shizi failed to save the eldest young master, it would be too cruel for the madam, it would be better not to know.

Ming concubine put aside the possibility that Shen Linfeng might be her elder brother, and focused on developing the antidote, but no matter how many times she tried, she always failed.

After tossing and turning all night, he was finally stunned by Chu Mochen.

When Ming concubine woke up, the bright sunlight shone into the room, dazzling people's eyes brightly.

After a hasty breakfast, Ming concubine pushed Chu Mochen to Changhui Courtyard to pay her respects. She was going out of the mansion soon, worried that she would be ordered to delay time like yesterday, so she took Chu Mochen with her. Can also help push it away.

However, there is nothing to do today, the old lady just reminded my concubine that the day after tomorrow is the Queen Mother's birthday, and there must be no mistakes in the birthday gift given to the Queen Mother.

Ming concubine assured that nothing was wrong, so the old lady waved her hand to let them back down.

After leaving the palace, he went straight to the courtyard of the Shen family.

The closer she was to the house where Young Master Shen lived, the more anxious Ming Concubine became. She was afraid that Young Master Shen was really her elder brother, that she would not be able to save him, and that she would watch him die from poison.

After entering the house, Ming concubine saw Young Master Shen, but in just one day, Young Master Shen lost a lot of weight, his face turned purple, and his breath was very weak, it can be said that he was only breathing with the antidote pills.

Ming concubine turned her back, Zhao Feng stepped forward to help Eldest Young Master Shen turn over, and in the astonishment of the servant, he took off Young Master Shen's pants to see if there was a birthmark on his buttocks...

Zhao Feng looked carefully twice, only to see faint scars, and no birthmarks.

Zhao Feng didn't speak for a long time, Mingyu felt a little lost, if it was really her elder brother, Zhao Feng wouldn't react like this, when Zhao Feng turned around and shook his head at Mingyu, Mingyu's last hope was extinguished.

The one who lost the most was not Ming concubine, but Xi'er.

She spent half a day in Dingbeihou's Mansion yesterday, just to find the Longevity Lock and confirm the identity of the eldest young master, but the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, causing the concubine to be happy in vain.

Fortunately, she refrained from telling Madam yesterday, otherwise she would not know how to explain to Madam.

Xi'er was downcast, and she had no face to see her concubine.

Knowing that Shen Linfeng is not her elder brother, Ming concubine is a little disappointed, but the poison still needs to be cured. She thought of more than a dozen ways to detoxify last night, and decided to give Shen Linfeng a try. She tried her best. Look at Shen Linfeng's luck.

Young Master Shen's attendant Chong Zhong was absent, when he came back, the servant went up to meet him with tears in his eyes.

Seeing Zhong Chong, he raised his heart and asked quickly, "What happened?"

The young man glanced at the room and said, "I feel sorry for the young master. The princess of Zhennan Wang has been torturing the young master for two hours, and I don't know how many holes have been pierced in the young master."

The servant wondered if Ming Concubine was really good at medicine. In his opinion, with such a lot of trouble, the living would almost die, not to mention that Young Master Shen had only one breath left.

Shen Zhong shook his head at the boy, not allowing him to talk nonsense.

The prince and concubine of Zhennan had too much time to spare, so she came to the Shen family's side courtyard to torment their young master, not to mention that the prince of Zhennan had a broken leg and was still with her all the time.

That day, if he hadn't met Zhennan Wang Shizi, he and the eldest young master would have died long ago. He believed that Zhennan Wang Shizi, even if she couldn't save the eldest young master, she would not harm him.

Shen Chong entered the house and saw that his young master's body was covered with needles, not only gold needles, but also silver needles, criss-crossing and shining in the sun.

The little maid beside him was burning... a big pot.

There was a wooden barrel on top of the pot, and it was steaming, and the whole room smelled of medicine, which was not pleasant.

"Shizifei, the water is boiling," Xi'er said.

Ming concubine nodded and said, "Remove the fire first."

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Feng helped Young Master Shen into the barrel, with only his head exposed, and Ming concubine added firewood herself.

The heavy heart trembled, and the method of treating the sickness of the Princess of Zhennan is too unique. Should he step forward to remind them not to cook their young master...

The young man stood aside and looked at it for a while, and said, "That's not enough. In the morning, when the concubine of Prince Zhennan came, I asked someone to take off the young master's pants and stare at his buttocks for a long time."

The boy thought about it for two full hours, but he didn't understand why he had to look at the young master's ass first when he was cured. He didn't dare to ask the concubine, so he asked the concubine's maid, but the maid gave him a hard look. Throw him three words, "Don't bother me."

He frowned heavily, "Are you sure you are looking at the young master's ass?"

Boy, "..."

He can still tell the difference between the buttocks and the face.

The servant didn't speak, and looked at him seriously, so he nodded reluctantly.

When Xi'er came out, he handed over a heavy gold ingot, and said, "I have something to ask Miss Xi'er."

Inside the room, Ming Concubine stared at Young Master Shen's face for a long time, lowered her eyes in disappointment, and failed again.

Half an hour has no effect, and another half hour of steaming still has no effect.

"Help him up," Mingyu sighed.

Zhao Feng complied.

Outside, Xi'er was swept in by a gust of wind, grabbed Ming Concubine's hand, and said ecstatically, "Concubine Shizi, this servant guessed right, he is really the young master!"

Ming concubine frowned, Xi'er said, "Young master doesn't have a birthmark on his buttocks, it's because the birthmark was cut off!"

Ming concubine raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Xi'er nodded, "It was Young Master Shen's personal servant who told this servant that Young Master Shen originally had a plum blossom birthmark on his ass."

Outside, Shen Shen walked in quickly, Ming concubine went up to meet her, and said, "Is what Xi'er said true?"

Nodding heavily, "It's true. Master and Madam told the young master two months ago that there was originally a birthmark on the scar on his buttocks, which was a plum blossom birthmark."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Chu Mochen watched his wife talking about the birthmark on another man's butt with others, his face was extremely stinky.

Xi'er was confused, "Why did you have to cut off the birthmark?"

Did they know how disappointed she and Shi Zifei were when they didn't see the birthmark just now!
The birthmark is on the buttocks, and it doesn't hinder the face. It's too much for someone who is full to insist on cutting him off.

Zhong Zhong told Ming concubine how the birthmark was removed.

The story started when the elder and wife of the Shen family in Liuzhou took the two-year-old young master Shen back to his natal family to visit relatives. On the way, there was heavy rain, and the carriage overturned. The little young master Shen was caught in the rain and fell ill. Died on the way.

Mrs. Shen lost her beloved son, so she neither ate nor drank along the way, wishing she could go with her son.

It was also a coincidence that when they were resting in a tea shed that day, a man and a child were also drinking tea there. It's heartbreaking, when seeing Mrs. Shen, the child reached out to her to hug her, with his mother still in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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