Chapter 508 Seriously
Chu Mochen held her waist for a long time without letting go.

Ever since they got married, the two have been inseparable. When they think about parting, and don't know how long they will be apart, they feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially Chu Mochen, thinking of a bunch of people who were thinking about Ming concubine, he ordered this plate of braised pork, and after serving it for several months, he didn't eat a single bite.

He was afraid that if he didn't eat, he would be taken away by others when he came back.

Neither of the two spoke, and just let the horse lead them forward.

After a while, Mingyu couldn't help but ask, "Where is this taking me?"

Chu Mochen looked around and said, "The nearest scenery is the long bridge, which is where the girl from the Su family fell into the water. The scenery is not bad."

After Su Man fell into the water, Chu Mochen said he would bring his concubine to play, but he never came.

Now that he is running here, and Chu Mochen is leaving, it is difficult for him to go out in the mansion, and it will be even more difficult if he is no longer, Ming concubine said, "Go and see."

Chu Mochen hugged her tightly, and ran over there as soon as he clamped the horse's belly.

A quarter of an hour later, I heard the sound of water flowing, and after walking for a while, I saw the long bridge, which was at least 30 meters long.

After Chu Mochen got off the horse, he hugged Concubine Ming down, and then tied the horse to a tree.

The scenery at the long bridge is beautiful, even the air is sweet, and the green hills in the distance are rolling and rolling.

The water was crystal clear, and the fish were swimming happily. Mingyu was a little hungry, so she rubbed her belly.

Chu Mochen turned around and asked Zhao Feng, "Have you brought any food?"

Zhao Feng shook his head, "No."

Ming concubine went to Mu's house temporarily, and there was no pastry in the carriage, Chu Mochen took Ming concubine and ran away, Zhao Feng drove the carriage and chased after him, forgetting about lunch.

Zhao Feng said, "This subordinate will go back to the city to buy food."

Ming concubine thought about it, "It will take at least half an hour to go back and forth. I think it's better to go to a nearby farm to buy some salt and other seasonings, catch fish from the water and grill them."

Xue Yan and Xi'er raised their hands in agreement with this proposal.

Chu Mochen also thought it was good, so Zhao Feng said, "Your subordinate will go now."

Zhao Feng went to a nearby farm, Zhao Cheng and others came to help catch fish, Xi'er and Xueyan cleaned it, and then lit a fire, eating grilled fish by the lake with the breeze is indescribable.

And not only the grilled fish, Zhao Feng also bought some vegetables, and the stewed chicken soup was brought over with jars and bowls.

When passing by, a caravan left, and Zhao Feng bought a jar of daughter red.

The dark guards caught pheasants from the mountain again, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water.

Ming concubine was exhausted, and walked up and down the long bridge with Chu Mochen.

At the end of the bridge, an old man came over carrying firewood, Xi'er and Xueyan avoided him.

Xi'er covered her mouth and smiled, "Is this old man just a matchmaker who turned his head around, let his cousin fall into the water, and was finally rescued by his cousin?"

Xueyan was also a little curious, but it turned out that although the old man was old, he had excellent ears, he heard everything Xi'er said, so he turned around with no burden.


The firewood carried by the burden swept Xi'er into the water.

old man,

snow geese,

The old man blushed, he hit someone last time, why did he hit someone again this time.

Xi'er thumped in the water and called for help, but Xueyan couldn't swim and was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

Over there, the dark guard tapped his toes and came to Xueyan's side, before Xueyan could speak, he jumped into the water to save Xi'er.

Ming Concubine and Chu Mochen came over, covered their mouths and smiled, "The old man was a matchmaker last time, so this is going to be a matchmaker again?"

As soon as Xi'er was hugged tightly by Zhao Lie, she heard Ming concubine's words, the paleness on her face was quickly replaced by a blush, and she coughed continuously.

Zhao Lie didn't know how to carry Xi'er ashore, the two of them were soaking in the water, Chu Mochen said, "It's very cool in the water, are you planning to get up?"

Only then did Zhao Lie carry Xi'er ashore, Xue Yan hurriedly helped Xi'er into the carriage and changed clothes, lest she catch cold.

The old man stood on the bridge and didn't leave. His old face was embarrassed and he didn't know where to put it. Ming concubine smiled and said, "Let's go, old man, the maid is fine."

The old man took courage, and Ming concubine asked with a smile, "Does the old man live near here? When they get married, I will come to thank you as a matchmaker."

Seeing that the old man was really not angry with him, he smiled and said, "The old man lives in the Zhuangzi not far ahead. The two children who just fell into the water look like husband and wife. They will definitely live a happy life together."

Ming concubine chuckled, "I would like to thank you, Old Jiyan, on their behalf."

The old man laughed loudly, picked up the firewood and continued to walk forward, walking like the wind, growing stronger and stronger.

Zhao Lie stood in the distance, the water dripping from his body, Zhao Feng walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "The imperial concubine has already spoken, wait to marry a daughter-in-law."

Zhao Lie had a black line on his face, "We are secret guards, how many of us have married wives?"

"You are one of those few," Zhao Feng said, "If you don't marry a wife, who will save so much money for?"

Zhao Lie thumped Zhao Feng's shoulder, "Don't make fun of me, you didn't save money."

Zhao Feng coughed and said, "I just don't have time to spend money."

"Do you want me to let Shi Zifei find you someone who spends money?" Zhao Lie said.

Over there, Mingyu and Chu Mochen came over, fearing that Zhao Lie would shout out, Zhao Feng covered his mouth and dragged him away.

A lot of water marks were left on the ground.

After playing by the lake for another quarter of an hour, Ming Yu and Chu Mochen were ready to go back.

Xueyan was by her side, and as for Xi'er, after being teased by concubine Ming, she stopped getting out of the carriage.

Ming concubine walked over and knocked on the carriageway, "Are you planning to hide in the carriage for the rest of your life without seeing me?"

Xi'er blushed so much that she could bleed, she just laughed at the cousin girl and uncle behind their backs, and put herself in it, how could it be like this.

Xueyan covered her mouth and smiled, "She is thin-skinned, if she sleeps in a carriage at night, I'll bring her a quilt."

Xi'er raised the car curtain, and gave Xueyan a hard look, but Zhao Lie collided with her gaze, and quickly put down the car curtain.

Ming Yuxiao's cheek hurts, Chu Mochen rode over and reached out to her.

Ming concubine stretched out his hand, he gently pulled it, and Ming concubine sat down in front of him.

The horse wagged its tail leisurely and walked forward.

The breeze is refreshing, and the white clouds are long.

On a spacious avenue, an ox cart was driving forward, and a scholar was pulling a haystack behind him, holding a book in his hand, reading it seriously.

Ming Yu and Chu Mochen followed a little behind, Ming Yu said, "I've never seen someone who works so hard."

"Autumn is just around the corner. If you miss this year, you will have to wait for three years. It is not too much to work hard," Chu Mochen said with a smile.

Ming Yu almost forgot about Qiu Wei, she smiled and said, "I don't know if this scholar can go to high school?"

After walking forward for a quarter of an hour, the ox cart stopped, and the man driving the cart said, "I'm here."

The scholar came down from the haystack and bowed to the man to thank him. The man smiled and said, "My ox cart haystack can pull a scholar with a bright face, so thank you."

After finishing speaking, he got on the bullock cart and walked on the path.

The scholar packed up the books, and Chu Mochen stopped in front of him on horseback, and made a couplet, "Feng Luo Wu Tong Wu Luo Feng."

The scholar thought about Cen for a while, and said, "Perfect combination of perfection and perfection."

Chu Mochen turned his head and told Zhao Feng, "Take him a ride."

The scholar smiled happily, Zhao Feng drove the carriage over, and the scholar sat on the shaft of the chariot.

(End of this chapter)

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