Chapter 526
It is not easy to check the shortcomings of the imperial examination, especially when the imperial examination is about to take place tomorrow. Now that the examinee's answer sheet has been tampered with, the imperial examination will definitely be postponed.

The emperor asked Mr. Deshun to pass on the decree, and the palace examination was postponed for three days.

That is to say, Mrs. Su only has three days to investigate the fraud in the imperial examination.

Mrs. Su said, "There are so many candidates, and they live in scattered places. Some of them failed the exam. They probably all set off to go home. I'm afraid it's not easy to check."

Three days is too short a time.

Ming concubine said casually, "Grandfather, are the test papers of those candidates still there?"

Mrs. Su thought for a while and said, "If there is a secret exchange of examination papers, if there is any trouble, it will be difficult to find the original, but the copied answer papers are all there."

Ming Yu's clean eyes smiled slightly, "As long as you have it, let those candidates come to claim the answer sheet. Once two people grab an answer sheet, this matter will naturally become a big deal. At that time, those candidates will ask to retake the exam, and then take the exam again." Just once."

Those who can be on the list have real talents and learning, it is not so easy to fail the list, and they are not afraid to take the test again. If those who cheated before fail the list, their names will be higher.

Mrs. Su's eyes showed appreciation, the emperor nodded and said, "It's a good idea, let's do it this way."

Mrs. Su took the order and prepared to resign.

A father-in-law came in from outside and said, "Your Majesty, it's not good, something happened."

The emperor frowned, and said, "What happened?"

The little eunuch didn't know either, so he just showed the emperor the letter box he had just received. This letter box was sent back urgently in six hundred miles, with blue lettering on it.

Generally, red means happiness and blue means worry, which means something bad.

Eunuch Deshun took the bamboo tube, removed the seal, pulled off the lid, and presented the letter inside to the emperor.

Because they wanted to know what happened, Old Master Su and Concubine Ming just looked at the Emperor without moving.

Seeing the emperor glanced at the letter twice, his brows were twisted into twists, Old Master Su couldn't help asking, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The emperor handed the letter to Mrs. Su, and Mrs. Su hurried forward to take it.

Ming concubine moved to the side and took a look, the letter was sent back from Dongling.

Emperor Dongling's birthday, Dajing Dynasty, Beiyue, and Western Qin all sent ministers to celebrate his birthday. The envoys sent by Dajing Dynasty found that Dongling's attitude towards Beiyue was particularly friendly, and it seemed that there was an alliance.

Dajing Dynasty, Xiqin, Dongling, and Beiyue were all about the same in national power.

Once Dongling made an alliance with the North Vietnam, it would be a big threat to the Dajing Dynasty. Two years ago, Dongling was in an alliance with the North Vietnam. The Dajing Dynasty was defeated, knocked out the Grand Master’s Duke of Zhenguo, and achieved Zhennan king.

Back then, the prince turned the tide not only because he used his soldiers like a god, but also because he actively persuaded Xiqin and Da Jingchao to join forces, while at the same time alienating Dongling and Beiyue. A war will end quickly.

In the past two years, Dongling and Beiyue have had good weather and weather. Once they join forces, it is hard to guarantee that they have the intention of encroaching on the big scene, so they have to guard against it.

That's why the envoy sent the letter back six hundred miles in a hurry, so that the emperor was on guard.

The emperor frowned tightly. Such a big matter should be discussed with the prince in the palace, but he was sent to investigate the tax bank case. The emperor issued an order, "The prince will return to Beijing, and then the prince Jing will enter the palace to discuss matters."

Mrs. Su is a civil servant, and he has nothing to do with the war, so he and Ming concubine retired.

Inside Zhaoyang Palace.

Concubine Sun Guifei was lying on the imperial concubine couch, and the palace maid knelt on the ground and beat her legs with a beauty hammer.

A father-in-law quickly walked in and said, "Your Majesty, Zhennan Wang Shifei and Mrs. Su have entered the palace, and they brought a wounded young man with them."

Concubine Sun Gui frowned, opened her eyes and asked, "What happened?"

The father-in-law shook his head, "I don't know, but the emperor ordered the palace examination to be postponed for three days."

Palace exam postponed?

How could the good palace exam be postponed? Thinking that Mrs. Su is the chief examiner of Qiuwei this time, is there something wrong with Qiuwei?
Concubine Sun felt a little uneasy in her heart. As long as she met Zhennan Prince's concubine, nothing good would happen. She was afraid, "Tell King Jin about this matter, be careful."

Let me explain that my concubine left the palace with Mrs. Su, then got into the carriage and went back to Zhennan Palace.

Back to Chen Xiangxuan, drank half a cup of tea, then went to the backyard.

Qing Xing was picking up the medicinal materials that fell on the ground, when Xi'er saw her and asked, "Why did you overturn the medicinal materials?"

Qing Xing looked at her and said, "I wanted to help you catch the pigeons, but the pigeons missed and knocked over the medicine basket..."

There are white doves on the roof, looking east and west, Xi'er gritted his teeth.

Ming concubine helped prepare the food. Pigeons loved it very much. Chen Xiangxuan could see seven or eight pigeons in the backyard every day, but he just couldn't catch them.

Xi'er stomped her feet angrily, Ming concubine saw it and said, "Stupid, don't you know how to add some drug to your food?"

Xi'er was stunned, "Is this okay?"

Ming concubine knocked her on the head, "Drugs can stun even people, let alone a little pigeon."

Xi'er shook her head again and again. She didn't suspect that the method that the concubine Shizi said would not work, but why the concubine Shizi's head was so easy to manipulate. She had hated these pigeons for several days, and tried her best to catch them, but failed. I didn't expect to use drugs.

Xi'er looked at the pigeons on the roof, hey, wait until I turn them into roast pigeons!

Ming concubine here is busy in the bamboo house, and the eldest wife over there went to visit the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, but was blocked outside the door and couldn't get in. The maid stuffed 100 taels in, but the jailer didn't agree.

Prince Jing said, let the two servants of the household department be killed, and their heads will all fall to the ground.

The eldest wife's servant girl said, "The servant of the household department is the elder brother of my eldest wife's natal sister-in-law. It is impossible for my eldest wife to kill the servant!"

The jailer also knew it was unlikely, but what if?
Who knows if someone has poisoned the eldest wife's food, they can't afford to gamble.

Although the money is good, but his life is gone, no amount of money is useless, the eldest lady stomped her feet back to the palace angrily.

Prince Jin's Mansion, Study Room.

A gray pigeon landed on the window. Jin Wang caught the carrier pigeon, took out the letter from the bamboo tube around its ankle, and threw the pigeon into the air.

King Jin opened the letter and glanced at it, his eyes were full of coldness.

"If you can't manage your son well, how can you make a big deal?!" Prince Jin angrily threw the letter in his hand on the ground.

Princess Jin stepped forward and asked, "My lord, what happened?"

King Jin took a deep breath, did not return to Princess Jin, and only ordered, "Send the letter to him."

The man behind King Jin stepped forward and picked up the letter thrown on the ground. He knew who the prince was referring to.

The man walked forward, and Concubine Sun Guifei came behind him. King Jin's already cold face became even more somber. Princess Jin was so angry that the prince and concubine of Zhennan wanted to get involved no matter how big or small it was. kick? !

She was born with a lot of life, so she will lose her life no matter what, and now it is even more crowded when traveling, no matter how difficult it is to find a chance to make a move.

Thinking of her son's death and her daughter's grievances, Princess Jin wanted to cut Ming concubine into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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