Chapter 532
Because the carrier pigeon was stunned by Xi'er, Ming concubine found out that the elder was going to kill the prince and Chu Mofeng, so Ming concubine was very uncertain whether the letter could be delivered to the assassin as she wished.

Seeing the carrier pigeon fly away, all she can do is tell herself that she has worked hard and she has no regrets.

She stared at the sky for a while, wishing she could grow a pair of wings and fly away from Kyoto with the pigeon.

Haitang walked over quickly and said, "Princess Shizi, Wangfei wants you to go to Hengwu Courtyard."

Ming concubine forgot about it. When she returned to the mansion, she should go to report to the princess first.

She stepped down the steps, out of the backyard, out of Chen Xiangxuan, and went directly to Hengwu Courtyard.

Inside the house, the princess was looking at the account books, and Xiao Langhuan was by her side.

Seeing Ming concubine coming, Xiao Langhuan's eyes flickered slightly, and the cold light in the bottom of her eyes flickered away.

She came in time, and when the princess was looking at the account books, she wanted to help her. The princess couldn't refuse her, so she sent her servant girl to call the concubine. Does this mean that she wants to hand over the palace to the concubine? !

The concubine said she went back to Su's house to look for books, but she never went to Su's house at all!
Seeing Ming concubine approaching, Xiao Langhuan got up and said, "The fourth younger siblings went to the Su family to pick out any books, and you can lend them to me later."

"I didn't go to Su's house," Ming concubine said truthfully.

It's impossible not to tell the truth, just ask casually and you will know that she didn't go to the Su's house, and the cover-up will make people suspicious.

Xiao Langhuan raised her eyebrows lightly, and said, "Didn't you say to go to Su's house to pick books?"

"Changed my mind at the moment and won't go," Ming concubine said perfunctorily, and then greeted the concubine with blessings, "I just returned to the mansion and didn't come to greet concubine mother first, did concubine mother come to find concubine Ming?"

The concubine smiled faintly. Although she didn't know what Ming concubine had done, it was definitely not a bad thing. She said, "Mother concubine asked you to help me read the account books."

Ming concubine frowned, her current status is very embarrassing, the princess is not the concubine, the princess is not the princess, how can I get in touch with the accounts of the Zhennan Palace?

But seeing Xiao Langhuan's presence, Ming concubine could guess to a certain extent that there were people rushing to do the things she didn't like to do.

Ming concubine sat next to the concubine, and the concubine taught her how to manage accounts. Xiao Langhuan listened to her, but the more she listened, the more angry she became.

Firstly, the concubine is more inclined towards Ming concubine, and always asks her if she understands, and secondly, Ming concubine is smarter than her, so she can understand everything.

Xiao Langhuan held back her evil fire. If she hadn't done too many wrong things before, she would really complain that the princess was partial and unfair to her.

She endured.

Outside the house, a little maid wearing a light blue dress came in, holding a red invitation card with gold inscription in her hand, and said, "Princess, the Yongguo Palace sent someone to send the invitation card."

The servant girl sent the invitation, and the princess reached out to take it, and opened it for a look.

A faint smile flashed across her gentle face, and she said, "Yongwang's Mansion is going to hold a full moon wine, please invite me to have a drink."

The concubine didn't say anything, Ming concubine had forgotten about it, she said, "Why do you only have the full moon wine now?"

The concubine showed the invitation to the concubine Ming, and wrote the reason on it. Princess Qixia almost died after giving birth, and lost too much blood and hurt her vitality. The Yongguo Palace felt sorry for her, so they moved the full moon wine back for a few days, and waited for Qixia. The princess can only do it when she can get out of bed.

The meaning of the left and right full moon wine is to invite everyone to come to the mansion to have fun, no matter what day it is.

The invitation was passed around in Ming Concubine's hands, and then it was in Xiao Langhuan's hands, she said, "The Princess Concubine saved the mother and son of Princess Qixia, why didn't I leave a separate post for you?"

According to common sense, not only do you need to post a post, but you also need someone with enough weight to send it. I don't know what the Yongguo government is doing.

Concubine Ming didn't speak, Xiao Langhuan guessed, "It's not because the Yongguo Palace is afraid to invite you, and it will disrupt the full moon banquet then?"

Ming concubine frowned, her face was a bit ugly, Xi'er was standing behind her, very angry, she really couldn't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth, she thought everyone was like her.

Ming concubine smiled coldly, "Third sister-in-law thinks too much of the Yongguo mansion too much."

Xiao Langhuan's face changed, and the princess smoothed things over, "I have known the Yongguo Palace for many years, and the Yongguo Palace is definitely not that kind of person. If you don't invite my concubine to go, there must be a deep meaning of the Yongguo Palace, and it should be because you are afraid of accidents."

Ming concubine nodded and smiled at the princess, "It's what the concubine mother said, since the Yongguo palace has considered so much, I can't ignore the kindness of the Yongguo palace."

Although the words were said by the princess and not from the Yongguo Mansion, Ming concubine felt that what the princess said was right.

Back then, she went to Duke Yongguo's mansion to rescue Princess Qixia, but Prince Jing came to invite her to go, and Duke Yongguo's mansion didn't give her face, so he had to give face to Prince Jing. Prince Jing's mansion has come to thank her, and her gratitude is beyond words, how can she, Xiao Langhuan, be able to sow discord with a few words?

The princess patted Ming concubine's hand and continued to teach them how to read the account books.

Half an hour later, the concubine was tired, so she closed the account books, Ming concubine and Xiao Langhuan retired happily.

After leaving the Hengwu courtyard, Ming concubine quickened her pace a little, and the words of not wanting to talk to Xiao Langhuan were almost engraved on her face.

Deliberately avoiding the taboo made Xiao Langhuan's face gloomy, and said, "Are the fourth siblings planning to avoid me like this for the rest of their lives?"

Ming concubine's footsteps stopped, she hadn't turned around, and even harsher words came, Xiao Langhuan's maid said, "When the princess finds another good son-in-law and gets married from the Zhennan Palace, it will be difficult to see you again in the future."

Ming concubine glanced at the servant girl, her eyes fell on Xiao Langhuan and said, "It seems that the third sister-in-law can't wait for me to get married."

Xiao Langhuan looked at her and said, "Didn't the four younger siblings marry into the palace to celebrate the joy?"

Ming concubine laughed in her heart, "I'm not married yet, but you married first. You don't accept my love, but you target me everywhere. I don't want to be your enemy. Everyone open the skylight and speak honestly. I want to know the relationship between the long house and How did Chu Mofeng feel sorry for you?"

After suspecting that Chu Mofeng was not the eldest son's own flesh and blood, Ming concubine didn't want to let go of anything about the eldest son.

Chu Mofeng is an upright person and acts frankly, but he tolerates Xiao Langhuan again and again. There must be some unknown reason for this.

Ming concubine really wanted to dig out this secret, but Chu Mofeng was not in the palace, so Ming concubine could only start with Xiao Langhuan.

"Chu Mofeng?" Xiao Langhuan spit out three words, with a sneer in her eyes, "You are really kind when you shout."

The black line on Ming's forehead fell straight down, she was really speechless, calling her by her first name is still kind?
Then if her name was Mo Feng, wouldn't she go crazy?

It was obvious that Chu Mofeng didn't like her, and he pushed her towards Chu Mowei after drugging her. She hasn't given up on Chu Mofeng yet, and her love is too deep.

"The third young master has nothing to say to you. Could it be that you still miss the eldest young master?" Ming concubine said directly.

Her voice was neither loud nor soft, and Xiao Langhuan's face turned pale in fright, and her maid even looked around, fearing that her words would be heard by others, and Xiao Langhuan's reputation would be damaged.

The reaction of their master and servant was obvious, and a mocking smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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