Chapter 550 Believe
Inside the bamboo house, concubine Ming was very busy.

Outside, Haitang stepped on the steps to enter the bamboo house, panting slightly, "Princess Shizi, Wangfei wants you to meet her in Hengwu Courtyard."

Ming concubine frowned and did not speak, Xi'er said, "Wangfei has returned home?"

"As soon as I came back, I was in a hurry to find the imperial concubine after entering the second gate," Haitang was a little worried.

Ming concubine put down the medicine bag in her hand, the princess was out of the mansion to pray for blessings, and she was anxious to find her as soon as she got back to the mansion, there must be something wrong.

After arranging the hem of the skirt a little, Ming concubine took Xi'er to Hengwu Courtyard.

Inside the room, the concubine was drinking tea, and her complexion didn't look very good. Ming concubine went up to say hello and said, "Mother concubine, what happened?"

Mother Qu waved her hand, telling all the maids to leave except her.

Ming concubine's heart sank slightly, this is not a good thing, could it be that she didn't follow and was plotted against again?
Ming concubine only looked at Wangfei, Wangfei looked at her white face like porcelain, her eyes were as clear as a spring, and the haze that was pent up in her heart dissipated a bit, she said, "Today we go to Qingyun Temple."

The princess stopped after only a few words.

Ming concubine was slightly startled, something flashed through her mind quickly, she asked, "Did concubine mother meet my cousin in Qingyun temple?"


Mother Qu,
The concubine Wang and mother Qu looked at each other, how could the concubine guess that they met the cousin girl of Dingbei Hou's mansion in Qingyun temple?

The princess looked at Ming Concubine, the gloom in her heart dissipated without a trace because of Ming Concubine's words, she asked, "Do you know what she said in Qingyun Temple?"

Ming concubine nodded lightly, what can't be guessed?
Xie Wanhua adores Chu Mofeng, if she doesn't help her, she threatens her, if she wants to marry Chu Mofeng, she can only follow crooked ways, if she can't get through here, she surrenders to Xiao Langhuan, not to mention they have colluded before together.

As soon as the princess mentions Taoist temples, she can make a good guess.

Ming concubine said calmly, "My cousin must have identified Taoist Master Qingyun as a liar in front of my mother and concubine."

"The concubine Shi Zi knew it well, why didn't she stop her?" Mother Qu asked puzzled.

If you can't guess it, that's another matter, but since you have a clear mind, why give the cousin a chance? It's unreasonable.

Ming concubine smiled lightly and said, "I'm frank and frank about the Taoist priest's matter, why should I be threatened by others and help her?"

It was a coincidence that the princess was still at the Qingyun Temple, but now it seems that it was intentional.

Going to Qingyun temple to ask the Taoist priest for fortune-telling was facilitated by Lang Huan, because the Taoist priest was very accurate before, so the princess agreed without thinking too much, and Xie Wanhua, although the princess doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, she also knows that in the future When Xie and Chu Mochen went to relieve the plague, she went to the mansion several times to look for Xiao Langhuan.

It was clear that the two of them joined forces to play such a play for her, making her misunderstand that what the Taoist priest told her before was all ordered by Ming concubine, including the consummation of the house.

"Is the priest really a liar?" Wang Hao asked.

Ming concubine nodded, "The Taoist priest is indeed a liar. Before Ming concubine got married, the Taoist priest was invited into the mansion by my second aunt. The purpose was to send my second sister to Zhuangzi, but I broke it on the spot. Later, the third sister-in-law invited me A Taoist priest entered the mansion to exorcise evil spirits. I happened to be out of the mansion. I met him in front of the gate of the palace, and I recognized the Taoist priest at that time.

The Taoist priest also recognized me. He was afraid that I would expose him, so he deliberately said in front of the gate of the palace that I have great blessings, seek benevolence and get benevolence, and everything is suitable. It's not easy for me to expose him if he enters the mansion. "

After a pause, Ming concubine said more, "At that time, my husband and I didn't know how the girl from the Beidinghou Mansion died, but my maid went to the street and almost died at the hands of the third sister-in-law. Let the Taoist say that it is the Guanjinglou that is haunted, and the purpose is to help her scare the third sister-in-law out of her anger."

"The third sister-in-law and the servant girl didn't know about it. The Taoist priest had profound Taoism and believed in the Taoist priest's words. That's why I burned paper money by the lake at night. My husband and I followed the clues and found out the cause of the girl's death in Beidinghoufu."

The concubine didn't know anything about these inside information, and hearing it now, she just felt terrified.

Ming concubine continued, "The Daoist priest's fame is indeed related to me. The Taoist priest was later bought into the mansion and told the old lady that the young master can only live to be eight years old. I gave him the antipyretic medicine for the young master... .”

"Of course, the third sister-in-law asked a Taoist priest to enter the mansion and bought the Taoist priest to do those things. The Taoist left a confession, and it was in the husband's study. If the mother and concubine want to see it, I will ask the maid to fetch it," Ming concubine's voice was clear, like water hitting jade.

The concubine shook her head and said, "No need to read, the concubine believes what you said."

At this moment, there is still something that the princess does not understand. Xiao Langhuan invited Taoist priests to come into the mansion to cheat. She can count others, such as asking the eldest wife to copy Buddhist scriptures a thousand times, but because Ming concubine caught the Taoist priest, the Taoist dare not Help her figure out her concubine, so that she can live in peace.

Now that she knew the reason why the Daoist didn't help Ming Concubine, he even helped Ming Concubine to scare her, revealing the truth about the girl falling into the water in the Beiding Hou Mansion, she couldn't bear it, so she put on such a play for her.

She had already been demoted to the East Prince's Mansion, and her own title of princess was taken away. She was obedient and gentle in front of her, but she didn't expect that she would not give up.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. For Xiao Langhuan, the princess was once again disappointed, even more disappointed than before.

What disappointed the princess even more was still behind. Outside, the servant girl came in and said, "Princess, the old lady asked the concubine to go."

The concubine's eyes turned cold, "Is the third young mistress in Changhui courtyard?"

The servant girl nodded, "Not only the third young mistress, but also the eldest wife and the third wife."

The princess looked disappointed, "Go back and pass on my words, let the third young lady go to the Buddhist hall to kneel and reflect on herself until tomorrow morning."

The servant girl was startled when she heard the news.

Xi'er was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, she should just let her suffer the consequences, and the cousin girl, who eats inside out, bends her elbows outside, she still lives in the Dingbei Hou's mansion, and actually helps outsiders to plot against the princess, she must Tell Hou Ye and the old lady about this, and let her be punished severely.

Otherwise, it would be easy to bully her family's imperial concubine.

Seeing the little maid standing still, Xi'er urged, "Hurry up."

If you delay for a while, the third young mistress will kneel less for a while, this is very important!

The little maid came to her senses, turned around and ran outside.

Besides, in the courtyard of Changhui, Xiao Langhuan sat there, contentedly waiting for Ming concubine to come and let the old lady come forward to punish her severely. This time the princess is disappointed in her, the old lady punished her, the princess will not protect her .

But she didn't expect that when she came back, the princess would punish her to kneel in the Buddhist hall.

The eldest wife frowned, "Is it wrong, who did the princess ask to kneel in the Buddhist hall?"

"The maidservant did not make a mistake, the concubine just ordered the third young mistress to kneel in the Buddhist hall for punishment," the little maid said.

Xiao Langhuan's silver teeth were almost shattered, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The eldest wife said, "The princess is confused, the one who made the mistake is the crown prince, how can she punish Langhuan you?"

(End of this chapter)

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