Chapter 790
People who have just given birth should not be moved, especially Mrs. Qian, who was unable to conceive and had a caesarean section. She has suffered twice. If she stayed, she might not even survive tonight.

It's good to move back early, the pain of moving is nothing compared to the heartache of having a baby.

Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials was grateful, and hurriedly asked the maid to help pack the things. If you can't take away the big dowry, you won't take it away. You can take as much as you have with the house deed and land deed.

Because Ming concubine said that he would not divorce his wife, young master Qian would be in danger of life, the minister of the Ministry of Industry and his wife didn't say a word to persuade her to stay, it's only three years of divorce, once the three years are over, it's all right to take over.

The servant girl took out the house deed and land deed and showed it to Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and almost pissed her off, "Why is there only one Zhuangzi and two shops left?!"

Zhuangzi was given by her, these two shops are not good, they are far worse than what she bought for her daughter back then, I don't know where the shop is in a corner.

The servant girl said sadly, "That's all that's left, the rest have been coaxed by the young master..."

The young master made a mistake and needed to pay for it. Afraid of being scolded by the master and his wife, he begged the young mistress.

For so many years, she has seen that the things given to the young master are meat buns and dogs, and they will never return, but the young mistress is still like this, and she is not allowed to tell the wife that she was interrupted by the young mistress several times.

Now the young mistress finally gave up on the young master, this family is black-hearted, they don't even care about their lives for money, God will have eyes, so they won't end well.

Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials was trembling with anger, and wanted to scold her daughter for being stupid, but seeing her drowsy appearance, her heart was pierced by a knife, so she was not willing to scold her.

Money is just something outside of the body, and it is a blessing to be able to live well, so why should she care about such things?
The servant girl brought the house deed and the land deed, as well as Mrs. Qian's jewelry. She didn't bring anything else, and the rest would come back later to pick it up.

What moved Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials the most was that Ming concubine was always thinking of her daughter, knowing that her daughter had no attachment to the Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of Industry, but the meat that fell from her stomach, she was determined not to part with the two children. Let them take them home.

As long as the two children are around, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials can completely serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials asked people to carry the soft sedan chair to the yard, moved the softest quilt inside, and waited for the things to be ready before asking the maid to help Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian. At that time, Mrs. Qian had already returned. There was a bloody disaster, but they didn't show up, and only let the servant girl send a letter of divorce.

The letter of divorce received by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, after reading it, is the son-in-law's handwriting is correct, and the letter of divorce is also a number, without any fraud.

He was really afraid that after three years, when the time came, the Ministry of Industry Minister's Mansion would come to pick up his daughter. With this letter of divorce, he would never want to enter the gate of the Ministry of Officials' Mansion!

The young servant carried a soft sedan chair out of the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Industry, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was holding his grandson, and the wife of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was leading the little granddaughter.

Sitting in the soft sedan chair, Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and took a look at the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Industry, tears welling in her eyes.

Her poor daughter had finally escaped from this man-eating cage, and the 8 taels were worth it.

Let me explain that my sister is really tired today, her waist is hard as a board, sitting in the carriage, her stomach is hard, this is not a good sign, she was so scared that she quickly took an anti-fetal medicine.

Ming concubine seldom takes anti-fetal drugs. Although she prepared it herself, it is three-point poisonous after all. It is better not to take it or not, but this is North Vietnam, and no one knows what will happen, so she always carries it with her. It wasn't just her who was carrying anti-fetal drugs, even Liu'er and the hidden guard were carrying them, just in case.

Seeing Ming concubine taking the medicine, Liu'er worried, "The concubine Shi Zi has already taken two pills, will it be all right?"

When giving birth to Young Mistress Qian, Concubine Ming stuffed one into her mouth, but Concubine Ming was superb in medicine, so Liu'er swirled around her mouth when she asked the imperial doctor to see her and swallowed it.

Ming concubine said, "No problem."

The body is hers, and she cherishes it more than anyone else, but it's about the lives of two people, no matter how tired she is, she has to carry it.

Fortunately, Young Mistress Qian's mother and child were safe, and she did not let her hard work live up to her. However, the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Industry is too hateful, it is almost impossible to kill with a knife.

After returning to the palace, Liu'er secretly told Wei Mingcheng that Ming concubine had taken two anti-fetal medicines. Wei Mingcheng knew that asking Ming concubine would not tell the truth, so he simply invited an imperial physician to take Ming concubine's pulse .

Ming concubine was so tired that she wanted to sleep, she said helplessly, "Brother, what are you doing, I am a doctor, there is no need to hire a doctor."

The imperial doctor also thinks so. Although doctors don't heal themselves, they actually know what's wrong with them. They are under a lot of pressure to let them come to treat the princess of Zhennan.

Wei Mingcheng said, "I don't trust you, let the imperial doctor feel the pulse."

Imperial Physician,

Are you worried about your own sister, or an outsider like him?

This kind of trust is really inexplicably stressful.

The imperial physician sat down and took Ming Concubine's pulse, and then said, "The concubine Shizi is a little bit gassy, ​​but she took the anti-fetal medicine in time, and the situation is fine, and she must not suffer from it again in the future."

Ming Concubine looked at Wei Mingcheng with an innocent face, "I'll just say it's nothing serious."

"Then you have to be careful," Wei Mingcheng said.

He doesn't stop Ming concubine from saving people, but he will definitely not agree to put himself in to save people.

He still has to go out of the palace to look at her less. God knows what she will do once he goes out.

The imperial physician didn't even write a prescription, so he left with the medicine box, but Wei Mingcheng didn't miss him for his diagnosis fee, and even paid him more.

Concubine Ming asked Liu'er to bring the brocade box, which was sent by Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Ming concubine opened the brocade box and looked at the contents. She picked five of them and entered the yard, and handed over the rest to Wei Mingcheng, "These big brothers should send someone to the official minister's mansion, just say congratulations to them." Added a congratulatory gift from my grandson."

Wei Mingcheng has always known about Ming concubine's kindness, so he did not dissuade him.

He found a secret guard to deliver.

Besides, Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials was talking with her daughter and advised her not to cry. The little maid outside came in with a food box and said, "Ma'am, the princess of Zhennan Wang Shizi sent someone to send a congratulatory gift, saying that it is congratulations for the addition of a baby to our house." Grandson."

Only those who congratulate their grandson, and this is the first time to congratulate their grandson.

Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials thought that what was brought was food, so she hurriedly asked the servant girl to deliver it.

As a result, when the food box was opened, it contained the brocade box she had sent.

Once the brocade box is opened, the contents inside are even more familiar.

Mrs. Minister of the Ministry of Officials had a sore nose, she held her daughter's hand and said, "Prince Zhennan's concubine really has a bodhisattva heart. She saved the lives of both your mother and your son, and only accepted one Wujin Zhuangzi."

The more moved, the more I hate the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Even 2 taels are reluctant to pay, the princess of the Zhennan Prince is not related to them, but she can be so generous, she is still pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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