Chapter 844 Detention
As a nephew is unkind, you can't blame him as an uncle who is unrighteous. He sent someone to fly a pigeon to pass the letter, turning his war against the Dajing Dynasty into a war against Dongling, and gave him an excuse to avenge his mother. If he was arrested and returned to Beijing, the emperor might be able to spare his life for the sake of his filial piety.

For the rest, he can't help much.


Fortunately, Mingyu and Wei Mingcheng responded in a timely manner, Rong Wang Shizi found General Zhao in time, and the pigeon was also very powerful, and flew to the border of General Zhao's confidant in time.

Those soldiers were far away at the border. Although they knew a little about the affairs of the capital, they didn't know that well. General Zhao devoted himself to King Liang's nephew, and died. The tiger charm in General Zhao's hand fell into the hands of King Liang. No one suspected it was stolen.

Although King Liang has only one daughter under his knees and is married to Prince Rong's son, how many people in the world sell their daughters for glory?
The Queen was abolished by Prince Rong and Prince Concubine Zhennan together, and King Liang almost died in their hands. It was a good idea to get rid of the bottom line by detoxifying and fleeing to the border to raise troops.

These people are looking forward to General Zhao, and General Zhao is desperate to support King Liang, so they should follow.

No, gather all the soldiers and horses, and we are about to attack the Dajing Dynasty.

That morning, just half a cup of tea before they set off, a snow-white pigeon flew to the barracks. Seeing the contents of the letter, the generals almost died of fright.

The tiger talisman in King Liang's hand was stolen!

General Zhao refused to let them attack the Dajing Dynasty, and asked them to imprison King Liang so that he would not escape.

This was so unexpected to them that they had to suspect that the letter was fake, but no matter how they looked at it, the letter was written by General Zhao himself, and the letter paper was only used by General Zhao to send secret letters. None of the pigeons had the slightest flaw.

Some of the feathers on the carrier pigeon that General Zhao sent the secret letter to would be dyed a little bit, and most people would not check it, only his confidantes knew.

Those generals didn't know what to do with the letter. On one side was the tiger talisman, and on the other was General Zhao's secret letter. The tiger talisman could command the three armies.

How important is the tiger talisman, and it can be stolen by King Liang?

Several generals were walking around in the large tent in the army, not knowing what to do. Seeing that they had not sent troops for a long time, King Liang couldn't hold back any longer, so he came over to urge them, "Shouldn't you send troops quickly?!"

A general said, "The King of Liang doesn't know something. General Zhao has established a rule in the army. Before sending troops, he must calculate good and bad luck. Just now, he made a calculation. It is a sign of great misfortune. If you send troops rashly, you may suffer countless casualties.... "

Liang Wang's face was gloomy, "When you send troops, you send troops. Where are there so many rules? Why didn't I know that General Zhao is such a timid and fearful person, and he chooses good days and auspicious days when he fights?!"

Although it was a lie to say that, General Zhao has always been kind to his soldiers, he cherishes their lives, and will never take their lives seriously, unlike King Liang, who repeatedly urged them to attack Dajing North Korea, he couldn't even wait for a detailed battle plan, he clearly had a ghost in his heart.

The generals were hesitant before, but when they made eye contact, they agreed.

One of the major generals waved his hand, and a few officers and soldiers came in and detained King Liang. King Liang's face turned black, "You guys are so brave?!"

Several generals said, "Forgive me, King Liang. Just now General Zhao Feige sent a letter to the border, saying that the tiger talisman was stolen. Let us be careful. We don't know how the king of Liang got the tiger talisman. You only brought a few entourages to the border. , is too suspicious."

"Forgive us for not being able to obey your orders and attack the Dajing Dynasty."

After finishing speaking, he said, "Help King Liang down and lock him up."

After all, King Liang has a noble status, so he was locked up just because of a letter from General Zhao, and he was really confused.

But there is a saying that the law does not blame the crowd, seven or eight of their generals joined forces to lock up King Liang, even if the emperor knew about it and wanted to punish them, he still couldn't cut off their heads.

Then, they locked King Liang in an iron cage. Eight locks were put on, one of them was handed, and one was missing. Even King Liang couldn't get out of the iron cage.

Poor King Liang traveled thousands of miles and arrived at the border day and night, but ended up being a prisoner, not as good as staying in Prince Liang's mansion.

King Liang wished he could kill those generals alive.

They closed King Liang first, and then attacked Dongling after a day. Since they believed in Feige's letter, it makes no sense to only believe half of it. Your Majesty even poisoned the Queen of Beiyue, he should have attacked Dongling long ago and vented his anger.

After discussing for a whole night, Dong Ling was caught off guard with lightning speed the next day.

Dongling was unprepared, the guards were loose, the city was captured, and the North Vietnam pursued the victory. By the time General Zhao arrived at the border, three cities had already been captured.

They also took the initiative, and when Dong Ling reacted, the city would be unable to attack for a long time.

Seeing General Zhao, the generals asked, "General, that pigeon...?"

General Zhao said, "I sent it."

Originally, such a big matter should not be entrusted to a pigeon, but he didn't know how long Liang Wang had been away from the capital. No matter how fast the horse ran, it could not be as fast as a pigeon with an unimpeded journey.

Knowing how urgent the situation was at that time, General Zhao broke into a cold sweat for himself, but if he hesitated a little, the consequences would be disastrous.

General Zhao looked at those generals and said, "You saved me Zhao and the Zhao family."

Those generals were also afraid, "Where are you generals, for so many years, we have been born and died, and we have already prospered and lost."

To save General Zhao is to save themselves.

General Zhao didn't say much. Brothers have been brothers for many years. Some things don't need to be said too clearly. That way, it will be good for you. It's enough to keep it in your heart. He went to see King Liang.

As soon as he entered the big tent, he saw Liang Wang's fierce and hateful eyes. General Zhao looked disappointed. His nephew was not only suspicious but also selfish. He really made him emperor. I'm afraid the people of North Vietnam would not have a good life.

King Liang clenched his fists tightly and said sarcastically, "I never thought that my uncle would join Prince Rong in the end. Do you think he will treat you sincerely?"

General Zhao smiled wryly, and said sadly, "If you can't even get the sincerity from your own nephew, how dare you expect much from Prince Rong?"

No expectations, no disappointment.

The tiger talisman was stolen, and King Liang was still his nephew. His son Rong Wang was relieved that he would leave the capital.

Furthermore, he gave up such a good opportunity to disrupt North Vietnam, and personally escorted King Liang back to the capital. Even if he holds the military power in his hands in the future, what reason does he have for rebellion when he has no children?

(End of this chapter)

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