Chapter 306

Three days after the news came out, the Queen already had the list and portraits of the primary election.

After last year's draft, many 12- and 15-year-old girls in Beijing said they would marry each other, so it is said that the condition is between [-] and [-] years old. In fact, most of them are [-] or [-] years old. A few are temporarily still due to various reasons. There are no relatives, the total number adds up to hundreds of people, which is really not too small.

This still left out the few families who had caused a storm of resignation in the past two days.

Compared with appearance and family background, in the eyes of the emperor and empress, character is the most important thing for a princess. How could they find the prince for such a Yue family who caused trouble before they even got married.

Those few families had a stalemate with their original in-laws, and the external reputation was much worse. If it weren't for the other people who were worried that their daughter might enter the palace, they might have drowned them by spitting out a long time ago.

After arriving at the families in the queen's hands, the queen conducted another round of screening, such as eliminating those families who were related to officials who often troubled Ji Wutian.

She doesn't want her future daughter-in-law's natal family and brother-in-law to have trouble dealing with each other. Isn't this trying to disturb their peaceful royal family?In case the crown prince is blown away by the pillow in the future, but his uncle is divorced, it will do all harm but no benefit.

There are also relatives within five households of the family who have caused criticism. Such incidents are generally not the lack of personal morality or scandals mentioned in the regulations, including but not limited to such as the usual harsh treatment of concubine children in the family; The mother died early, and the stepmother is in charge of the family; there are domineering relatives in the family, or marrying a daughter-in-law who can't control it may cause trouble... and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is a tutor, and there are factors of the growing environment. These situations may affect the daughter's disposition at home, or after becoming a princess in the future, the natal family will make troubles to take advantage of it.

In order to choose a daughter-in-law for her son and a daughter-in-law for herself, the queen was also worried.

In addition to her harem considerations, the emperor also needs to make some references according to the pattern of the previous dynasty. After checking both sides, some families can be eliminated.

In the end, there are only a dozen or so families that really need serious consideration, and more than half of them are scholarly families or aristocratic families that have passed on for hundreds of years and have not had any bad reviews.

Among the remaining half, Qi Jinxiang from the Qi family remained.

The main consideration is that Qi's family is Qi Susu's natal family after all, if they were eliminated from the beginning, some people in Beijing would inevitably think that they don't care about Princess Yu's thin face, and they don't value her.

On the other hand, Qi Jinxiang is quite well-known in Beijing, known for being silly, sweet and brainless.

People who are too smart, the emperor and the queen are afraid that they will be sent in to affect the prince, and they will plan to harm the children of the prince Liangdi Liangyuan in the future, but if they are just a little stupid, they are not afraid, just like what Aunt Chen, the second wife of the Qi family thought before, and It's easy to get along with people who are big-hearted and careless.

However, with such a natal family as the Qi family, the empress is still not very happy to really accept Qi Jinxiang.

Qi Susu can control the Qi family, so she doesn't have to worry about the Qi family's troubles, but Qi Jinxiang can't, because she has no brains, she is more likely to be persuaded by the Qi family to do some wrong things that she may not even realize.

They don't care about the saying that the Qi family's daughter is fighting for their stomachs, which is favored by the powerful circles in central Beijing. The royal family of the Great Yin has no worries about offspring. There is no need to bring in such a person, even if it is just as a prince. Liangdi or Prince Liangyuan.

After selecting a suitable family, the queen was very considerate and handed over the information directly to the prince, the person concerned, for review.

As parents, they can eliminate those who are not suitable based on various considerations, and how to choose the remaining suitable ones depends on whether the prince likes it or not. It doesn't have to be the way of getting married.

At that time, in order to stabilize the relatives of the Yue family, the prince will have to face the princess he does not like all day long, or he is unwilling to wrong him. At that time, the young couple will be in harmony, and they will live a lifetime without accidents. The Yue family may not be able to Sincerely helping the prince, why bother?

On Qi Jinxiang's side, the emperor and queen didn't specifically mention anything to the prince, they wanted to see what he was going to do.

As a result, the prince was the first to take out Qi Jinxiang's share and put it aside after reading the backgrounds of all the women to be selected.

This is equivalent to being eliminated directly from the rest of the list.

The queen was watching from the side, still a little curious, "Emperor, why are you the first to take out this one from the Qi family?"

The prince said righteously: "Isn't this Qi Jinxiang a concubine? How can she stand in the way of her son's concubine?"

The queen said: "Of course it is not qualified to be a concubine, but if it is a Liangyuan, it is okay, including other people. You can have a prince and concubine, two Liangdi, and six Liangyuan. Of course, the queen mother will not." I told you to collect them all in one go, but if you are interested again, you can take advantage of this time to choose together, and expand the backyard of the East Palace."

The prince shook his head, "My son is not interested in female sex, so we can choose a princess first. If the princess cannot bear children for my son within three to five years, then I will consider accepting Liangdi or Liangyuan." It's not too late."

After two years of getting married, in another three to five years, he will only be 20 years old, which is not too late at all.

The prince said again: "Besides, has the queen mother forgotten that Qi Jinya and the emperor's aunt had a bad relationship before, and still wanted to frame her? Later, she became more unpredictable, causing the father to be poisoned and the capital to be in turmoil. It stands to reason that the daughter of the Qi family From the very beginning, he was not eligible to be sent to run for any position in any East Palace backyard."

Even if Qi Jinxiang and Qi Jinya have completely different personalities, but the Qi family can raise a Qi Jinya, who knows if Qi Jinxiang will be gradually assimilated?At that time, do you want him to taste the pain his father suffered, so that his future princess will be frightened?
Let her fly as far as this potential scourge.

The queen smiled and said nothing.

Did she really not know this?of course not.

The list was all seen by the emperor in advance, and he nodded.

The stain left by Qi Jinya is indeed great, but who will make Prince Yu's House more face?So although the Qi family has declined a lot in Beijing, they still kept Qi Jinxiang for the sake of Ji Wutian and Qi Susu.

However, the final step depends on how the prince himself chooses. Since the prince is unwilling, of course they will not object. Naturally, Qi Jinxiang will be eliminated cleanly, and everyone is happy!

The Qi family: Where are you happy? ? ?
After picking and picking, the prince finally selected five people.

Three scholarly families, two fathers or grandparents held third-rank and fourth-rank official positions in Beijing. They are not particularly outstanding in all the candidate lists, but they are not bad.

After that, there is no rush to decide on someone right away.

He has to show these five people to his father, ask for his opinions, and see if there are any tricks in it that are inconvenient to write, and take a while to wait and see, or he can find time in private to get in touch with these five girls in person , to see how my temperament is, and if I can get along with him.

The information they asked the people below to collect, and the reviews about the daughters of these families were all rumors from the outside world, or they could be obtained on the surface. These may not have been deliberately spread by those families for the purpose of marrying their daughters in the future. No one knows how much water is in it.

Isn't there an old saying, knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts, especially in official families, it's not a problem just to be able to read and write, the family background gave them the confidence, but their character, is it a wolf in sheep's clothing? You have to check it yourself to know.

When Qi Susu came into the palace to talk to the queen, after hearing the queen's analysis, she couldn't help sighing, the emperor and the queen really loved the prince, and didn't regard the prince's marriage as a means to strengthen the court, and let him He is the master, and all other aspects have been considered for him.

Such parents are very rare among the people. More than [-]% of them only pay attention to "the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker". What do the parties think?That doesn't matter at all.

Speaking of which, at the very beginning, on the day when the news came out, someone from the palace called her to come over, and the queen wanted her to give her a reference. The prince is considered her nephew in terms of status, isn't he?

But Qi Susu thought about it and refused.

The choice of a crown princess is a matter of great importance, so she shouldn't just give her opinions. If she is really adopted by the queen and finally chooses a crown princess as she said, if something happens in the future, will she have to Responsible for this?But she can't bear it, and she doesn't want to take it.

So, she'd better wait for the prince to choose someone himself, and when they got married, she and Ji Wutian would choose a wedding gift carefully for the prince's eldest nephew.

The list of the five people finally selected has not been announced to the public. The only thing outsiders know is the dozen or so families that the emperor and empress have screened for the crown prince. The crown prince will eventually select the crown princess himself and have not told the outside world. Let them guess for themselves.

The Qi family didn't know that Qi Jinxiang was the first out of a dozen families to be eliminated, and they were full of anticipation, thinking that at least the position of Prince Liangyuan would not be able to escape.

Qi Xu, who has been quiet for a long time, is a little ready to go out for a walk, and show off by the way.

Qi Susu thought it was funny, but also looked forward to how wonderful the expressions of the Qi family would be when the matter was finalized and announced to the public.

But at present, she definitely can't wait for this day, because she and Ji Wutian have almost packed their bags and are ready to leave.

Originally, they came here to prevent accidents on the return journey, and let her have a good rest in the capital by the way. They didn't bring much luggage with them, so they could leave with just a big bag.

However, in the case of King Ping's rebellion before, Ji Wutian made meritorious deeds in escorting him. After the emperor dealt with the people who should be dealt with, he rewarded him for his meritorious deeds. For gold and silver jewelry, silk and satin and the like.

It is not the case to put these things in the palace where only a few people guard the capital. Although the people in the palace must not dare to touch the things given by the emperor, it is a pity that the silk and satin are left in dust. It is better to take them back to make clothes. , so as not to waste.

With this cleanup, there are more than a dozen carts of things.

On their side, the emperor and queen, as well as Lu Beichen, Chen Jiyang, Fu Yunshi and other acquaintances all said goodbye in advance, and they were about to leave the next day. Unexpectedly, they received an unexpected message in the evening information.

——The country of Ali has changed!

(End of this chapter)

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