Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 405 This monster will eat me

Chapter 405 This monster will eat me

"Li Qi, get out of the way." Zhao Li took his sword and crawled towards the place where Li Qi was kneeling when Xia Jinmo was still in a daze.

"Zhao Li, save me, save me..." When Li Qi heard Zhao Li calling her, she knelt on the ground and backed away, but now she stood up and ran towards Zhao Li.

As soon as she ran, Xia Jinmo could see clearly that there was really something moving over there, no, it wasn't just a little bit, it was a large area, but it was blended into the flowers and plants, so it couldn't be seen, at this moment Li Qi Running, it also speeded up, so that it can be seen clearly.

"Li Qi, don't run." Xia Jinmo called out to her, and also called out a sword in her hand. When Zhao Li stabbed with the sword, she also stabbed there.

Hearing Xia Jinmo's cry, Li Qi stood still again, turned around strangely, saw the monster that had almost stuck to her body, and was completely dumbfounded with fright.

When the two swords pierced the thing at the same time, bright red blood spurted out and sprayed Li Qi's face.

"Ah..." Li Qi yelled when he came into close contact with the stench of blood, and passed out uselessly.

"Li Qi, do you want to make dessert for the monster?" Xia Jinmo tried to kick her, but she remained motionless like a dead pig.

"Liu Yang, take this dead pig away." Seeing Li Qi like this, Xia Jinmo was angry and anxious, so she had to call Liu Yang to pull her away.

"What kind of monster is this?" Liu Yang walked up to Xia Jinmo and Zhao Li, looked at the monster, and asked them with some fear.

That thing has a big snake head, a flat and wide body, and two thin short legs. It stands taller than two tall people. Under its head, there is a pair of lower legs roughly above ** It is shorter and thinner, something like the hand of a one or two-year-old child, and there is a tail not much shorter than the body behind it.

"Whatever it is, move Li Qi away first, or we can make lunch for it together." Zhao Li yelled at Liu Yang with all his strength.

At this moment, the place where the monster's chest was stabbed by them was still bleeding, but it seemed to be unafraid of pain, and wanted to lean on Li Qi's body, but Li Qi lay on the ground like a dead body without responding.

Xia Jinmo and Zhao Li had no choice but to use their swords to circulate their grudges, holding on to the monster's body, preventing it from bending down to approach Li Qi.

"Hey, I said, why are we so lucky, we can come across any good thing." Xia Jinmo pressed against the monster hard, complaining with a bit of a headache.

If the difficulty of the road is really set according to the ability of the team members, then there is Liu Yang and Li Qi in their pair.

"I don't know, it is said that the difficulty is set according to the team members, but our players are not all very good?" Zhao Li was also a little puzzled, gasping for breath, struggling to resist, but also complaining.

"Stop complaining, you two. We are still short of three materials. Hurry up and kill this monster and continue looking for materials, or the mission will not be completed." Liu Yang stood aside with Li Qi on his back, hearing the complaints of the two, And in turn urged them.

"It's easy for you to say, you can chop if you have the ability." Zhao Li waved his sword, took a moment, and shouted angrily at Liu Yang.

"Aren't I going to take care of Li Qi, or else I would have come to help." Liu Yang's grudge level is not high, but he is good at saving face. Hearing Zhao Li's words, he even found an excuse for himself.

"You will find reasons. I think you are similar to that ghost girl. You can brag as much as you are timid. You are a match made in heaven. I think you two should stop looking for material. Go home and pay homage to your wife and have a baby." It's gone." Zhao Li was more merciless when he spoke, and when he saw Liu Yang making excuses, he began to tease him.

"Who wants to get married to him? A worthless wretch from a poor family. Oh, I think you want to say that you and Xia Jinmo are both very powerful, so you are a good match, you..."

Li Qi, who had just woken up, listened to Zhao Li's words as soon as he woke up, turned his head and glanced at Liu Yang, his eyes were full of disgust, but then he fought back against Zhao Li, and pulled Xia Jinmo in.

"You guys are capable and talk nonsense, why don't you give me that sword to fight against the enemy. After the task is over, you guys can play however you want, get married or have a baby, it's up to you to choose, don't delay my business now .”

Xia Jinmo slammed the sword, with [-]% fighting spirit, knocked the monster staggeringly, and rolled it to the ground, then took the opportunity to turn around and criticize several people.

These few people are really enough, all of them are just talking, let her fight around the monster alone, if she is not still a little bit high, she would have been beaten out long ago.

"You guys are amazing, you fight, I'm going home to find my mother for dinner." Seeing that he was going to deal with this monster, Li Qi got up and walked outside.

"Look for your mother to eat, then you can feed it first, and then go back." Just when Li Qi got up, the monster also stood up, Xia Jinmo leaped in the air, and slammed on the monster's head With one kick, he kicked it enough, and fell down in front of Li Qi.

"Ah... ah..." Li Qi fell to the ground again, screaming, pressing the ground with his hands, and moving backwards with his hips supporting his body.

"What's the matter, take it back to have dinner with your mother?" Xia Jinmo held the sword, came to Li Qi, looked at her and said coldly.

"Xia Jinmo, you are crazy, this monster will eat me." Li Qi quickly got up from the ground when she saw her coming, and hid behind her.

This Li Qi is not very good at fighting, but his timing is quite good. Every time he jumps out in time, and then dodges the attack in time, but he can't make a move. Nothing but arrogance.

"With your little meat, it still feels like it's teeth are stuck." Xia Jinmo angrily pushed her away, then took a step back, readying her sword to fight.

That monster may be too big, it walks slower than a tortoise, and it takes a long time to get up, and it moves very slowly, but it's a pity that it can't stab other places except the stomach.

But before she and Zhao Li stabbed its belly with a sword, now its belly is well protected, and the sword is always inaccessible.

"Zhao Li, Liu Yang, you two hold the sword I will give you, one from the left rear and the other from the right rear to attack it, and I will be in charge of the front." Xia Jinmo threw Li Qi aside before trying to let Zhao Li and Liu Yang to contain it.

Li Qi was unreliable, Zhao Li and Liu Yang could help to some extent.

The three of them started at the same time, and with its slow speed, there should be a chance to find a gap to stab it in the abdomen. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will really be left here today.

 My dad's illness has worsened. I really don't know if he can get through this hurdle, and I don't know if I can persevere. To be honest, I need a lot of money now, so I'm really overwhelmed. ::>_<::
(End of this chapter)

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