Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 415 You Guess

Chapter 415 You Guess
Those deep and pitch-black pupils were emotionless at the moment. After hearing her question, the other party's pitch-black eyes rolled slightly, and said, "Are you awake?"

"Gu Pu?" Hearing the voice, Xia Jinmo was sure of the other party's identity. The magnetic voice was slightly different from Gu Feng's. Xia Jinmo had heard it many times, so she was very familiar with it.

Gu Pu's tone was calm, and he was not surprised that Xia Jinmo recognized him from his voice. He quietly raised his hand and took off his mask, releasing that handsome face.

"Running around here will kill you." Gu Pu put the mask on the bed, and reminded Xia Jinmo lukewarmly.

Xia Jinmo has never heard of Gu Pu talking like this. He has always been like a ruffian, and his speech is neither high nor low. They are all serious, and their faces are extremely calm, without any emotions.

"Are you Gu Pu, or..." Xia Jinmo was surprised for a moment, and then blurted out to question Gu Pu's identity. Gu Pu is not like this, and neither is the person who occupies him. It's just that Xia Jinmo is here Only then did she realize that she didn't know the original identity of the person who replaced Gu Pu.

"Who do you think I am?" Gu Pu suddenly returned to his original appearance, leaned over to her, and with that smug smile, Xia Jinmo was so frightened that she quickly leaned back, almost hitting the back of her head on the bed Luckily, Gu Pu put his hand under her head.

"Who are you?" Xia Jinmo rubbed against the bed and stepped back a little, looking at the delicate face in front of her, and asked angrily.

This person is much more annoying than Gu Feng. When I first saw Gu Feng, I was a bit like him. At that time, Xia Jinmo always wanted to tease him, but Gu Feng didn't care about her, and every time It was Gu Feng who suffered.

But the current Gu Pu, apart from that face and that disgusting smile, is still a calculating person, and his rank is much higher than Gu Feng, so she is the one who suffers every time, especially because he doesn't want her to .

"Who am I, don't you know?" Gu Pu deliberately didn't say anything, moved his head closer, and asked her back.

"Why did you arrest me?" Seeing that she couldn't ask Gu Pu anything, Xia Jinmo didn't bother to care who he was, so she directly asked him why she was arrested.

"I'm afraid you'll cause trouble by running around, so I'll let you calm down." Gu Pu sat upright, smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone.

"Thanks, I'm fine now."

Xia Jinmo raised her hand and pushed his close face away. Fortunately, after knowing him for so long, she also became immune to his annoying smile. She didn't even look at him, so she stood up and walked out.

"Do you know how to get out?" Gu Pu didn't chase after him, but just stood up and called out from behind.

Xia Jinmo acted as if she hadn't heard, she kept walking, and walked forward quickly, there was a door in front of her, she guessed that she could always get out through the door, even if she couldn't get out, she could always avoid this person's hateful face.

The door was only ajar, and she opened it with a light push, but the moment the door opened made Xia Jinmo stand still in surprise.

There is no blue sky and white clouds outside the door, nor is it the resplendent and resplendent rooms of the imperial palace as imagined, but a cliff with a bottomless abyss below the cliff, surrounded by white mist.

Xia Jinmo guessed that God of Fighting jumped from here, and his fighting spirit might not be able to sustain it and fall to the bottom of the cliff.

What the hell kind of place is this, how can it be so scary, isn't she in the Danli Palace, did Gu Pu take her outside?
If not, is there such a place in the Imperial Palace? Besides, she is very familiar with the Danli Imperial Palace. a place.

Besides, the place where she ran over was right in the middle of the palace, that is, on the left side of the Jinluan Hall. The prince, it should be said to be next to their eldest prince's palace. She and Gu Feng had come here many times before, and she had never seen such a place. .

"Ah..." Xia Jinmo was standing on the edge of the cliff, still in a stunned state of being surprised by what he saw when he opened the door just now, when someone pushed him from behind suddenly, Xia Jinmo slipped and almost fell into it. This is the bottomless abyss.

Although the other party quickly hugged her with both hands and did not let her fall, Jin Jiuying was still startled by this sudden behavior and yelled.

"It's just this little guts, and you still dare to run around." Gu Pu's voice rang out behind her with a naughty voice. While speaking, he put a hand into her waist, hugged her away from the cliff, and closed the door with one hand. closed.

"Let go of me." Xia Jinmo yelled at Gu Pu as soon as she entered the door.

"It's so fierce, but I saved you. If I let go just now, you will die." Gu Pu let go of Xia Jinmo, leaning his back against the door, looking at her with a mischievous smile, and folded his arms around his chest.

"If you don't push me, will I not be able to stand still?" Xia Jinmo's face was full of anger. She was frightened by Gu Pu just now, but her heart is still beating 'plop plop plop' right now.

"Do you know why Han Jian left suddenly?" Gu Pu suddenly put away his usual cynical smile, and asked Xia Jinmo seriously.

"I don't know." Xia Jinmo was still in the state of shock just now and hadn't recovered, so when she heard Gu Pu's question, she almost didn't think about it, so she answered reflexively.

It is true that Han Jian didn't tell her anything, even Gu Feng told her about leaving, how could she know why he left suddenly?
However, she can roughly guess that something important must have happened in God's Realm, and Han Jian must have to go back to deal with it personally. She guessed that this matter may still be very difficult, and it will be difficult for Han Jian to handle it himself.

She hoped that it was just difficult, not that she couldn't handle it. She believed that nothing would be difficult for Han Jian, but this could only be her self-comfort.

Gu Pu didn't speak for a long time, Xia Jinmo suddenly felt that this person was not just what he appeared on the surface, he might know a lot of things, but he didn't want to talk about it, and even used this cynical character to hide his true self.

"Are you from God's Domain?" Xia Jinmo took the initiative to ask him after a long time.

In fact, these words are superfluous, if it weren't for the people from there, they would not have the soul form to occupy the body of a living adult who is still at the level of a great fighter.

Gu Pu still didn't speak, but just resumed his normal smile. At this time, looking at his smile, Xia Jinmo couldn't tell it was cynical, but it made people feel a little mysterious.

"Guess." After a long time, Gu Pucai put his hands behind his back and approached Xia Jinmo with a smile. He looked like he was going to tell Xia Jinmo something, but he leaned over to her ear and said, ruthless Played a trick on her.

(End of this chapter)

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