Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 419 You only have him in your eyes

Chapter 419 You only have him in your eyes
It didn't take long for Li Qi's death to be widely circulated in the academy, and wherever he went, he could hear people talking about Li Qi's death, as if it was a spectacle.

Xia Jinmo didn't understand. There was no such thing as death in Nebula Continent, and she didn't pay much attention to it. Why could the death of one person in this academy cause such a big disturbance?

"Look, I had a quarrel with her."

"Really, did she kill it?"

"No way, does she have such a high level?"

"It's hard to say, maybe she is a master, what's the purpose of coming here."

Those people were discussing and discussing, and then they talked about her. Now it's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. What happened just now, was passed on by those people.

Xia Jinmo shook her head with black lines, didn't say much, and walked straight forward as if she had never heard what they said.

"Shut up, she's here."

I don't know who reminded me, and then those people quickly moved to both sides like a plague god.

It turned out that such preferential treatment could still be given to a murderer. Xia Jinmo looked to the left helplessly, and those people backed away one after another. She tried to look to the right again, but the result was the same.

This scene made Xia Jinmo a little dumbfounded, she shook her head helplessly, and ignored them.

This is not bad, so as not to get stuck in traffic, Xia Jinmo was thinking, if the Nebula Continent had a car, she wondered if she could go out today as smoothly as walking now.

Xia Jinmo went to the classroom and listened to the teacher's talk about the secrets of alchemy. She originally came to the classroom after class, but after listening for a while, she found that the students were more interested in watching her than listening to the class. I can't concentrate anymore.

In fact, these untold tricks, every cold sword has been taught to her, and it is more detailed than them. It is still a basic class. The reason why Xia Jinmo came to listen is to exercise her patience, but now those people are watching it. She felt uncomfortable all over, and became restless in her heart, so she didn't go to the second class, and ran to the garden outside the college for a stroll.

"what happened to you?"

Xia Jinmo had just found a rock in the garden to sit down when Gu Pu suddenly jumped out from behind her and talked to her with his cynical smile.

"Boring, why don't you want to hang around?" Xia Jinmo gave him an annoyed look, and replied lukewarmly.

"Does it not feel good to be wronged?" Gu Pu sat next to her and said with a smile.

This Gu Pu is also true, he is not afraid of other people's cold eyes at all, no matter what her tone is, he will not get angry or angry.

"What's none of your business?" Xia Jinmo turned half a circle, looked to the other side, and answered him with the same coldness.

She is in a bad mood now, she has no time to talk to him, and she is not in the mood to have fun with him.

"You are not afraid of the slanting shadow. You don't care what others say unless you really killed that woman?" Gu Pu didn't know whether to comfort her or test him. It was obviously to tell her not to care, and he added a sentence later. 'Unless...', the listener felt strange.

"I'm not sick, why kill such a stupid woman?" Xia Jinmo said coldly, casting a glance at Gu Pu.

"Since it's not you, what are you afraid of?" Gu Pu followed her words and asked deliberately as if he wanted to hear more from her.

"Who said I'm afraid, I just hate those gossips." Xia Jinmo said unhappily, and then whispered: "Those people are really, they started talking nonsense before they found out, as if they were detectives Same."

"What real charcoal, that woman was burned to death?" Gu Pu didn't understand, and looked at her with a confused face.

It's hard to see this cynical man like this, Xia Jinmo couldn't help laughing.

"Detective, it's not the charcoal of the charcoal fire, but the fast arrest." Xia Jinmo laughed so hard that she finally stopped laughing before explaining to him.

"Catch it quickly, what real charcoal and fake charcoal? Where did you learn such a strange name?" Turning his head to one side, he muttered softly.

"Is your palace okay?" Seeing that Gu Pu seemed to be a little unhappy, Xia Jinmo stopped smiling and asked him a question of concern.

"I have something to do, are you willing to help me?" Gu Pu is a cheap person, when he heard Xia Jinmo ask him a question with concern, he immediately leaned in front of her shamelessly.

"Go, go, you don't have anyone to help?" Xia Jinmo pushed him with her hands in disgust, and moved her body to the side.

"I don't need help from anyone, but I just want to give you a chance to wander around. It's fine if you don't know how to be interesting." Gu Pu returned to his ghostly look again, but his tone was really not right at this moment.

"Gu Feng these days..."

Seeing Gu Pu stand up and prepare to leave, Xia Jinmo suddenly thought that Gu Feng hadn't come to the academy for many days, so she asked him to ask about Gu Feng's situation, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Pu .

"You only have him in your eyes. If you care about him so much, go to the palace. You will know what he is doing when you go to the palace."

Gu Pu turned his head and said something to Xia Jinmo that he had never been angry with before, but he didn't care about Xia Jinmo's situation after he finished speaking. Monk Zhang Er, who was about to be spoken to by him, stood there staring at Xia Jinmo in a daze. There, go straight to the outside of the campus.

Xia Jinmo always felt that she had an evil star, as if wherever she went, the people there would change. In Yu Kingdom, Yu Zhao followed her for a while, and when she arrived at Yi Huizong, Yu Zhen, who was controlled by the magic stone, made a fuss. The city was full of wind and rain, and it was hard to come out from Yihuizong, and the journey was not peaceful.

As soon as I arrived at Dan Li, Gu Feng and Gu Pu, who had been with her all the way, seemed to have switched. Although Gu Feng was still his mischievous elf to outsiders, he had completely restrained his relationship with her. character, but Gu Pu is just the opposite.

Sometimes Xia Jinmo wondered if Gu Pu had really recovered, but the original Gu Pu was just not familiar with her, that's why he was so gentle, but now they are just familiar.

But the strange aura that emanated from him occasionally made it impossible for her to lie to herself.

But let's not talk about it, how did she offend him at this moment? He has never been angry with her, and his face was obviously angry just now. She didn't understand what she said wrong just now. As for making him angry , She just asked Gu Feng, and didn't even finish a sentence.

Could it be that Gu Feng had a quarrel with him, and the two brothers had an awkward relationship, so they didn't want to talk about him, could it be that Gu Feng discovered his secret?

"Xia Jinmo, Teacher Shen asked you to come over."

Xia Jinmo was still looking at the direction where Gu Pu disappeared, unable to figure it out. Suddenly, a classmate called her name, saying that Shen Rong was looking for her again.

(End of this chapter)

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