Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 462 What is your purpose

Chapter 462 What is your purpose

After a fierce battle, the college finally recovered its calm, but the students in the college didn't know what happened, and they never knew about the missing medicine.Where did the child go, just know that no one is missing now.

The college was calm, but Xia Jinmo was not at all well. That battle consumed all her fighting spirit, and she lost too much blood, and her soul was injured. She was unconscious for a while, and she might not wake up. .

What's worse, the divine core also took advantage of this time to come out to make trouble. When her spiritual consciousness was protecting her soul, the divine core completely lost control and began to unscrupulously collide with the seal left by the cold sword.

"Gu Feng, there is no way to go on like this. Have you reported to Han Jian?" Gu Pu looked at Xia Jinmo who was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed, and asked Gu Feng.

"I've been there, I guess he'll be back in the shortest possible time." Gu Feng poured a glass of water, held a spoon in one hand, brought it over, sat next to Gu Pu, and then replied to him.

"Brother, when did you raise your fighting spirit so much? Why didn't I hear you say it?" Gu Feng suddenly looked up at Gu Pu after feeding Xia Jinmo a sip of water.Changed the topic.

"Oh, didn't I not be able to practice before that, and then I looked for all kinds of medicinal materials to eat. I didn't expect that they gave me the right medicine, and then not only could I practice, but also the speed of cultivation increased very quickly."

Gu Pu paused for a moment, and found the most messed-up explanation, perfunctory Gu Feng.

"It seems I'm stupid. I didn't know there are such good medicinal materials." Gu Feng smiled slightly, and gave Xia Jinmo another sip of water. He didn't look at Gu Pu, but his words and tone were full of enthusiasm. I don't believe it.

"Hehe. I also happened to happen..." Gu Pu explained with a smile.

"Is there such a coincidence in the world, or if we also feed Xiaomo with herbs, maybe it will be ready for her." Gu Feng raised his head and said with a smile.

"You're trying to kill her. How can people eat this medicinal material casually?" Gu Pu objected immediately, and only after he finished speaking did he realize that he had slipped his tongue. When he lowered his head, he saw Gu Feng's eyes staring at him closely. with.

"At the beginning, Xiaomo told me that you were no longer my brother. To be honest, I didn't believe it at all. I saw your strange behavior several times until I returned to the palace, but I tried my best to convince myself that I didn't want to I believe you are no longer my brother, because..."

Gu Feng was at a loss for words.He raised his head and rubbed his eyes with his fingers, trying not to let his tears flow out.

In fact, he had already discovered Gu Pu's strangeness, but he was always unwilling to expose it, because he really couldn't bear to part with this brother.

Gu Pu loved him very much since he was a child, no matter what happened to him, he would think of him first, so he was really reluctant to lose this brother.

But after going through this battle, he finally understands that this person is not his elder brother after all, if something offends him, he will lose his temper with him, he will not be happy, and he will never accommodate him again.

This person is already just a person who uses his brother's body and bears his brother's name to pretend to be the eldest prince here.

"As long as you don't say it, I'm still your older brother, and you're still my most beloved younger brother." Gu Pu stood up, quietly walked aside, turned his back to Gu Feng, and said flatly.

"But you are no longer. I can deceive others, but I can't deceive my own heart." Gu Feng roared loudly.

"But I didn't hurt you." Gu Pu turned around and said in a harsh voice.After waiting for a while, he said again: "Xiaomo is still like this and needs someone to take care of her. You can't do it alone. Why don't we talk about this matter after Xiaomo gets better?"

Gu Pu's tone was full of discussion, but Gu Feng hesitated, lowered his head, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Xiaomo has no relatives now, and Yuzhao is unreliable. There are only our two brothers. You should bear it for her."

Gu Pu came over, put his hand on Gu Feng's shoulder, and said softly, is it because of Xia Jinmo's injury that he negotiated terms with Gu Feng?
"You are threatening me with Xiaomo." Gu Feng stood up and said coldly.

"Take it as a threat, but are you assured that others will take care of her?" Gu Pu asked Gu Feng with a hint of arc.

"But it's you that I'm more worried about now." Gu Feng yelled at Gu Pu in a sharp voice.

"Yes, I know you love her, but with the relationship between you and Han Jian, once you tell her, you will no longer be brothers, and Xiaomo will also alienate you, so you are afraid, afraid that I will reveal your secret." Gu Pu finally laughed out loud, but there was some complacency in his smile to catch someone else's handle.

"But are you sure that someone will believe you?" Gu Feng bowed his head in silence for a moment, finally calmed down, raised his head slightly, and asked in the same tone as Gu Pu.

"Are you sure that if you tell me who I am, someone will believe you?" Gu Pu just smiled and asked him back.

Gu Feng was speechless when he asked him a single sentence. He really didn't think about it. After all, Gu Pu's popularity in Shanli is still there. He also did a lot of things when he came back this time, and most of them were for the affairs of the local people.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her." Gu Pu walked to the bed, sat in front of Xia Jinmo, stretched out his hand and gently brushed away the hair on Xia Jinmo's forehead.

"Because you like her too." Gu Feng sat next to him, staring at Gu Pu.

"She's a cute little girl." Gu Pu smiled slightly, with love in his eyes. After speaking, he turned his head quietly, looked at Gu Feng, and said with a smile, "Of course, I won't hurt you either."

Gu Feng lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly. Now there is no evidence to expose him, and since he came back, he didn't seem to have done anything harmful.

Maybe that's the only way to go, otherwise what should I do, really reveal his false identity?It might not be possible to bring him to justice that way, or it would be self-defeating.

Now he doesn't even know who he is, if he is pushed into a hurry, it's hard to say that he will jump over the wall in a hurry and do something terrible.

Now that Xia Jinmo is in such a coma, she needs someone to take care of her.

"Who are you?" After being silent for a long time, Gu Feng asked Gu Pu in a low voice.

"It's your brother." Gu Pu replied with a smile. After finishing speaking, he fell silent for a while, then lightly patted his shoulder with his hand, and said, "Anyway, it's not bad for you to call me brother."

"What is your purpose for staying with us?" Gu Feng was a little angry again. Although he knew that if he asked him directly, he would definitely not give him an answer, he still asked about his intention.

(End of this chapter)

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