Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 466 There is no other good way

Chapter 466 There is no other good way
"You're trying to save her, and it's not true..." Gu Pu didn't say anything later. In fact, he didn't want to use this method either, but now he must save her first.

"But this is disrespectful to her." Gu Feng roared angrily.

"Xiaofeng, I don't want to either, but there is no safer way than this." Gu Pu tried hard to persuade Gu Feng.

"Why don't you use my previous method and take a risk. If it succeeds, Xiaomo will be saved. If it doesn't..." Gu Pu lowered his head. This method is very risky, and the success rate is less than half.

Even if he managed to lure those guards away, how long would it last? It's impossible for Xia Jinmo to just touch the water of the holy pool, at least it will take a day or two.

It's impossible for him to successfully lure those guards away for two days, unless Gu Fenggou's speed can quickly send Xia Jinmo to the holy pool when he lures those guards away, and then sink her into the pool before the guards come back end.

That is enough to soak for two days, but after two days, it is conceivable whether she will survive. How can a living person sink for two days at the bottom of the water, even if this is not ordinary water.

"Both of these methods will not work." Gu Feng replied with certainty.

He also thought about it just now, the method of asking Gu Pu to distract the guards will not work.

"Then it can only be the second way." Gu Pu said very seriously.

"This method doesn't work either." Gu Feng said impatiently with a sad face.

"Then what can you do? You have also seen Xiaomo's situation and it is too late for Han Jian to come back." Gu Pu also frowned, and his tone was irritated.

The two disagreed for a while, and after arguing for a long time, there was no result. Finally, Gu Feng's silence ended the topic. Both of them stopped talking, frowned, and stared at Xia Jinmo with sad faces, like two statues Same, sitting there, silent, and motionless in a daze.

"Gu Feng, Gu Feng, are you there? Han Jian is here." After Gu Feng and Gu Pu sat quietly like this for almost an afternoon, someone outside finally called them.

It wasn't until now that the two of them realized that in order to discuss countermeasures, Gu Pu closed the door for fear of being overheard, and the door is still tightly closed till now.

"Han Jian is back?" Gu Pu spoke first, a little excited, as if he was afraid that he had heard it wrong, and turned to look at Gu Feng, confirming to him.

Gu Feng was also very surprised. He thought he had auditory hallucinations, and he didn't realize it for a long time. He didn't realize it until he saw Gu Pu asking him, but he didn't answer Gu Pu, but immediately stood up excitedly and ran outside.

"Gu Feng, how is Xiao Mo?" As soon as the door opened, Han Jian squeezed in, his face was full of worry, he staggered Gu Feng who opened the door, and he didn't have time to answer him. In front of Jinmo's bed.

"Xiao Mo was injured when sealing the sea of ​​fire transformed by Yang Bingjian." After entering, Gu Fengcai explained the reason to Han Jian.

"How did you take care of her? When I left, I didn't tell you. Don't let her know?" Han Jian raised his head and yelled at Gu Feng coldly.

"It was a mistake. When Xiao Mo and Shen Rong were fighting, he damaged the seal of Yang Bingjian, so..." Gu Pu still stood by Gu Feng's side and explained for him and Han Jian.

Han Jian didn't speak anymore, but quickly stuffed Xia Jinmo with a pill, then helped her up, and began to infuse her with fighting spirit, hoping to strengthen the seal.

"The seal has been severely damaged by the collision, and Xiaomo's soul has been injured again. Maybe losing fighting spirit like this is no longer the solution." Gu Pu reminded beside Han Jian after finishing work.

"Then what should I do? Do you want me to watch Xiaomo being swallowed by the God's Core?" Han Jian had never been so irritable before, and it was the first time he had such a temper, and roared directly at Gu Pu.

"We thought about it, now we should let her soak in the holy pool first, repair the wounds of her soul, and stabilize the irritability of the divine core, maybe Xiaomo can take the opportunity to regain consciousness." Gu Pu suggested.

"Didn't you, Dan Li, say that the Holy Pond is your private property, that no one else is allowed to touch it, and you asked me to break in?" Han Jian sneered.

After waiting for a while, he said again: "But for Xiaomo's sake, maybe I have to give it a try."

"No, Han Jian, don't be impulsive." Gu Feng hurriedly persuaded Han Jian, and then added: "Of course tell your identity, no one in this continent dares to stop you, but you It's hard to convince people, but for you in the future..."

Gu Feng is for his long-term plan. After all, Nebula Continent is his country, his world, if it hurts people's hearts, it will have a great impact on his future rule.

"As long as Xiao Mo is safe, what is this human heart?" Han Jian looked at Xia Jinmo, his eyes full of distress, and said to Gu Feng with a sneer.

"If you do this, Xiaomo will blame herself when she wakes up." Gu Pu said a cold word at the side in a very untimely manner, and then said: "If there is another way, I just ask you to cooperate. are you willing?"

"What way?" Han Jian was only thinking of saving Xia Jinmo at the moment, as long as she could wake up safe and sound, he would be happy to ask him to do anything.

"Let Xiaomo have the identity of a member of the Danli royal family. Only in this way can the members of the Danli royal family accept it. Only in this way can he win the hearts of the people in the world, so as not to make trouble and cause chaos in the world."

Gu Pu spoke out the countermeasures he had discussed with Gu Feng before, and then stared at Han Jian closely, waiting for his answer.

"What do you want to do?" Han Jian also understood what he meant, but he didn't hear Gu Pu's explanation, so he was still unwilling to guess like this, and just asked him quietly.

"My meaning is very clear, you understand." Gu Pu buried his head down, unwilling to meet Han Jian's eyes, and did not express his thoughts clearly.

"Xiaofeng and I have thought of many ways, but this is the safest way. As long as you cooperate, basically no one will stop you." Gu Pu added with his head down.

"You think so too?" Han Jian turned to the silent Gu Feng and asked.

He believes that he is a thoughtful person, and he will definitely think twice before doing anything.

"There is no other good way now. I thought about using him to lure the guards away, and then we would take Xiaomo into the holy pool, but this method will not work. Once the guards find out that they have been fooled, not only brother and I will be implicated, but also Xiaomo will be implicated." You will be punished, so this method will not work at all, after overturning that, in the end, my brother and I have always believed that this method is the safest and most secure."

Gu Feng also lowered his head very low, almost only he could hear his voice, but he still echoed Gu Pu and expressed his thoughts.

"Then how exactly do you want to give her a Danli royal status?" Han Jian asked this topic again.

(End of this chapter)

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