Reborn Pretty Demon Concubine

Chapter 843 You Are Really Bold

Chapter 843 You Are Really Bold
Yuzhen didn't succeed, but Xia Jinmo had already taken out the magic stone, but now, the magic stone was full of Yuzhen's breath, Xia Jinmo didn't want to swallow it, so she just put it in the alchemy furnace.

Xia Jinmo lit up the alchemy furnace. She wanted to refine the breath of the original owner on the magic stone, as well as some of its bad breath, and then swallow it.

"Lin Mo, please help me pay attention to the alchemy room at home. I'm going to find Laver and the others." After Xia Jinmo finally arranged the house, she explained to Lin Mo and the others that she was going to find Laver and the others.

She was going to look for it before, but because of Yuzhen's matter, she was delayed. Now that Yuzhen's matter has finally come to an end, she has nothing to worry about, and can finally go to Zicai and the others with peace of mind.

"How about I go with you?" Lin Mo pulled Xia Jinmo and suggested to her.

"No, there are all wounded here now, only you and I are better off. If we all leave, who will protect them?" Xia Jinmo flatly refused.

Now Gu Feng has also become a half-crippled person, and Han Jian is injured again and has not recovered yet. If they all leave, this place may not be able to withstand a little trouble.

"But you are more dangerous, and there is your formation here, so it should be safe." Hearing Xia Jinmo say this, Lin Mo even gave his reason.

"I'm not worried about people outside." Xia Jinmo lowered her head, her voice became several times softer, and she said with a worried face.

"How?" Lin Mo looked at her suspiciously and asked back.

But when Lin Mo was speaking, he also paid special attention to his voice, and looked around at the same time. After making sure that there was no one around, he asked Xia Jinmo.

"I mean Yu Zhen." Xia Jinmo replied softly.

Although she promised Yuzhao and didn't kill her, Xia Jinmo didn't just feel relieved of her, especially Lin Mo's attitude at that time, let her know that things must not be that simple.

It is right to keep Lin Mo. Mo Jingshi is the nemesis of Huanshi, so no matter what you do with Huanshi, it is absolutely impossible to fight against Lin Mo. The only way is to control others and deal with him to hold him back. Lin Mo didn't know what to do, he would definitely knock them all out, only Han Jian was a little more difficult to deal with, but he couldn't be his opponent, so Xia Jinmo decided to keep him.

"But, you..." Lin Mo was still uneasy, frowning, looking at Xia Jinmo, his face was full of worry and worry.

"I'll be fine. For everyone's concern for me, I will definitely come back." Xia Jinmo replied with her head lowered.

"But I can't take the magic stone with me now, or I can leave it at home, it might be much safer." Xia Jinmo lowered her head and sighed after giving instructions.

"It's okay, I will pay attention to it every day." Although Xia Jinmo was very worried, she knew that she must not carry the magic stone, because it would cause her more troubles, and maybe even put her life in danger , so it's better to promise her that Huanshi will be carefully protected, so that she can go out with peace of mind.

Under Lin Mo's promise, Xia Jinmo set off now, officially embarking on a journey to find Laver and the others.

In fact, Xia Jinmo didn't look around aimlessly. Mingyang has an old address in Shenyu, and she will definitely go back to live in her home when she comes back.

Both Zicai and Linghao are not fun-loving people, and they don't know how to run around, so they will go straight to Mingyang's old address if they find out. If there is no one in her place, maybe there is no need to look for it at all.

"who are you?"

When Xia Jinmo arrived at Mingyang's gate, she was stopped by a few disciples guarding the gate. These two looked very arrogant and looked down on Xia Jinmo at all. , are full of disdain.

"I'm here to look for my friend. Have these two people been here before, to see Senior Mingyang?" Xia Jinmo asked those people after finding out the portraits of Laver and Linghao.

In order not to have a bad influence on others, Xia Jinmo didn't say that she knew Mingyang and wanted to find her or something, but only asked about Laver and the others.

"They're not here anymore." Those people took a look and recognized Zi Cai and Ling Hao. It seemed that these two people really came here.

But listening to them, what does it mean that they are no longer here? If they are no longer here, did they go home or where did they go?
"Where did they go?" After thinking about it, Xia Jinmo decided to ask them where they were going directly, because in this way, people would not doubt her intention of coming here.

"They left." A very smart reply in the midterm was the most direct and simple nonsense.

"This idiot knows all about it." Xia Jinmo replied with a sneer.

Such a simple truth, anyone can think of, not here, of course, is to leave.

"Master said, if you come here, go to the palace to find her." When Xia Jinmo sneered, one of the few people suddenly replied,
"Your master knew I would come, or did you make a mistake?" Xia Jinmo was about to turn around and leave, but when she heard that person say that, she immediately turned around and asked him back.

In fact, Mingyang would know that she was coming, so there was nothing strange about it. After all, Laver and the others were gone, so she would definitely be worried and would look for them.

She was not surprised that Mingyang would say that, because if Mingyang caught Laver and the others and asked her to go to the palace, he would definitely take them to the palace.

But what she didn't quite understand was why she did that. Ming Yang and Ling Xiaoqing had always been hostile, so why did they suddenly arrest her to Ling Xiaoqing?
"There's no mistake." The man nodded with certainty, and like Xia Jinmo, he also took out a portrait.

And this portrait was Xia Jinmo, obviously it was given to them by Ling Xiaoqing, just because they were afraid that they would not recognize her when she came over.

"Okay, I see." Xia Jinmo nodded, without saying anything, grabbed the portrait, and quickly ran to the palace.

If Laver and the others are trapped in the palace, then there must be danger again. Ling Xiaoqing is collecting magic cores. Laver and Linghao are rare monsters that can be caught in the Nebula Continent now, so let her catch him. Most likely won't let them go easily.

While thinking about it in her heart, she ran towards the palace quickly, and when she reached the gate of the palace, Xia Jinmo had repaired many places during the time she saw the palace.

It seems that Ling Xiaoqing and Han Hao should not be injured as badly as imagined, and their condition can be seen from the construction of the palace.

"You are really bold, and you came here alone like this. Do you think you are still protected by the God's Core?"

Seeing Xia Jinmo, Ling Xiaoqing was quite surprised, but soon regained her composure, and still taunted her.

(End of this chapter)

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