Chapter 122 bluff
"Pfft!" Nian Hao couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yu, who was in the audience, couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw the scene on the stage. He tilted his head and looked at the foreign old man, and saw a sense of relief in each other's eyes.

"Hmph, let me just say, it's just a bluff." The foreign old man knocked on the table twice with his fingers unhurriedly, and said softly calmly.

How could it be useless?
Xiao Fan looked at the silver needles on the patient's body that he had inserted one by one, and tried his best to recall carefully in his brain. He checked the position and strength of each silver needle, and there was nothing wrong with it.It was painted by the gourd painting ladle, but he imitated the old man and flicked the first silver needle on the top of his head, why didn't he respond?

Logically speaking, there should be ghost-faced worms flying out of the patient's head.

"Could it be that the sequence is wrong?" Shu Yue's voice sounded in Xiao Fan's mind, and she also felt anxious for Xiao Fan when she saw that the silver needle didn't work.

Xiao Fan frowned and shook his head in silence for a while, then replied in his heart: "No, I seem to be sure that I only started to give the needle, it shouldn't be!"

"Then think about it carefully, is there something you missed?"

"I must have missed something." Xiao Fan nodded, thinking the same in his heart.

"Are you good or not? If you can't, give us time. One person takes up five of us for half an hour. Do you want to make us have fun?" Nian Hao urged Xiao Fan to give up quickly with a dark face.

Xiao Fan glanced at him, gritted his teeth and did not refute; he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the year, as long as he stepped on the front foot, the blond foreign girl came up on the back foot, just letting nature take its course just won.

No, no, I must have missed something, the exact same disease, my acupuncture sequence and acupuncture points are the same as Zhang Zhongjing's senior, there is no mistake.

Xiao Fan frowned, and insisted on standing beside the patient; in his mind, he frantically reviewed every action of senior Zhang Zhongjing when he was treating Wang Jia;
Suddenly, the image in Xiao Fan's mind stayed on the last move of senior Zhang Zhongjing's needle. It seemed ordinary, but he just moved it lightly with his fingers, but then all the silver needles inserted into Wang Jia's body started to ring. , making bursts of sound like wind chimes.

Could it be that the needle is driven by internal force?No, no, it should be the soul force, I haven't reached that stage yet, it seems that Shuyue helped me in this last blow.

"Shuyue, I'll stretch out my hand to pull the silver needle later, just help me mobilize all the silver needles in his body with your soul power." Xiao Fan asked Shuyue for help in his mind.

"Okay." Shu Yue agreed without thinking, and Xiao Fan didn't delay, and stretched out his hand to the patient's head again.

Seeing Xiao Fan, who had been silent for a long time, strike again, everyone on the field, especially those from the Chinese Medicine Association, held their breath one by one; staring at Xiao Fan firmly:

Can he, can he succeed this time?
"Hehe, it's unnecessary." The old man in the west didn't even look at Xiao Fan, and sat firmly in his seat. He didn't forget to reach out and grab Xu Yu who was standing beside him and joked with a smile: "Xu Yuan Sir, sit down, don't you believe me until now?"

"Believe it, believe it." Xu Yu was also in a good mood. He answered with a smile twice and was about to sit down. Out of the corner of his eye, he wanted to take a last look at the situation on the stage, so he sat down and took care of himself in the media. I am reviewing the speech I have recited in front of me.

But just this one glance made Xu Yu's expression froze, his buttocks hung on the stool, and he stood there dumbfounded: No, no way!

As far as his eyes could see, Xiao Fan tapped the patient's forehead with his finger like a magic pen; this movement was almost the same as before, but it had a completely different effect.

Seeing that, the silver needles inserted in the patient's whole body were shaking together, making a sound like wind chimes; after a while, there was a harsh abnormal sound in the meeting hall.

The screeching like a bat and the rubbing of a cat made people very uncomfortable; before everyone could react, they saw that Xiao Fan had already stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air!
Following the position where Xiao Fan stretched out his hand, everyone found an inexplicable flying insect flying out of the patient's body and flying into the air; Xiao Fan grabbed the flying insect with his gloved hand.

Hastily took off the glove with one hand, and put the flying insect inside the glove; quickly took out the lighter, lit the glove instantly, and threw it on the ground, looking coldly at the hand and the flying insect. The ground burned to ashes!
This scene stunned everyone present again, and even made the faces of the foreign master and apprentice change drastically!The foreign woman looked at the ashes on the ground, and there was a hint of distress on her face!

This subtle expression was all seen by Xiao Fan, and the relationship between this man and the ghost-masked man was secretly remembered in Xiao Fan's heart. He only wanted to ask him carefully when he was capable enough to compete with this ghost-masked man one day. clear!

"Give it up!" Xiao Fan kicked away the ashes under his feet, raised his hands and cupped them in the direction of the western medical phalanx; then turned around very imposingly and walked down and carried them away, not forgetting to leave behind. One sentence: "We won!"


It took a long time for the host on that stage to react; when he used the thermometer to measure the patient's body again, it really returned to normal!But the host seemed unwilling, convinced that the girl would burn again, and waited for more than half an hour, but finally had no choice but to announce Xiao Fan's victory!

The moment the host announced the victory, most of the people in the Chinese medicine phalanx were already very calm, as if all this was within their expectations.

On the other hand, the western medical phalanx, a doomsday silence swept across their entire phalanx; Xu Yu's face was pale, and he sat paralyzed on his seat as if his soul had been pumped out, his eyes were full of astonishment, and he kept muttering: How could this happen? , how could this happen; it was obviously a turnaround battle carefully prepared by me.

In the end, they succeeded inexplicably, and pushed the western doctor who had already reached the well into the well. What made Xu Yu unacceptable the most was that he also put himself in it.

The Congress of Chinese and Western Medicine ended with such a dramatic result. Early the next morning, the president of the Association of Western Medicine refused to recognize the result of the competition in order to save face.In the end, he was slapped in the face by a Chinese medicine player' and other news headlines spread all over the major media.

There was another round of discussions about Western medicine and Chinese medicine in northern Beijing and even the whole of China, and the public opinion was almost one-sided to criticize Western medicine.And the gates of Jing Zhonghan and Xu Yu's big bosses were full of reporters who wanted to interview every day.

The major media also looked for Xiao Fan, the Chinese medicine doctor who slapped Xu Yu in the face at the Chinese and Western Medicine Exchange Conference that day, but both the Chinese Medicine Association and the Central Hospital where Xiao Fan worked said that Dr. Xiao was too tired recently and refused to be interviewed.

In fact, Xiao Fan was no longer in Beijing North early the next morning.


"Qiu Dahuzi, how many hours does it take for us to drive here?" Xiao Fan sat on a tractor and drove into the deep mountains and old forests.

As the body of the tractor swayed on the muddy ground, Xiao Fan's body swayed from side to side on the tractor, shaking his stomach so much that he wanted to throw up.

He looked at Qiu Chu with a depressed face, and Qiu Chu asked with a big beard, "Hey, we came out of Jingbei and took a bus for seven hours. How long will this tractor continue?"

Xiao Fan was full of depression, why did he feel that the cultivating family that the bearded man talked about was like the educated youths in the city going to the countryside, where there is no one, they just go wherever they want?

"Young man, what are you in a hurry for?" Seeing Xiao Fan's dying expression, Qiu Huzi showed a complacent look on his face, grabbed the handrail of the tractor with one hand, and patted his chest with the other, saying, "Look, look at me. It’s okay at an average age, but you, a young and strong boy, can’t bear it? If you bear it any longer, you will be able to get off the car soon.”

Hearing this, Xiao Fan could only nod his head and frowned, trying to hold back the turbulence in his stomach; the tractor drove for nearly two hours before it really stopped.

As soon as he got off the car, Xiao Fan felt that his whole bones were loose; as if if he jumped hard at this time, he would already be a part when he returned to the ground.

Xiao Fan propped his hands on his waist and looked at the scene in front of him; on the left was a pond, in the pond, all kinds of flowers were planted on the edge of the pond, and above it was a bamboo forest, in which there were hidden buildings. Houses, there are brick houses and small western-style buildings with cement roofs, which are no different from ordinary rural areas in China.

"Isn't it just here?" Xiao Fan was quite disappointed in his heart, it was not at all the same as the quaint cultivating family he imagined.

"What are you thinking? This is just Baihuatan Village at the foot of Zuoyi Ridge, just a normal village." Qiu Huzi said with a smile to Xiao Fan, patted his shoulder, and pointed to a stretch of mountains in front of him: " See, the mountain in front of us is called Yiling, we have to climb over it, at least tonight we have to go to the temple on that mountain, otherwise we won’t be able to get there on time. Let’s go.”

Trek through mountains and rivers.Xiao Fan finally understood the meaning of this idiom at this moment, but after thinking about it, the cultivating family is not an ordinary village, and it must not be so easy to find them, so he nodded and did not complain, and followed the bearded man up the mountain According to the bearded man, there is a huge old locust tree on the top of the mountain, and there is an uninhabited mountain temple within [-] minutes of walking down the mountain. I guess I will sleep there tonight.

In order to catch up with the time, the two climbed up the mountain with their heads lowered, three steps in parallel, and finally arrived at the bottom of the huge old locust tree before dark.

After walking down for a while, he could reach the place where he slept tonight. Xiao Fan was so tired that he put down the luggage on his back and sat down under the locust tree.

The bearded man panted heavily and sat down on Xiao Fan's ass, looked up at the sun above his head and said, "We climbed pretty fast, and we have a lot of time to sleep and get down."

"Can't you hurry up? We're not climbing a mountain here, we're running." Xiao Fan touched the sweat on his forehead and said.While speaking, he raised his head and looked at the old locust tree beside him.

The trunk of this locust tree is tall and majestic, but it is full of desolation. The holes in the trunk look like the skulls of people without flesh. If you stare at it for a long time, you will feel hairy in your heart.

The bottom of the tree is full of incense sticks, and there are also charms and sachets for praying for peace everywhere on the tree.

"I don't understand it. This locust tree is evil. It is the opposite of the peach tree. Yin and Yang are exactly the opposite. These villagers have traveled thousands of miles to place this, and it is like worshiping ghosts." The bearded man twisted. He turned on his own kettle and poured water into his throat, making a gurgling sound.

Xiao Fan was startled and puzzled when he heard the words, "What, what do you mean?"

Qiu Dabeard is an expert in tomb robbers, and he knows a lot about Feng Shui than Xiao Fan.Seeing Qiu Dazi putting away the water bottle in a leisurely manner, he said, "You, Doctor Xiao, understand people, not as good as my bearded man who understands the dead."

I don't know what expression this bearded man would have if he knew that there were a group of ghosts living in Xiao Fan's phone.

"You don't want to be fooled." Xiao Fan patted him on the shoulder, and the bearded man pointed to the locust tree behind him and said, "Locust tree, how do you write the word locust tree? One tree has one ghost, and the tree sucks ghosts. Where would it be?" I found the ancient tomb, and there are locust trees planted next to the ancient tomb. Most of them can’t go down. There are ghosts. If I go down, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out.”

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and called Shu Yue who had been silent all this time in his mind: "Shu, Shu Yue, you, are you okay?"

Shu Yue replied very quickly every time, but this time she didn't reply for a long time.

Xiao Fan was even more anxious. He stood up and took two steps back facing the big locust tree. He took out his phone and looked down at the phone while typing, while looking up at the locust tree; he sent a message to Shu Yue: "Shu Yue ? Can you receive the message? Please reply."

Shu Yue still seemed to be asleep, and did not reply to Xiao Fan's message for a long time; Xiao Fan hesitated for a moment and directly sent a WeChat message to the starving ghost brother:
"Brother, are you there?"

"En." The starving ghost replied very quickly, as if he was not affected by the locust tree.

Xiao Fan quickly explained the situation, and said anxiously: "Now that Shuyue ignores me, will she be taken away by this locust tree?"

"Do you think this locust tree is a ghost-sucking stone? The so-called locust tree sucks ghosts, because the special smell of locust tree can interfere with mental signals, but this... hey, you don't understand it either. Let me be more straightforward. That is, people must die under the locust tree to be absorbed into it, Shuyue will not"

Xiao Fan looked at the phone screen for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Then, why didn't Shuyue return to me as if she had disappeared?"

While speaking, Xiao Fan sent another WeChat message to Shu Yue, but still did not receive any reply.

The starving ghost hesitated for a moment, which seemed strange, and replied, "Take a photo for me to see."

(End of this chapter)

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