Send a WeChat to the spirit world

Chapter 129 The Secret Recipe

Chapter 129 The Secret Recipe
"Yes, yes, it's all right." Fengyue couldn't hide the joy on her face, three pairs of words popped out of her mouth, and immediately stood in front of Xiao Fan, and said in a begging tone:

"Doctor Xiao, please, please save my brother!"

"You all go out, I want to make a careful diagnosis. Go downstairs and wait for me." Xiao Fan raised his hand and shook it.

"Is there anything you can't do in front of us?" Goggle was the first to disagree: "Even if you can tell the reason, so what..."

"At least he is the first doctor who has given the exact reason so far; the previous few nonsense words are all several times older than this Doctor Xiao." Before Xiao Fan could speak, Fengyue was actually Stand up and speak for Xiao Fan.

The goggle froze there, and was about to say more; the sitting patriarch stood up and said, "Everyone go down. Do as Doctor Xiao said."

When the patriarch spoke, the goggle didn't dare to talk back, so he just gave Xiao Fan a secret look and went downstairs obediently.Xiao Fan was the only one left in the ward on the second floor.

Xiao Fan took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to the starving ghost:
"Brother, is there any way to deal with this situation?"

"This thing is no longer within the scope of those old ghosts who rule mortals. I have to ask for you. It will take some time." The starved ghost replied quickly.

time?What Xiao Fan lacks the most now is time. I guess he won’t be able to come up with one when they come up later, so the visor will bite him, and the patriarch will kill himself and the bearded man according to what he said. It's all possible.

Fortunately, before Xiao Fan complained, the starving ghost sent another WeChat message:
"I can ask my boss, he has research on Guwu."

This is the third time Xiao Fan heard about his boss from Starving Ghost's WeChat, but Xiao Fan didn't bother to ask who the starving ghost's boss is, and said, "Then I'll wait for your news. "

For a long time, the starving ghost did not reply to Xiao Fan.Bored in every possible way, he stood up and looked at the ward. The ward was transparent everywhere, with a big bed in the middle. The breeze outside the window blowing gently on the body was very refreshing.

Suddenly, Xiao Fan's eyes were attracted by an oil painting hanging on the wall. He frowned and walked towards the wall and looked up at the oil painting on the wall: a man wearing armor turned out to be riding a horse from a fairy tale. The giant dragon that just appeared was soaring in the air. He looked like a general riding a giant dragon and preparing to go out, or a warrior who was fighting against the giant dragon and wanted to conquer it.

It's just... Xiao Fan suddenly frowned, and suddenly felt that the sword in the man's hand looked familiar. He was about to go over to take a closer look, when the phone in his pocket buzzed.

Xiao Fan took it out and saw that it was the video shaken by the starving ghost; Xiao Fan hurried back to the bed, took out the earphones from his backpack, immediately opened the video, and connected the connection.

The lean cheeks of the starving ghost appeared on the screen immediately, but the starving ghost seemed to be much more tired than every time he saw it before, and the two sunken eye sockets became much deeper. If you look carefully, it looks like a pair of big sunken eyes are following Xiao Fan's video.

"Brother, where are you? Why...why are you so gloomy." Xiao Fan asked.

"Do you want to come and play?" The starving ghost laughed.

"No, no, no, I don't want this." Xiao Fan quickly shook his head, and asked with a smile, "Brother, have you found a way to treat this patient?"

"I asked my elder brother. This child's internal force has already been formed in the body and mixed with the soul. Once the internal force is mixed with the soul, it will become the spine of the soul. It is the soul that has been disabled. You have to find a way to help him rebuild his internal strength," said the starved ghost.

Xiao Fan thought for a while and said, "How about I send him the internal energy in my body?" Xiao Fan's mind is filled with the scenes of masters passing on skills to each other in TV dramas.

The starved ghost at the other end of the video had black lines on his face, and Xiao Fan rolled his eyes and shook his head: "Stop it, you have to give him Soul Gathering Pill to rebuild your internal strength."

"Soul Gathering Pill?" Xiao Fan was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What is Soul Gathering Pill?"

"I can't explain it to you. I have the secret recipe of the Soul Gathering Pill; it can cure the guy on the bed." As he said, the starving ghost's skinny palm slowly lifted up, holding a white The paper dangled in front of Xiao Fan's eyes.

Before Xiao Fan could carefully see what was written in black on the white paper, the starving ghost put down the secret recipe in his hand again, and looked at Xiao Fan with a smile.

"Hey hey hey hey" Xiao Fan also smiled cutely at the starved ghosts, each of them smirked across the phone.

Xiao Fan swallowed and said: "Brother, look, I haven't got the century-old ginseng yet. If I don't go up to this level, you will say that I can't help you much. If you want my energy You can’t take that much at once. Look, if you give me this secret recipe now and I get the century-old ginseng, then I can continue to help you, right? We can continue to help each other.”

Seeing the starving ghost's smile, Xiao Fan felt apprehensive, knowing that this guy would definitely use the secret recipe to blackmail him; , move with reason.

"Hey." The starving ghost smiled, shook his head and said, "You kid still wants to use my secret recipe for nothing, and I'll tell you no way."

"Hey." Xiao Fan shook his head and asked with a wry smile: "Okay, then brother, what do you want, I don't have a hundred-year-old ginseng advanced, and I have nothing. I only have energy, or else."

When the starving ghost saw Xiao Fan acting like a rascal, he was angry and wanted to laugh. He almost couldn't remember what Xiao Fan was like when he was scared when he saw him.

Now Xiao Fan has learned to bargain with him psychologically.The starving ghost shook his head and said with a smile: "That's fine, I can give you the secret recipe first, but you promise me one condition."

"Brother, last time you asked me to promise you a condition, saying that you would tell me after I advanced, and I have already promised you. This matter has not been resolved yet, why are you doing it again?" Xiao Fan shook his head Said: "No, if you don't give me this secret recipe, my condition will not be met, and you are at a pure loss."

"Hey, you boy!" The starving ghost went around and was really caught by Xiao Fan. He shook his hand and said, "Come on, boy, let's be more sincere and less routine; The last time you agreed to my conditions, I will give you the secret recipe immediately, and you can do what I want you to do now."

"What? You, tell me first." Xiao Fan asked curiously.

"Do you still remember that female ghost you helped before? The one who loves to cry." The starving ghost said with a depressed face, as if she was very unlucky when she mentioned that female ghost.

"Her?" Xiao Fan thought for a while and nodded and said, "Then how can I forget that it was the first time I helped a female ghost. How is she doing now, should she be reincarnated after she got the token?"

"She was reincarnated, but... But I was obsessed with ghosts at that time, and I did her a little favor. Now I regret it. If other ghosts find out about this, I will be finished." The starving ghost showed his face. embarrassing.

Xiao Fan was taken aback when he heard the words, he said why he always felt that there was something wrong with the starving ghost recently, it turned out that he had also encountered troubles on his side, it seemed that he was not young enough to worry him like this.

"Go ahead, brother." Xiao Fan asked him to continue.

"She didn't erase the previous signal memory, well, you can understand that she didn't have soup with Meng Po, and I helped her enter the turning passage from the secret passage." The starving ghost said depressedly.

"Brother, this is, this is stealing... stealing life." Xiao Fan's eyes widened, he didn't expect the starving ghost to have such great ability and courage.

"I regret it. The female ghost told me that she wanted to repay her parents or something. I was dizzy and helped her without knowing what was wrong. Now that I think about it, I am full of fear. Recently, the bull head and horse face are black and white They are looking into the matter of those old ghost doctors returning to the human world, but there is nothing wrong with them. Those old ghost doctors have lived for thousands of years. Please ask Black and White Wuchang to have rice wine and eggs. "

"So you guys really like rice wine eggs..."

"Okay, can you help me to be serious, help me find that woman and erase her past life memories. It stands to reason that she should still be a baby in my arms, and I can't resist you." The starving ghost pulled back topic, asked Xiao Fan with a serious face.

"But how many babies are born in this world every day, where can I find them for you?" Xiao Fan showed embarrassment.

"You don't need to look for it, I'll help you find it, and I'll give you the address when I find it. You just need to help me there when the time comes; put a spell on that baby, and nothing will happen."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Okay, deal." Xiao Fan nodded, thinking he had taken advantage; the starving ghost also kept his promise and immediately sent the secret recipe to Xiao Fan when he saw Xiao Fan nodding.When Xiao Fan saw the secret recipe in WeChat, he was completely confused.

No wonder the starving ghost agreed to himself so easily. There is no difference between getting the secret recipe and not getting it. What kind of messy medicine are there?
Flower Arrow Frog?Isn't this the most poisonous frog in the world? It's not an exaggeration that one gram of this frog's poison can kill 1 people; Shuanglongcao?What kind of thing is this, Xiao Fan has never heard of it, and what is even more exaggerated, what is Rootless Tears?What the hell is this?
"Brother, big brother, what you gave me is really, really a prescription?" Xiao Fan looked a little puzzled: "If I give this to someone else, they can cut me to death with a single sword."

"So you have to find all the things on it yourself, and make it into a pill, so that you can save the guy on the bed, otherwise it will be useless. This requires you to communicate with them with eloquence. See if they are willing I'll give you this time." The starving ghost brother looked like he had nothing to do with me, and then added Xiao Fan: "I gave you the secret recipe, it's none of my business."

"No, no, brother, you can't do this, you, you see that there are at least a dozen medicines on the prescription, and I haven't seen at least five or six of them. You must at least tell me these things. I have to go Where can I find it?" Xiao Fan asked depressedly.

"I do not know either."

I don’t know what the starving ghost is talking about. Xiao Fan was so dumbfounded that he almost dropped his phone, shook his head and said, “No, then I’ll give you back the secret recipe. Help you find that little girl, there is nothing I can do."

"I'll wipe it." The starving ghost was stunned for a moment: "If there is anything to talk about, I just said that I don't know now, but it doesn't mean that I don't know later. You look for it slowly, and I will help you find out the news slowly. I'll tell you the news about blind medicine from above, but the kid on the bed probably has less than a month left to live, so he has to hurry up, it's useless to collect it after a month."

Xiao Fan nodded, one month, huh, it seems quite long, but I really don’t know if the medicine on this prescription can be made up in this month, no matter what, try to get the consent of the patriarch and Fengyue first. , the most important thing is the Fengyue, and the most difficult thing to deal with should be the goggles.

(End of this chapter)

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