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Chapter 170 Lin Family Pharmaceutical Company

Chapter 170 Lin Family Pharmaceutical Company
"She is a gangster. We used to be a yamen in ancient times. Do you think she can throw herself into the trap? No matter whether it is a grand thief or a big thief, she has stolen anyway. If she wants to get out of our place, it will be difficult for her. Not stupid." Mu Wan said with a smile: "So, she didn't look for me, but you. You are so skilled that you can help her and you will definitely contact me, so I will definitely send someone to watch you, Protecting you is like protecting her by the way

Su Chonger didn't come to you just because she thought you were handsome. This is the most sensible choice for her under the current situation. "

Xiao Fan was nodded by Mu Wan, and after thinking about it, it was indeed the case; he saw Su Chong'er's anxious appearance when he hurried over, and subconsciously thought that the call she made to him was just a temporary idea, and now it seems that she was originally From the very beginning, I was prepared to defect here.

Hey.Seeing that it was hopeless to get rid of Su Chonger, Xiao Fan had to take her to Noda River at least to finish the trial; thinking about it, Xiao Fan felt tired, hung up the phone and lay down on the bed powerlessly.

Su Chong'er came out of the bathroom, went to the seat next to Xiao Fan and wiped his wet hair with a towel while saying: "After taking a shower, I feel much refreshed."

Xiao Fan was too lazy to discuss with her whether to take a bath or not, so he bowed his head and remained silent; seeing Xiao Fan ignoring him, Su Chonger froze for a moment, reached out and patted Xiao Fan's shoulder:

"Eh? You're not still angry about what happened just now, are you?"

"No." Xiao Fan didn't bother to talk to her.

Instead, Su Chong'er slapped Xiao Fan's shoulder harder with his next palm: "You still said no, look at your appearance; could it be that you really like Xu Xuanxuan?"

Before Xiao Fan came back, Su Chonger jumped onto the bed and nodded solemnly, "Yes, Xu Xuanxuan is beautiful and rich, but the key is that she is still the dream goddess of so many men. If she is conquered, then How cool it is."

"Shut up." Xiao Fan gave Su Chong'er an angry look.

"I won't shut up." Su Chong'er is like a tease sent by the heavens to bully Xiao Fan, and it is almost incompatible with Xiao Fan's attributes; After it was delivered, the two of them ate while watching TV, staying in this hotel for a whole day.

Xiao Fan originally wanted to go to Xu Xuanxuan to explain it, but he thought that the more he explained this kind of thing, the more ambiguous the relationship between him and Xuanxuan would appear; Xiao Fan, who didn't want to provoke this kind of love, just let her go ; If you misunderstand, just misunderstand.

How did he know that when Xu Xuanxuan returned home, she made a mess of the neat and tidy bedroom like crazy, and threw her things all over the floor, but this was not enough for her to vent.

She stomped on the floor with her feet angrily and coquettishly at Aunt Cheng: "Aunt Cheng, tell me why, why Xiao Fan has been avoiding me all the time! He kept saying that he had misunderstood and misunderstood, but, he didn't Talk to me! Don't come to me to explain! He doesn't care about me at all!"

Auntie Cheng is someone who has been here, and she understands in her heart that Xiao Fan didn't come to Xu Xuanxuan to make it clear because she really didn't want the relationship between the two of them to be too ambiguous, but Auntie Cheng really couldn't figure out why Xiao Fan didn't like her family Xuanxuan?

"Doctor Xiao is not from Beijing, but he stayed in Beijing after participating in the competition and has so many things. Will he have a girlfriend in his hometown?" Aunt Cheng thought for a while and said: "Mr. Girlfriend, he deliberately maintains a relationship with you, Xuanxuan, which is actually a good thing, and it just shows Mr. Xiao's character."

"Does he really have a girlfriend in his hometown?" Xu Xuanxuan turned to look at Aunt Cheng and asked.Xu Xuanxuan immediately found a reason for Xiao Fan in her heart, half of the anger in her heart dissipated immediately, and she felt that Xiao Fan was an even better man.

"I just suspect that there is such a possibility." Aunt Cheng said, "How about I ask someone to investigate the situation?"

"Okay." Xu Xuanxuan agreed without thinking: "You can spend as much as you want, but you must remember that you must not let Xiao Fan know."

"Don't worry." Aunt Cheng nodded, turned and walked out.

Only then did Xu Xuanxuan heave a sigh of relief, and sat down on the edge of the bed; thinking carefully about what happened in the hotel during the day today: "Hmph, I'm going to the hotel tomorrow to find out what the relationship between the two of them is. I don't believe that Xiao Fan is really that kind of person!"


Early the next morning, Xiao Fan, who had slept on the floor all night, couldn't help feeling a little sore in his waist; with one hand on his waist, he walked towards the hotel entrance. Beside him was bouncing around.

The two formed a stark contrast.

Walking to the hotel entrance, Lin Rong had been waiting downstairs for a long time. Seeing Xiao Fan walking down, he greeted him with a smile; seeing Su Chonger beside Xiao Fan asked curiously: "Eh? When did you have another female friend?"

Lin Rong had never seen this yesterday, but today the two walked out of the hotel together.

"Friend." Xiao Fan responded lightly.

Lin Rong nodded seriously, looked at Xiao Fan with his hands on his waist, and said with a smile that I understand that I am a man: "Although Mr. Xiao is young and knows a lot about the body; Pay attention to your body."

"Ah?" Xiao Fan didn't realize it all at once. He stared at Lin Rong's expression for a while before he realized it. His old face blushed: "Ahem, Young Master Lin, it's not what you think."

"Haha." Lin Rong didn't believe Xiao Fan, but he didn't say much and waved his hands to signal the two to get in the car; the three headed towards the pharmaceutical factory where Lin Rong was.

The Lin family has a large industry, and Xiao Fan had only heard about it before; but he didn't know the extent of this industry.Once in the industrial park of the Lin family pharmaceutical factory, Xiao Fan finally had a better understanding of the Lin family's industry.

In the north of Beijing where every inch of land is expensive, even the average price of suburban real estate is easily tens of thousands; but Lin Rong has a large park here, with public infrastructure such as roads and red lights in the park, and there are non-stop pick-ups and drop-offs Workers' buses to and from get off work come and go in the park.

Once entering the gate of the park, the first thing you see before going to the factory area is the living area, with supermarkets, restaurants, KTV, Internet cafes, etc.; Xiao Fan looked at the scene in front of him through the car window and said:
"This is different from any industrial park I have seen before. It is more modern and humane than I thought."

"We are not an ordinary pharmaceutical production factory. We also have our own R&D base and R&D equipment. Rather than saying that we are a factory, I prefer to think of this as the Silicon Valley of the pharmaceutical industry." Lin Rong said with a smile, proud of his words full.

Xiao Fan nodded, and his affection for Lin Rong increased a lot. At the same time, he was more curious about why there was such a big gap between Mu Wan and Lin Rong.

In the center of the industrial park, there are two modern buildings that echo each other across an artificial lake. These two buildings are the tallest buildings in the entire industrial park. The office building is on the left and the R&D building is on the right.

It can be seen that the Lin Family Pharmaceutical Factory really attaches great importance to research and development and innovation. The research and development personnel and administrative personnel are completely separated, and they have their own independent and independent space.

When they arrived at their destination, the three got out of the car and walked into the R&D building; there was another door between the entrance door and the hall inside the building, where a set of white sealed suits was hung, and the relevant staff stood there strictly. control.

"Doctor Xiao and Ms. Su, please change clothes and go in." The staff obviously got the greeting in advance, not only knowing Xiao Fan's name but also Su Chong'er's name, and greeted Xiao Fan and Su Chong'er to change into professional work clothes .

"The situation here is quite special. Wearing this clothes is also for the safety of visitors and staff." Lin Rong explained while getting dressed with the help of the staff.

After getting dressed, the three of them went straight to the new drug research and development room that Lin Rong and Xiao Fan talked about last time under the leadership of the staff.

The research and development room of the new drug is located in the middle of the floor. The three people just came out of the stairs, and the quarrel sounded in the ear, mixed with English and Chinese; the quarrel was also very intense, obviously beyond the scope of normal discussion.

Xiao Fan followed the sound and saw a dozen people dressed the same as Xiao Fan surrounded the experimental table in a huge glass room; the team was clearly divided into two groups.

On the left is a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, and on the right is a Chinese with black hair and yellow skin.

The two parties pointed to the non-stop quarrel on the table, looking at Xiao Fan, they felt that if they quarreled for a few more minutes, they might start fighting.

"What's going on?" Lin Rong pushed open the door of the laboratory, frowned and said in a low voice; hearing Lin Rong's voice, they who had been arguing just now fell silent.

"Master Lin." A curly-haired man walked out from the Huaxia camp, and he walked over with a pile of papers filled with unknown types of paper in his hand.

"What's the matter? Did you find out anything?" Lin Rong asked with a frown.

Without waiting for the curly hair to reply, a rather old man with blond hair and blue eyes came out from the foreign team. His nose was as big as a bulb of garlic. He rushed ahead of the curly hair and said, "Mr. Lin, your team is really It's unreasonable, I have emphasized many times, there is no problem with our medicine; in our country, this new medicine has been vigorously promoted by our national government."

"If there is no problem, why are there so many accidents? It's definitely not accidental." Curly said in a choked voice: "The accident rate of new drugs used in our place is as high as 40.00%. The poison of human life!"

"It's ridiculous." Big Nose shook his head: "You say there is something wrong with our medicine, you have to produce evidence, if you can't produce evidence, you can't talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for defamation in court; It is true that our new drug has the agency right in China, but our drug is not only in circulation in your country, but also in many countries. There is no such situation with Bang Zi and Ah San who have a similar physique to yours;
So if you want to find the problem, I suggest you go to your distribution channel or distribution channel to find the problem. "

(End of this chapter)

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