Princess Qingcheng is about to flee

Chapter 1504 Extra Story - Name

Chapter 1504 Extra Story - Name

"In the future, it's enough for An Qi to worry more, and she won't marry a woman of high status when she marries a wife. Who is willing to marry their daughter to a ninth-rank official as a follow-up? Even if the third concubine and Mrs. Xu come forward, That is also impossible, so I will only choose a girl from a small family. Those girls generally have not experienced the struggle between high-ranking and big families, and many of their thoughts are pure, and they will not be moved by those two children. What kind of twisted thoughts. However, it will definitely not be too kind to them, so there is no need to consider the safety issue. The other things, An Qi will be concerned about it. Who can do what the Jin family has done?" Yuan Qingcheng It's nothing to do with herself, she's so high up, the method has already been said, and she doesn't want to discuss Jin's issue anymore.

Ever since the Jin family showed up in front of Yuan Qingcheng with those two children yesterday, Yuan Qingcheng has been very dissatisfied, and has lost her previous attitude towards the Jin family, so she doesn't want to pay too much attention to Jin's affairs.Besides, this matter was originally the responsibility of the Jin family, so no one else was to blame.

"Okay, the good mood has been ruined by others, it's all An Qi, why don't you talk about Jin's business when you have nothing to do? Can't you handle Jin's affairs by yourself?" Kang Yaxin saw that Yuan Qingcheng was in a bad mood That's great, I cast a glance at Kang Anqi and motioned her to stop talking about the Jin family.

"By the way, I've been listening to Grandma Huang chanting my uncle's nickname. What's my uncle's first name?" Kang Anqi also felt that Yuan Qingcheng was in a bad mood, so she started to talk about Yuan Chuchu.According to seniority, Yuan Chuchu is indeed Kang Anqi's younger uncle. Kang Shengnan used to be Kang Anqi's younger uncle, but now he has changed.But Kang Anqi has nothing wrong with it. Kang Anqi has already understood the matter of her own age and seniority clearly.

"It's called Yuan Chuchu, following my surname. It's just... I haven't dared to tell the queen mother yet! Your grandpa is not very willing, but it's because I have been taking care of the child for the past three years. Dare to say anything. What Yaxin means is that whenever the queen mother asks, she will mention it at any time. At that time, the queen mother will definitely want Chuchu to change her name. Change the meaning. It’s not good, let Chuchu and Kang Zexuan be laughed at all the time, right? Since ancient times, there have been no children with their mother’s surname. Even if my mother is willing, it’s not possible.” What is Yuan Qingcheng? He didn't hide it from Kang Anqi, and told Kang Anqi about the cause and effect and the plan to change Yuan Chuchu's name.

"Is that so? I thought that my uncle's name was a nickname! There are also people with mother's surname, isn't that the case with Yingxue in my family? But, isn't that only because Yingxue's father was demoted! So, Huang Grandma, you should stop thinking about it. Little aunt is a good idea. It will not make Grandpa Huang feel that Uncle is his child so easily, and it will not make Grandpa Huang lose face. In the future, Grandpa Huang will definitely treat you and you more Uncle is good. This idea is really good!" When Kang Anqi heard this, she also laughed, and praised Kang Yaxin for her good idea.

"I haven't asked you yet. How has Xu Yang treated you these years? I heard that Xu Yang has taken a concubine? Can your mother and concubine be happy too? Mrs. Xu, didn't you stop me?"

(End of this chapter)

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