Princess Qingcheng is about to flee

Chapter 1539 Extra Story - Doubt

Chapter 1539 Extra Story - Doubt

Although Kang Yuxing was younger than Mu Siqing, they were about the same size, so Yuan Qingcheng took Kang Yuxing's new clothes and gave them to Mu Siqing, asking him to make do with it.Before Mu Siqing rested, Ning Qian measured his body and asked the embroiderer of the palace to rush out some clothes for Mu Siqing to wear.

Before Yuan Qingcheng and Kang Zexuan arrived, the children had already been prepared.Wearing Kang Yuxing's new clothes, Mu Siqing sat beside Kang Yuxing and chatted and laughed with Kang Yuxing.Although it was Kang Jinwen's Jiji ceremony today, she was not very happy because of Kang Yuxing's marriage.Now that there is another person in the family, still wearing Kang Yuxing's clothes, Kang Jinwen is not happy again.

"Brother, as a prince, you have rules. The bricks and tiles used by people in our clan have rules. It doesn't matter if we use them, but even those who have lords use them. For example, this phoenix hairpin, this boa robe. It doesn’t matter if you wear it on us, but if it is serious to put it on someone else, it will be a serious crime! Didn't they teach you? From now on, don't give this to others casually." No one said Mu Siqing's identity, only a few people in the main hall knew.All the servants heard was that the steward welcomed a beggar from the outside, the princess was still providing food and drink, and even opened a special yard for people to live in.More importantly, he also took all the clothes of the prince and gave them to the beggar.He is polite to people, like the most personal child. '

The servants spread the word like this, and what Kang Jinwen heard was naturally the same thing.Naturally, Kang Jinwen didn't know what Mu Siqing's identity was. Kang Jinwen was just jealous and uncomfortable.Why does Yuan Qingcheng treat any beggar so well.And her good friend of Kang Jinwen has never been to Prince Yuan's Mansion for so many years, let alone stayed overnight.The only time she went to Prince Yuan's Mansion was when she took advantage of Kang Jinwen's gift and was humiliated.With such a big contrast, Kang Jinwen was naturally unhappy.Now seeing the 'beggar' whom the servants called still wearing the prince's clothes, sitting next to the prince talking and laughing, Kang Jinwen was even more unhappy.

He can't speak more than his head, and he starts to sarcasm others when he opens his mouth.Although Mu Siqing was really, really good-looking, Kang Jinwen was clearly overwhelmed by jealousy at the moment.

"Jinwen! What are you talking about? This is..." Hearing what Kang Jinwen said, Kang Yuxing was afraid that she would offend Mu Siqing, so he hurriedly scolded Kang Jinwen, and wanted to tell Kang Jinwen Mu Siqing's identity by the way.But Kang Jinwen obviously didn't want to hear it, so he interrupted Kang Yuxing's words directly.

"This is a beggar. He stayed at the gate of the palace and did not leave. The concubine let him in because she thought today was my wedding ceremony. I don't know what kind of enchantment he used to let the concubine treat him like this." Okay. Brother, my good friend, my good friend for so many years, came to the palace once today when I was young. Who doesn’t know that sister Huayang is happy with you, brother, but you responded that time? I was thinking about this This is the first time to create an opportunity for her to observe you at a close distance. How lucky you were to throw it to Qiao Weining? You know..."

(End of this chapter)

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