Princess Qingcheng is about to flee

Chapter 249 Three Trigrams

Chapter 249 Gossip
"My elder sister once went out to play with the fourth aunt, and then came back very late. When she came back, she was just seen by Aunt Li. Aunt Li hated her mother and concubine for a long time and wanted to use this incident to ruin my sister's reputation. Fortunately, her brain I'm rather stupid. After I saw it, I went straight to my father. After my sister was called away by my father, no matter how I explained it, my father didn't listen. I always thought that she had gone to a private meeting with a man. I'm going to beat my sister to death." Kang Anqi was no longer young at that time, so she already remembered things.

"And then?" Kang Yaxin really asked this question no matter what she heard, 'and then? '

"No matter how much the concubine mother begged, it was useless. After I ran to the fourth aunt's house and invited the fourth aunt to testify, the father was willing to give up. But then he immediately ordered a marriage for my sister and asked her to get married quickly. The concubine mother was so angry that she didn't rest well for several nights. She kept blaming herself for being incompetent and not taking good care of her sister. Then one day, the more she thought about it, the more she got angry, so she took someone directly and Aunt Li was executed. Although she avenged her sister, but The concubine mother still blames herself all day long." Kang Anqi still had lingering fears when talking about the past.

Probably because I saw the scene where the third princess beat someone to death, and I was a little scared.

"Who is this Aunt Li?" However, the third concubine was quite courageous and beat people to death casually.

But what made Yuan Qingcheng curious was the attitude of the third prince, and it was impossible to ask directly, so he asked Aunt Li's identity.

"I know this. There was a lot of trouble because of Aunt Li's marriage back then!" Kang Yaxin became energetic as soon as she mentioned this matter, and immediately answered.

"Then tell me, what's the point if you know it yourself?" Yuan Qingcheng was brought along by Kang Yaxin in the past few days, and she was very curious no matter what the gossip was.

"This Aunt Li in their Three Princes' Mansion is Li Yixue, the concubine daughter of the former grand master Li Zongshi." Kang Yaxin told Yuan Qingcheng very simply.

"Ex-teacher? Li Yixue? Isn't that the Sixth Concubine's house?" Yuan Qingcheng's memory is quite good, Kang Yaxin only introduced people to her once, and she can immediately remember them.

"Yes, Qingcheng, your memory is really good." After Kang Yaxin nodded, she couldn't help but praise Yuan Qingcheng.

"What about the result? I'm asking about the result." Yuan Qingcheng patted the table angrily, and now she finally understood Kang Yaxin's anxiety when she couldn't get the result.

"What result do you want?" Now it was Kang Yaxin's turn to be puzzled.

"The third concubine beat the Taifu's daughter to death, does the Taifu's family have any objections?" Yuan Qingcheng originally wanted to ask, "Does the third prince have any objections?" 'But after thinking about it, Kang Anqi was still here, so it didn't seem very good to ask, so she changed her mind.

"It's just a concubine, just pay some money. Besides, Li Yixue's marriage made the Taifu's family lose face. Isn't it good that she is dead now? It's too late for the Taifu's family to thank the third sister-in-law." Kang Ya When Xin heard this, she curled her lips and replied.

"That's true. In order to marry my royal father, Li Yixue used all means to climb into bed. Originally, she could be the main wife if she married an ordinary family as her, and she could also get a side concubine if she married a relative of the emperor. Fu wanted her to marry into an ordinary family, but she was not reconciled, so..." Kang Anqi didn't say anything later, but Yuan Qingcheng also understood.

(End of this chapter)

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