Chapter 256 Introduction
"Oh!" The three girls were startled by Kang Shengnan, and immediately closed their mouths.I'm afraid that Kang Shengnan will drive them back, so that they won't have the chance to get in touch with these royal relatives again. You must know that such opportunities are rare.

Yuan Qingcheng's face was dark from the beginning to the end. These people chattering here have delayed her from eating happily.

So did Kang Anqi and Kang Yaxin, but their good upbringing kept them from showing off.The few men around were handing water for a while, and getting snacks for a while. Anyway, they were all kinds of courtesies, which annoyed them very much.

Xu felt that the scene here was a little awkward. Zhang Mingyu coughed unnaturally, and then said, "We people, the Seventh Prince, the Eldest Princess, and His Royal Highness the Princess, I'm afraid they have forgotten it a long time ago? Why don't they introduce themselves? It’s better to let a few of you know.”

"Whatever." Kang Anqi and Kang Yaxin still ignored them, while Kang Shengnan ate the grilled fish in his hand with relish, and casually said.

"I'll come first, I'll come first." As soon as Kang Shengnan's words fell, a woman in orange clothes on his right immediately said, "My daughter is Zhao Mengyun, the only daughter of Zhao An, the official history."

"I'll come, I'll come." After Zhao Mengyun finished speaking, the green-clothed woman on Kang Shengnan's left spoke up, "The minister's daughter is Wei Xueer, the daughter-in-law of Da Sima Wei Douzhang."

"The courtier's daughter is Han Yanyu, the daughter-in-law of Huben Captain Han Yan." The last girl was a little embarrassed when she announced her family name.

"Han Yanyu? Are you from the Han family?" Kang Shengnan's face didn't change much when he heard the first two, but after Han Yanyu finished speaking, he asked.

But just asking this question was enough to make Zhao Mengyun and Wei Xueer's jealous eyes turn red, and before Han Yanyu could speak, they answered for her, "It's just a side branch, not even the children of concubines in Han Xiang's mansion. People from the Han family."

During the speech, the words were harsh, as if Han Yanyu had a lot of hatred for them.

And Han Yanyu bowed her head and said nothing after being ridiculed by them.

Instead, a man next to them opened his mouth and said a few words to them, "Some people want to be side branches, but they can't do it! What's wrong with side branches? Anyway, they are also from high families, and the three generations of their ancestors are also from Han Xiangfu. It's better than some people's three generations. Orion's good."

"Han Zhengxi, the eldest son of Lieutenant Huben, and Yan Yu's elder brother." Then, Han Zhengxi introduced himself like Kang Shengnan.

When Wei Xueer and Zhao Mengyun were mentioned by Han Zhengxi, although they were very angry, but thinking that Kang Shengnan was still present, they didn't care too much with Han Zhengxi.

"Cao Qinmo, the son of Cao Long, the school lieutenant of Xuanjie."

"This is You Junyu, the son of Yu Longxi, the captain of the imperial court."

"I am Zhu Yuao, the son of Zhu Zhengguang, Captain Renyong."

The rest of them introduced their family background one by one.

Yuan Qingcheng couldn't help laughing when he heard it.She thought that these handsome young masters and young ladies were the children of the prime minister's family, but she didn't expect that their identities were so low.

The people present, except Zhang Mingyu's family was a little higher, Han Yanxue and Han Zhengxi were offshoots of Prime Minister Han's family.The rest came out of unknown corners, and among the several captains, there was even a nine-rank captain.Sure enough, people from small families are not at all different from those young masters and ladies from high-ranking families.

(End of this chapter)

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