Chapter 338 Agree
"Sister-in-law!" Kang Zexuan became entangled when he heard that he wanted to apologize to Yuan Qingcheng.

"The Ai family knows. You are the proud son of heaven. You were born the honor of the prince. No one competes with you and no one robs you. You didn't do anything wrong, and the emperor's wife didn't force you to apologize. It's normal to be entangled. But you have to understand that you can't be entangled like this for the rest of your life, and you always have to take this step. Qingcheng is no outsider, she is the wife you Mingmei is marrying, your princess. What's the point of apologizing to her? Excuse me? Go quickly!" The queen mother also knew that Kang Zexuan was conflicted, so she opened her mouth to discuss this matter with him.

"My brother understands, thank you, sister-in-law! My brother is leaving." Kang Zexuan understood the meaning of the Queen Mother's words, and knew that this time he had to apologize to Yuan Qingcheng, so he went back.

"Hey! I don't know if he listened to it or not." The Queen Mother looked at Kang Zexuan's back and sighed leisurely.

"Prince Yuan is very smart, and I don't have to worry about it since I was a child. It must be the same this time, he will understand what the empress is thinking. The empress can just wait for the news at ease." Su Momo also knew how much the Queen Mother was worried about Yuan. The matter of Qingcheng and Kang Zexuan, so there is no other way to do this except comfort.

"I hope so!" The queen mother pinched the center of her brows wearily. During this period of time, she didn't have a good rest because of Kang Zexuan's affairs.

"Tomorrow is the last day. If Kang Zexuan is still obsessed with it, it would be good for Qingcheng to go to Snow Country to stay for a while." The queen mother suddenly wanted to pass. If she insisted on keeping Yuan Qingcheng here, only Yuan Qingcheng would be hurt.

If Yuan Qingcheng doesn't want to forgive Kang Zexuan, then no one can force it. After all, Yuan Qingcheng has no obligation to forgive Kang Zexuan.

The next day
After listening to the queen mother's words, Kang Zexuan prepared the apology ceremony early, but when he was about to go out, he began to struggle again.

Naturally, he didn't want Yuan Qingcheng to go, but wanted to keep Yuan Qingcheng.But he was really embarrassed to ask him to apologize to Yuan Qingcheng with a low face, and to do it with great fanfare.

Just when Kang Zexuan was struggling here, a mighty team entered the palace unimpeded from the gate of the city.

He is from the country of Qi, and even Princess Rou Ya and General Yuan, who are far away in the country of Qi, know about Yuan Qingcheng.Princess Rouya was so angry that she was bedridden for three whole days because of this incident, and every day she resented Qi Huang for marrying Yuan Qingcheng to Kang Guo.

After getting well, he hurriedly ordered his youngest son Yuan Qichen to bring a team to Kang Country, intending to take Yuan Qingcheng back.

Golden Palace

"Greetings to Emperor Kang." Yuan Qichen led the people directly to the emperor's golden palace.

"Excuse me! Why does Fourth Master Yuan have time to come to Kang Kingdom?" When the emperor received Yuan Qichen's letter of worship, he guessed that Yuan Qichen probably came here for Yuan Qingcheng's affairs.

But even if he had a guess in his heart, he still had to ask. After all, if he didn't come here for this matter, wouldn't he be exposed if he took the initiative to say it?So the emperor was very shrewd and asked first.

"Why did I come, doesn't Kang Huang know?" Yuan Qichen didn't give Kang Huang a good look, and asked with a gloomy face.

"Uh... this..." Emperor Kang didn't expect Yuan Qichen to be so disrespectful to him.

(End of this chapter)

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