Chapter 383 Urging
The three girls here had a great time playing, and Kang Shengnan, who followed them to the Snow Country over there, was not in a hurry, so he let them play, since he was also playing outside anyway.While playing, I was spending money from the national treasury. Anyway, as long as it is not my own, I don’t feel bad about using it.

And as long as he is not allowed to go back to help Emperor Kang deal with the affairs of the previous dynasty, he can do whatever he wants.So much so that he let Yuan Qingcheng and the others play at will, and he didn't care at all.

In contrast to these people is the Queen Mother of Kang Guo.Originally, she was not in a hurry, Kang Yaxin and Kang Anqi sent letters from time to time, and later Kang Shengnan also reported the actions and whereabouts of the three girls from time to time, which is not bad.

But after a long time, not only did Kang Anqi and Kang Yaxin have no news, even Kang Shengnan, who she sent to follow Yuan Qingcheng, had no news.Now the Queen Mother was a little anxious, and immediately asked Mother Su to send a message to contact Kang Yaxin and Kang Anqi.But no matter how many letters the queen mother sent, there was no reply.Now the queen mother finally panicked, went to the emperor herself, asked the emperor for a hidden guard by his side, and asked the hidden guard to go out to find Kang Shengnan in person, and no matter how long it took, he must find him.

Because Kang Shengnan had never told the Queen Mother about his residence, it was very difficult for the hidden guard to find him. It took him three days to finally find him in a small alley in the Snow Country.

"Seventh Prince, the servant finally found you. The Empress Dowager is almost in a hurry." That was the first sentence the dark guard said when he saw Kang Shengnan.He hadn't rested for three days. During these three days, he searched for Kang Shengnan non-stop, just to complete the tasks of the queen mother and the emperor as soon as possible.

"What's the matter? Are you?" Kang Shengnan looked at the guard in a daze, as if he had long forgotten why he came to Snow Country.

"The servant is the hidden guard next to the emperor. This time, the queen mother ordered the servant to come and look for you. She said she sent you a letter and you didn't reply, and the matter was not done well, so I asked the servant to urge you." The secret guard Seeing Kang Shengnan in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Probably because the task ordered by the Queen Mother has already been half completed.

"Huh?" Kang Shengnan still looked at the person in front of him who claimed to be Kang Huang's hidden guard with some doubts.

"What did your empress call you here for? The prince won't forget, right? The queen mother has sent letters many times but there is no news, so I am anxious to ask the servants to come to find the prince and ask why. The search took three days. Quickly turn over the capital city of Snow Country, there is a gap of three feet." This hidden guard is also a humorous person, even his words are so funny.

While telling the matter urgently, he joked with Kang Shengnan at the same time.What he said shocked Kang Shengnan, this guy is not suitable to be a secret guard at all, he should be placed in the officialdom.

"Why did the queen mother ask this king to come here? What is she here for? What is she anxious about?" But Kang Shengnan played wild, and had already forgotten the queen mother's question, so that when he saw the dark guard, I haven't remembered what I came to Snow Country for.

"A month ago, Xuanqi Changshi of Snow Country took away our Princess Yuan, Princess Qingdai and Princess Ningxue." The dark guard was helpless, he didn't expect Kang Shengnan to forget such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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