Princess Qingcheng is about to flee

Chapter 439 Preaching Mode

Chapter 439 Preaching Mode
"My servant is very dissatisfied with what happened when the princess got up this morning. However, the princess just came back and separated from Snow Queen, so she must be in a bad mood. The servant didn't want to say more, but what did the princess do? I already told the queen mother It's very clear that I won't go out for a month, so why do you want to sneak out by yourself?" Gu Momo went to Yuan Qingcheng's side and sat down, and started her lecture today.

"Let's not talk about how dangerous and scary it is for you to go out alone. Just say that if someone with a heart sees it, what should the Queen Mother think? We are now in Kang, and we need to rely on the Queen Mother's protection to be at peace. You look like this , what should I do if I offend the Queen Mother? Then how will I survive in the future?" Gu Momo talked so much with Yuan Qingcheng, without even noticing that the other party was about to fall asleep.

And Ning Qian and Ning Xia secretly laughed at the side, now someone can finally cure the princess.They didn't have the slightest intention of going up to help, after all, if Nanny Gu got angry, then even Eldest Princess Rou Ya would listen to her, let alone them.

"Oh! Mommy, didn't anyone see this? Only Kang Zexuan saw it, and he promised me that he would not sue. Even if he went to him to sue the emperor's wife, he would not believe it. So, don't worry about Mammy. And Kang Zexuan said, if I want to go out in the future, I can call him, so that I won't be in danger." Yuan Qingcheng told the whole thing, firstly to reassure Gu Nanny, and secondly Naturally, he came here to reassure Nanny Gu.

Let her rest assured that no one will sue her, even if she sues the queen mother, she may not believe it.

Let her rest assured that going out with Kang Zexuan in the future will definitely not cause any danger.

"Speaking is better than singing. Let me tell you, don't go out this month. You can't do it with Lord Yuan, who knows if he will sue. Moreover, if you go out with Lord Yuan alone, when your mother finds out, you must go back I peeled off your skin, and I will not care about you when the time comes. Stay safe and read a book in the room. Wait until the beginning of next month, and enter the palace early to make amends with the Queen Mother." This is an order from the Gu Nunnery to Yuan Qingcheng, no Let her sneak out again.

"Mommy, you are restricting the personal freedom of this princess." Yuan Qingcheng was dissatisfied, and looked at Gumomo with her mouth full of resentment.

"Okay, this servant is for the good of the princess. Otherwise, when the eldest princess blames you after you go back, the servant will not help you anymore." Gu Momo threatened Yuan Qingcheng with Princess Rouya.

"Alright then, it's okay if the princess doesn't go out in the future." Yuan Qingcheng could only reluctantly agree when she heard this.

But what she thought in her heart was that she must find a chance to go out to play, she didn't like to stay in this place for so long.

Half a month later, Yuan Qingcheng stayed peacefully in Changle Garden reading, writing, painting, and admiring flowers.

When eating, if Kang Zexuan sent someone to invite him, Yuan Qingcheng would do him a favor and go over to have a meal with him.If Kang Zexuan didn't send someone to invite him, Yuan Qingcheng would obediently stay in his yard to eat.

In fact, it wasn't that Yuan Qingcheng didn't want to go out, but that Nanny Gu kept looking at her, not allowing this or that.She was not allowed to stay longer with Kang Zexuan, and she was not allowed to go out.Even the small broken door behind He Lingxuan was blocked by Gu Nuo.

(End of this chapter)

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