Chapter 465 Order
He was not surprised, but just walked out very calmly, and was going to tell the people in the small kitchen that there was no need to cook the princess's favorite food tonight, and just cook more of the prince's favorite food.

Yuan Qingcheng walked back alone, and the very cheerful appearance made the servants of the palace look sideways, and they were all talking, "Did the princess have any happy event?"Why are you so happy? '

But even if they talked about it, they couldn't figure out why, so they could only shake their heads and leave the place.

Changle Court

"Why did the princess come back so late today? And Ning Qian has already come back, she went out with the princess. She is back, where did the princess go? When Ning Qian came back, she was holding a bunch of things in her hands. What is that? The princess must have gone out for a while and bought a lot of things, right?" Yuan Qingcheng had just returned, and Nanny Gu was already waiting for her in the yard.

During this period of time, Nanny Gu treated Yuan Qingcheng more and more leniently.I have to ask about everything, I wish I could follow Yuan Qingcheng all the time.

However, Mammy Gu asked this question knowingly.Ning Qian has already come back, the Gu Nunnies who should know already know, and those who should not know already know.Asking Yuan Qingcheng again is just to know whether Yuan Qingcheng has lied to her!
"Mom, why are you acting like a criminal interrogator all day long? I was taken aback. We went to the Seventh Palace with An Qi to visit Kang Shengnan. An Qi wanted to go out to play, so we made an appointment to go to Xingguo Temple to see him tomorrow." Iris. As for the things Ning Qian carried, that was a task arranged by the queen mother for Kang Shengnan. If Kang Shengnan took care of it, he would not be able to go out with us tomorrow, so we thought about handing it over to Kang Zexuan. I just went to Xuan Chen Ge's study room discussed this matter with Kang Zexuan, so I came back late." Yuan Qingcheng also knew that Gu Nanny had known her whereabouts a long time ago, so she simply didn't hide it and told Gu Nanny directly.

"The princess is still honest, so have you discussed it with the prince? Has he agreed?" Gu Nuo smiled softly and praised Yuan Qingcheng.

"Of course he agreed. That's right, Ning Qian. Hurry up and report to Kang Zexuan all the things you brought out from the Seventh Prince's Mansion earlier. Ningxia, you also follow, and give the princess what Gu Momo made for me. Take some of the short cheese cake and mung bean soup to Kang Zexuan. If you ask someone to do something, you have to say thank you and give me some benefits, right?" Yuan Qingcheng jingled the wishful thinking in his heart.

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." Ning Qian and Ning Xia immediately agreed, brought a food box, put some food in it, and immediately went to deliver something to Kang Zexuan.

"During the time the princess came out, she has become more considerate of others, and more able to conduct herself in the world. The eldest princess will be very pleased if she finds out." After listening to Yuan Qingcheng's arrangement, Gu Nai nodded secretly , more and more sure of Yuan Qingcheng.

"That's natural. After a few days, if I don't make any progress, my sister will definitely scold me to death when I go back." Yuan Qingcheng didn't have the slightest look of pride on her face, as if she should learn these things.

But it's true, if you don't have any ability to deal with people when you are away from home, how can Yuan Qingcheng gain a foothold in this foreign country?
(End of this chapter)

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