Chapter 534 Black Face
Chunfenglou is also a restaurant.It is located opposite Tianxianglou. Although it is not as popular as Tianxianglou, compared with other restaurants, Chunfenglou is not bad.On weekdays, as long as Tianxiang Building is full, everyone will go to Chunfeng Building for dinner.

But at this moment, in a private room on the second floor of Chunfeng Building, there was the sound of a wine glass being crushed.

"My lord..." Seeing Kang Zexuan's angry face, Jin Zhe wanted to persuade Kang Zexuan, but he didn't know where to start.

"What else do you have to say now? The facts are right in front of this king! She actually has a sweetheart, and she smiles so happily, just like a child. She has never smiled at me like this. The first time I saw this king, I always had a face that I wish I could die soon." The more he talked, the more angry he became, and finally Kang Zexuan angrily threw a set of tea sets on the table to the ground.

Hearing the sound of porcelain falling to the ground, Jinzhe behind him frowned.Of course he wanted his master to be happy, but judging from Kang Zexuan's current attitude towards Yuan Qingcheng, it was not as simple as just liking him.Jin Zhe would be a little worried. If Yuan Qingcheng really had a sweetheart, it would be a fatal blow to Kang Zexuan.

"My lord! Maybe it's just an old friend of the wangfei. After all, it's not easy to see my old friend in a foreign country! Besides, the wangfei has been married for a long time. If she really has a sweetheart, the lord should have known it long ago. Why did you wait until Today, did you let the prince know? Besides, how many of these men and women in love have endured the pain of lovesickness, and have not seen their sweetheart for more than a year?" Jin Zhe tried his best to enlighten Kang Zexuan in order to calm him down. he.

But what Jin Zhe said is not unreasonable, if they are really sweethearts, why would they be willing to not see each other for so long.But... what if it is caused by family reasons?After all, although Kang Zexuan has never experienced this kind of thing, he has seen it.He has also seen a lot, a rich boy fell in love with a brothel girl, or a family lady fell in love with a poor scholar.They will all be ordered to ground their feet by their family members and not allowed to step out of the house.

However, it doesn't rule out that the man is really busy, or he doesn't know that Yuan Qingcheng is married, so he hasn't seen her for more than a year.Therefore, although Kang Zexuan felt that Jin Zhe's words were very correct, he didn't respond, but pondered aside, which guess was more likely.

"My lord, let's go back. Although it's Xiumu today, you still have a lot of things to deal with! And we came out to follow the princess based on only one guess. If the princess finds out, she will definitely be angry. Therefore, we still Go back first? Go back and wait for the princess to come back, and then you can ask who the man is. Once the princess is happy, she will be able to tell the prince the truth. Wouldn't everyone be happy in this way?" Jinzhe is afraid that Kang Zexuan will stay here again If he did, he would do something irrational.

So, while he was contemplating, he made this proposal.Because, when Kang Zexuan was thinking about a problem, no matter what the people next to him said, he would agree.Therefore, Jin Zhe naturally knew Kang Zexuan very well, so he said it when he was thinking about the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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