Chapter 721 Black Face
As a princess, she can't have a direct conflict with a noble concubine, right?At that time, even if the Queen Mother wanted to protect her, the people in the Xiangfu would not be too happy.

"Get up, I haven't waited long, the princess doesn't need to worry about it." Concubine Han's soft voice came from above, if you don't know, you really think she is a gentle and virtuous woman!
"Thank you, ma'am. Why is your majesty interested in asking my concubine to sit in this Ningxiang Palace?" Yuan Qingcheng didn't intend to beat around the bush with Concubine Han, and asked straight to the point.

After all, Yuan Qingcheng has more important things to do, but he has no time to spend here with Concubine Han.

"It's nothing. It's just that I haven't seen Wang Hao for a long time, and I want to tell Wang Hao some interesting things in the imperial city." Concubine Han was a little surprised to hear that Yuan Qingcheng was so direct.But he also straightened up and smiled at Yuan Qingcheng.

"Interesting things in the imperial city are emerging every day. The concubine really doesn't know what the concubine Han Guifei wants to say. What is it? If you have something to say, why don't you just say it? It's really impossible to go around in circles with the concubine. The concubine is not in good health recently. It's too refreshing, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for a long time, my lady should make a long story short?" This means that I don't want to chat with Concubine Han.

After listening to Yuan Qingcheng's words, Concubine Han's face was slightly embarrassed.She really didn't expect that Yuan Qingcheng would dare to treat her like this.After all, she is also a noble concubine of a country, and if she doesn't look at the face of hatred, she must also look at the face of Buddha.Even if the queen mother loves Yuan Qingcheng very much now, she can't treat herself like this, right?
However, Concubine Han Gui naturally would not show her dissatisfaction, after all, she has not yet reached the point where she and Yuan Qingcheng will tear themselves apart.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that the palace is more worried about the princess. I heard that Bai Qinghuan's aunt came a while ago? Bai Qinghuan's aunt is not an ordinary person. I heard that she seems to be a noble concubine from Nanling! Now the Nanling noble concubine is quite Beloved, Bai Qinghuan is her only family member in this world. If Bai Qinghuan wants something, I am afraid that her aunt will try her best to get it?" Concubine Han Guifei saw that Yuan Qingcheng didn't want to go around with her, She also didn't have any plans to get close, so she directly told the matter.

While talking, he also observed Yuan Qingcheng's face.

"Hasn't there been rumors about this matter? It's just that the noble concubine of Nanling has never shown up, so this matter is over. No matter what the concubine and empress think, it seems that the noble concubine of Nanling is Bai Qinghuan Like your aunt?" Yuan Qingcheng understood what Concubine Han was thinking after listening to the beginning.

Thinking that the concubine Nanling has not shown up yet, these things are not true.Then he started to beat Concubine Han Gui upside down, almost saying that Concubine Han Guifei had contacts with Nanling.She almost blurted out that Han Guifei was collaborating with the enemy and treason!
Although these few words are not heavy words, the meaning in them can make Concubine Han Guifei go beyond redemption!

"Look at what the princess said, I just mentioned something casually. It's just a hearsay. I'm the noble concubine of Kang, how can I know the noble concubine of Nanling?" After hearing Yuan Qingcheng's words, Concubine Han's complexion immediately darkened.But he had to force himself to smile at Yuan Qingcheng.

"The concubine is just talking casually, the empress must not mind."

(End of this chapter)

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