Chapter 125 As You Can See

Get up and walk towards her.

Seeing him walking towards her, Ye Qiantong backed away in fear.

Ye Qiantong looked at Long Siyun in horror until her back leaned against the wall.

When Long Siyun saw her terrified eyes, he stopped in his footsteps and did not go any further. He was about five steps away from her.

Seeing him stop, Ye Qiantong breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked at Long Siyun vigilantly.

After a long time, Long Siyun said, "What's wrong with your face?"

Looking at him, his eyes darkened for a moment, and he lowered his eyes, "As you can see."

"You know that's not what I asked."

Ye Qiantong curled her lips mockingly, "Young Master Long, you didn't explain exactly what you meant, I'm rather stupid and don't understand what you mean."

Hearing her words, Long Siyun's face became a little colder, and his voice also turned cold, "Really?"

Ye Qiantong didn't speak, just looked at the floor in one place.

Long Siyun was dissatisfied with her performance, took a big stride, and directly pinched Ye Qiantong's little hand with his big hand, exuding a frightening coldness, "You better not exhaust my patience!"

Then he dragged her to the sofa, and he went to get two big ice packs.

Sitting down beside her, he said coldly, "Hand over your face."

When Ye Qiantong heard this, not only did she not turn her face over, but even shrank her body back.

Long Siyun narrowed his eyes and said impatiently, "I don't want to repeat it!"

Under his threat, Ye Qiantong had no choice but to hand over her red and swollen half of her face.

Long Siyun was very satisfied, but he still took revenge by applying the ice pack directly on her face, and his movements were not gentle at all.

Feeling the tingling pain, Ye Qiantong bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming.

Seeing her like this, Long Siyun moved a lot softer, but his handsome face was still cold, without any extra emotion.

Ye Qiantong peeked at his handsome face, reminding her of how he treated her so tenderly last time.

After applying the two bags of ice packs, Ye Qiantong's face disappeared a lot.

But one thing that makes Ye Qiantong wonder is why are there only these two doctors in the infirmary?What's even more strange is that no students come to the infirmary to see a doctor?No one came to the infirmary all morning.

What Ye Qiantong didn't know was that Long Siyun had already sent away the doctor, and as for no students coming to the infirmary, they were all stopped at the door.

Long Siyun glanced at the time, it was already the last class, and school was about to end.

"Where are you going for lunch?"

Ye Qiantong froze for a moment, then shook her head, "No."

Suddenly, a phone rang.

Long Siyun glanced at the note, then hung up.

Seeing him hang up the phone, Ye Qiantong asked puzzled, "Why didn't you answer?"

But Long Siyun said indifferently, "Harassing phone calls."

Then the next second, the phone rang again.

But Ye Qiantong said, "You can pick it up, if you think it's inconvenient for me to be here, I can go out."

Hearing what she said, Long Siyun pressed the answer button just as he was about to hang up.

"Hmm... ok... I'll be there later..."

Ye Qiantong looked at Long Siyun who was answering the phone, and found that he was more serious than usual, and he only spoke a few words...

After answering the phone, Long Siyun looked at Ye Qiantong, "Do you want to have dinner with me?"

Ye Qiantong shook her head and refused, "No need."

"Then I'll ask Mu Han to accompany you."

Ye Qiantong just nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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