Ji Shao, he is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 182 I Can't Eat Hot Tofu

Chapter 182 I Can't Eat Hot Tofu

Although Shen Yuewei knew it very well.

Qi Shuo changed his mind and agreed, mostly because of Qi Shaoqin.

But she has had enough.

She knew that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Things like feelings have to be done step by step.

She can wait.

As soon as Shen Yuewei and Qi Shuo came out of the manor, they saw Qi Xinyuan, Tan Yirou and Shen Yuan head-on.

Shen Yuan saw Shen Yuewei's gorgeous dress and exquisite makeup, and remembered what Shen Yuewei said to him last night, and felt melancholy in his heart.

"Do you want to go out?" Shen Yuan asked.

Shen Yuewei's eyes dodged for a moment, and she hesitated for a while. Although she wanted to live with Qi Shuo more than anyone else, she also knew that it was not the time yet, and Qi Shuo didn't have any intimacy with her except for the most basic care. Even if it's just her and Qi Shuo, it still can't change the status quo.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuewei told Shen Yuan the truth: "Brother Qi Shuo and I plan to go to Huxin Island to play. Brother, are you going? Shaoqin is also there."

"We won't go, Yuan and I have already made an appointment to go to the movies..." After Qi Xinyuan finished speaking, she took a sneak look at Shen Yuan, "Wan, the movie is about to start, it's time for us to go."

Tan Yirou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Go and see the movie, I want to go to the island in the middle of the lake to see it."

Qi Xinyuan was a little surprised by Tan Yirou's answer.

But when she thought about it again, she didn't know Tan Yirou's purpose.

That's fine too, without Tan Yirou as an extra person, she can take advantage of watching a movie and win over her wish well.

In the past few days, Shen Yuan has become more and more impatient with her, and the look in her eyes is not as hot and doting as before.

This made Qi Xinyuan flustered.

"Wish, then let's go." Qi Xinyuan held Shen Yuan's arm and said softly.

Originally, Shen Yuan let her hold his arms, looking at the faces of Qi Shuo, Shen Yuewei, and Tan Yirou who were concerned, and Shen Yuewei's joyful and eager expressions.

He suddenly thought of Qi Shaoqin.

If he had responded to Qi Shaoqin's enthusiasm earlier and noticed her earlier, maybe it would not be like this now...

Perhaps it's time for him to act.

"I don't want to watch the movie." Shen Yuan suddenly pulled out his arm and said.

Qi Xinyuan was stunned, and looked at him puzzled: "May, you..."

"Look, I'll find a driver to take you there. It's a rare trip to City B. I also want to visit Huxin Island." Shen Yuan's tone was firm.

And Qi Xinyuan knew his character well, made a decision, and it was difficult to change it.

He... suddenly changed his decision to go to Huxin Island because of Tan Yirou?Or because... Qi Shaoqin!
Qi Xinyuan felt that she was getting more and more uncertain about applying for a wish.

She remembered that last night, Shen Yuan abnormally slept in separate bed with her.

She called her mother, Yuan Mei'e, and what her mother said: "My precious daughter, the more creatures like men are available at your fingertips, the more they despise them. The more they can't get them, the more it makes them itch In the past, the reason why he ignored Qi Shaoqin's answers was because Qi Shaoqin was always around him like a tail. For a man, he might not be interested in that kind of feeling even if he backed him, but now it's different. Qi Shaoqin's indifference has completely attracted his attention. As long as Qi Shaoqin doesn't let the wish come true for a day, the wish will most likely get deeper and deeper. You have to be careful of that stinky girl! If she is not scheming, I will You won't be tricked into being expelled to Shenghai and now you won't be able to return to the Qi family's mansion! Do you understand? Silly daughter, mother is not by your side, you have to be more careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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