Ji Shao, he is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 185 What a crazy sister-in-law

Chapter 185 What a crazy girl guard

Qi Shuo kicked open a door.

In the dark room, there was a strong pungent smell of smoke.

Qi Shuo seldom smokes, unless there are special occasions where he needs to socialize.

The pungent smell of smoke made him even more unhappy.

He reached out and pressed the light switch, and the dark room became brighter, revealing a wicked and cold face.

"Chief Qin!" Qi Shuo almost gritted his teeth and shouted the name.

Qin Chief crossed his legs, and his purple jacket was stained with a speck of color. He opened his suit jacket casually, and wore a shirt and trousers of the same color underneath.

With a half-lit cigarette between his fingers, he felt inexplicably proud of Qin Shuo's furious look.

"You haven't lost the one you love, so you need to put on an expression that you're about to go to a funeral?" Qin Qiu's cold smile was full of mockery.

"What happened seven years ago, you know better than anyone else, who caused the consequences!" Qi Shuo stared at Qin Chief's mocking face furiously, stepped forward in two or three steps, grabbed Qin Chief's collar, "You'd better give me enough time! Don't blame me for being rude if you dare to think of her again!"

"Yo yo, what a mad devil to protect my sister." Qin Chief smacked his lips and applauded Qi Shuo in a false way: "I was moved by the true feelings of your brothers and sisters. But you, a white-eyed wolf, don't even have a heart ? Will there be true love?"

Qin Qiu said, and smiled again, with a cold smile, "You don't have to be too nervous, your sister is such an interesting person, how could I be willing to hurt her! I love her before it's too late!"

"If you dare to touch his finger, even if I lose everything, I will make you pay the price!" Qi Shuo loosened Qin Chief's collar fiercely, turned around and slammed the door angrily away.

Qin Qiu looked at the broken door, and the smile on his face gradually froze.

"Qi Shuo, Qi Shaoqin, hehe."


Shen Yuan looked around but didn't see Qi Shaoqin's figure. He called her and the phone was turned off, which made Shen Yuan's face inexplicably ugly.

I have never been so worried about a person's safety.

He called Ji Mo again, and Ji Mo's cell phone was also turned off.

After thinking about it, he finally had his best friend call Qi Shuo.

Qi Shuo got through on the phone, but no one answered it. He persevered and made the fifth call before he was finally answered by Qi Shuo.

"Qi Shuo, have you found her yet! I'm talking about your sister Qi Shaoqin!" Shen Yuan asked anxiously.

On the other end of the phone, Shen Yuan said in a cold tone: "My sister Qi Shaoqin has nothing to do with you!"

Qi Shuo hung up the phone without giving him a chance to speak again.

Shen Yuan was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone.

No one has ever dared to hang up his phone so rudely.

Qi Shuo thought his wings were stiff because of Shen Yuewei!She didn't pay attention to him, the heir of the Shen family!
Qi Xinyuan, Tan Yirou, and Shen Yuewei entered the gate slowly and saw Shen Yuan sitting there with a livid face, with broken glass under his feet.

Seeing his whole body bursting with anger, he looked deflated.

At this time, whoever gets close will be unlucky, even Qi Xinyuan chose not to go forward to disturb at this time.

Suddenly, there was the sound of uneven footsteps.

Everyone looked not far away, only to see Qi Shuo walking over with Qi Shaoqin in his arms with a gloomy face, and behind Qi Shuo, Ji Mo walked slowly with a calm face and nothing to do with himself.

(End of this chapter)

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