Ji Shao, he is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 228 Heaven is going to kill me

Chapter 228 Heaven is going to kill me
Qi Shaoqin's head was still heavy.

According to what he said before applying for the wish, he wanted to become his woman.

He didn't even want to touch her before.

The most perfunctory kiss on her forehead was enough.

As a result, now, she actually wants to force her bow on the overlord!
Qi Shaoqin cursed and felt tired, thirsty and hungry.

I wonder if Uncle Kang called the police?

The gunshots she heard before she fell unconscious.

Has the application failed?

If he died, would he be mistaken for the murderer because he was at the scene?

Feeling that the car was turning, her body couldn't help shaking with the curve.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

She felt that she had turned around in the carriage and hit her head several times. The pain was so painful that she was about to burst into tears.

The door of the carriage that trapped her was suddenly released, and the carriage was tilted.

Before Qi Shaoqin could react, he slid down the steep slope.

Because of the curvature of the slope, the piggies in the car couldn't control their balance. They moved towards her and quickly squeezed her out of the car door.


She fell heavily into the water.

The iron ring on the carriage door slipped severely before his foot fell into the water.

After falling into the water, the tingling feeling became more intense.

The ropes on her hands and feet loosened slightly when she fell into the river, and she swam a few times with great difficulty, but found that she could not exert any strength at all.

Before she could reach the surface of the water, her feet were entangled by a aquatic plant.

"md! How unlucky! God is going to kill me!"

She stared at her feet weakly, the water plants wrapped her tightly.

And all her strength has been completely exhausted by the buoyancy of the water and the entanglement of aquatic plants.

There was a "plop", as if someone fell into the water.

She thought feebly, which unlucky child is it again?

He held his breath weakly, feeling that he had reached his limit, and suddenly felt the person who fell into the water swim towards her.

Is it to make up for the knife?

She stiffened in alertness.

The water plants wrapped around her feet suddenly loosened.

The rope on her body was also untied, and she felt a burst of relief in her body.

It's just that I can't use any strength in my body, let alone swim out of the water.

Her waist suddenly tightened, and she subconsciously stiffened.

Feeling a familiar smell of medicine, the hand around her waist carried her towards the water.

This taste...

is it him?
Qi Shaoqin's heart jumped wildly.

As soon as her head came out of the water, she took a deep breath, rubbed the water droplets on her face against the man's chest, her eyesight regained clarity, and she looked closely at the sick seedling who was also drenched all over.

"Why are you here?" She never thought that it would be the sick man who pulled her back from the brink of death.

"Why can't I be here?" The voice was as flat as usual without any emotion.

The second time I saw him fall into the water.

But even if he fell into the water, he didn't see much embarrassment.

Instead, it is full of a different kind of temptation.

Qi Shaoqin blinked his eyes, feeling helpless to the sick man's perfunctory answer.

"The car overturned, did you do it?" If the car didn't overturn, she would probably continue to be carried in that compartment together with the pigs in that compartment to an unknown place.

"The driver drunk driving has nothing to do with me." Ji Mo said helplessly, pulling her out of the water.

Only then did Qi Shaoqin see that Ji Mo's trousers were also scratched, and there seemed to be blood stains in the hole.

He was injured too?
"Where's Jiang He? Why are you alone?" Qi Shaoqin felt that Ji Mo's appearance here was definitely not accidental.

He just said that the driver was drinking and driving. If he didn't know the situation, he would definitely not have said that. It seems that he knows the driver's information like the back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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