Chapter 608
Wu Tong's heart was suddenly agitated, he didn't care about his demeanor, he picked up Wendi who was stuck to his body, and pushed him far away, "What are you pretending to do! You are a cruel woman! If it weren't for you, I would have... "

"Why are you like this?" Wendi managed to stabilize himself so as not to fall down.

Wu Tong's face was horrifying: "That's how I am! What? You go to my dad to complain! If you want someone to take care of you, who will take care of you, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

After being angry with Wendi, Wu Tong turned his head to look at Qi Shaoqin, and saw Qi Shaoqin looking at him with a surprised expression, as if he didn't know him.

"Aqin, I...I..." He wanted to explain that he was not usually so fierce.

It's just that Wendi is too much. She knows that he wants to clarify their relationship, but she deliberately entangles him to make people misunderstand.

"You wood!" Wen Di angrily poked Wu Tong's back, raised her fist and beat him a few times.

Wu Tong didn't even look at her, but just looked at Qi Shaoqin, wanting to explain something, but didn't know how to explain it, but seeing Ji Mo standing beside him calmly, he was furious, "Just look at her helplessly." face like this?"

Ji Mo said calmly: "The incident happened suddenly, President Shen meant that she had to come here, if you can persuade President Shen, she can certainly go to the hospital with peace of mind."

"But I went there just now, and my dad insisted that as a goddaughter, it is necessary for her to attend the anniversary event, and it is inappropriate for others to attend! It's useless to say anything!" Wu Tong said gloomyly.

He is also in a hurry.

Seeing Wu Tong anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Qi Shaoqin wanted to say it's okay, but her face was just allergic, and just about to speak to Wu Tong, Ji Mo said lightly: "Actually, if you have to say the most suitable candidate, of course There is a more suitable candidate than her goddaughter."

"You're talking about Tan Yirou?" Of course it's impossible for Wu Tong not to know about Tan Yirou's application.

Now in country s, no one is unaware of Tan Yirou's petition, but the parties have not officially announced it yet.

However, it should be close to ten.

Ji Mo smiled and didn't speak, but the answer was silent.

Wu Tong frowned: "But my dad didn't even mention Tan Yirou! Could it be..."

Wu Tong suddenly became uneasy, did Chairman Shen have other arrangements for Aqin to attend the anniversary celebration as the main guest?
What exactly is the arrangement?
Will it be the same as the last auction?
He was dismissed that time, but he probably knew about it later.

Ji Xiyuan and Aqin almost became a couple.

This anniversary, won't anything happen again?
"Aqin, don't worry, no matter what happens this time, I will definitely help you." Wu Tong suddenly said seriously to Qi Shaoqin.

Qi Shaoqin was moved by Wu Tong's serious expression, just nodded to him, saw Wu Tong turned and hurried towards the door, Wendi shouted behind him: "Where are you going?"

Qi Shaoqin withdrew his gaze from Wu Tong and looked at Ji Mo, whose expression was still calm.

"Sure enough, it has nothing to do with you, and you are always so calm!" Qi Shaoqin felt really uncomfortable when he thought of Ji Mo's bland reaction to his affairs.

It's not the taste that can't be said.

Ji Mo looked into the distance lightly, and said in a light voice, "If you really had nothing to do with me, I wouldn't have deliberately left to accompany you here today."

(End of this chapter)

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