Chapter 663
"No, I have to go to the hospital first. Which hospital are you going to? See if there are other options on the way to the hospital. If there is a traffic jam, let's go another way!" Qi Shaoqin said stubbornly to Ji Mo.

Ji Mo sighed, "I agreed to take you home first, if my personal problems delay your return home, I..."

"Just go home, when can't you go back! It's okay, go to the hospital first if you say so!" Qi Shaoqin urged.

Ji Mo heaved a long sigh of relief, "Alright then, after going to the hospital, I'll take you home right away."

Qi Shaoqin always felt that Ji Mo was a little abnormal. Although she didn't see the specific abnormality, she always felt that he was deliberately avoiding something, "Why have you become such a mother-in-law? Hurry up and turn on the navigation to see if there is no unblocked road You can go..."

Just as Ji Mo turned on the navigation, the car was about to turn around when Qi Shaoqin's cell phone rang.

Just as she was about to answer the call, she found Ji Mo looking at her phone screen vigilantly.

"Ji Mo, look at the road, you are driving, what are you doing!" Qi Shaoqin was startled by Ji Mo's eyes, but now he is on the road, his behavior is too dangerous.

Ji Mo pursed his lips and said nothing, his expression suddenly became serious while driving.

Qi Shaoqin answered the phone, it was Qi Shuo who called, "Where are you now?"

"I'm not at home, what's the matter with you calling me?" Qi Shaoqin and Qi Shuo belonged to the kind of siblings who wouldn't call each other when they were fine.

Probably because I have been used to it since I was a child.

"Then don't go home for now." Qi Shuo said suddenly.

Qi Shaoqin heard the unusualness in his words, "What do you mean? Did someone go to our house?"

For Qi Shuo to speak to her in that tone, something is wrong, very wrong!

"Just don't go home, it's better to stay outside for a few more days." Qi Shuo was about to hang up the phone after speaking, but Qi Shaoqin stopped him and said, "Don't hang up first, and you should speak clearly, who wants to come to our house?" Go? I can't go home yet? That's my home, I can go back if I want, why should I look at others!"

Could it be that Qi Tai was blown by Qi Xinyuan's mother and daughter again?

"Hello? Hang up, damn..."

Qi Shaoqin was about to call, but Ji Mo took away his mobile phone, "Go with me to the hospital first, I will go to the hospital alone, many places are inconvenient, it will be better with you here."

Ji Mo suddenly changed his tone, and just said that he would send her home first, but Qi Shaoqin found this sudden change very strange.

It is even inexplicably consistent with Qi Shuo's weirdness to a certain extent.

"You, do you know what's weird about my brother's phone call just now?" After many times in the past, the situation was under Ji Mo's control, and Qi Shaoqin even felt that Ji Mo probably knew about Qi Shuo's abnormal behavior just now insider.

Ji Mo's expression paused for a moment, and after half a minute, he said quietly to Qi Shaoqin, "Maybe it's some uninvited visitor who is difficult to deal with at your house, and your brother will call to remind you because he is afraid that you will encounter trouble when you go home." , Originally you also wanted to send me to the hospital before going home, but now it’s actually good, just avoid the one your brother mentioned, and after you go back, it’s not too late to ask your brother about the specific situation.”

Although there is nothing wrong with hearing Ji Mo talk like this, Ji Mo is completely leak-free and did not reveal anything to her, which made Qi Shaoqin feel uncomfortable, "Do you really not know what is going on with my family? Or are you unwilling to tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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