Chapter 686 Never Going Back Again
Qi Shaoqin dialed Li Muyan without saying a word.

The other end of the phone answered quickly, and the voice called her with a bit of affection as always, "Qinqin, come to the old place, I'll wait for you."


Qi Shaoqin received Ji Mo's text message on his way to meet Li Muyan.

"I have a loving wife who cares about me. No matter how many beauties there are, they can't stop me from going home. Wait for me and come back."

Looking at Ji Mo's text message, the corners of Qi Shaoqin's lips raised unconsciously.

Who cares about you?
Sick young child, also fell in love with narcissism.


Looking out of the car window, Qi Shaoqin sighed.

Sooner or later, Ji Mo will know about his private meeting with Li Muyan, and if he keeps it from him, he will inevitably think too much.

But grandma disappeared inexplicably, Li Muyan sent that text message, it is very likely that he has a lot to do with grandma's disappearance.

Qi Shaoqin has a big head.

Thinking, just this time, as long as she finds grandma, she will not have anything to do with Li Muyan at all.

As for Ji Mo...

When the time comes, she will stay by his side wholeheartedly, can't she still let him feel her sincerity?
The taxi arrived 10 minutes later.

Qi Shaoqin looked at the signboard of an old tea house, and just as he walked to the door, he saw Li Muyan.

I haven't seen him for five years. He hasn't changed too much. He is already in his 30s, but he doesn't look old at all.

But it seemed more angular, and his rich experience made him full of self-cultivation.

Hands-on, engaging.

"Long time no see, Qinqin." His voice was not much different from that on the phone, and he called her name in front of her, even more affectionately.

It was as if he was whispering in his heart.

She just glanced at him indifferently and then looked away, thinking in her heart that her vision was really poisoned by Ji Mo.

Every day, Ji Mo's world-class skin is dangling under his nose. Seeing Li Muyan like this, although he has his own characteristics, he once occupied an important place in his memory. But in comparison, Ji Mo is prettier than him, much, much prettier, This is an objective fact.

Thinking of Ji Mo's unconfident expression, Qi Shaoqin was even more puzzled.

Why isn't Ji Mo confident?
Just because of his good looks, he already killed everything in seconds, okay?

"Although I often see your photos, when you are in front of me like this, the feeling is completely different. My Qinqin is a big girl."

Li Muyan looked at her for a moment, and when his hand was about to land on Qi Shaoqin's head, Qi Shaoqin frowned and avoided it.

"Speak as you speak, don't touch your hands! I have a boyfriend!" Qi Shaoqin said with a gloomy face.

It's not because Li Muyan's gentle words are better than his attitude when sending text messages.

Li Muyan's hand froze for a moment, and he retracted it, with a somewhat sad expression on his face.

It's just that his eyes still didn't move away, and he looked at Qi Shaoqin firmly, as if trying to melt her.

"Where is my grandma?" Qi Shaoqin saw that the other party didn't speak, so she went straight to the point.

Li Muyan's eyes flickered slightly, seeing her impatient expression in his eyes.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.

Five years, five years have completely changed.

The one in front of her is her right.

She is slimmer than she was when she was born five years ago, and she is more beautiful than what you see in the photo.

But her eyes are so strange, so far away.

At this moment, Li Muyan suddenly came to his senses. The girl in his memories, pure yearning, innocence, and unreserved attachment, will never come back...

(End of this chapter)

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