Chapter 69
"You should also know that the Scorpio family is too domineering and powerful to share equally; and the Virgo family is too picky to serve." Pisces Xuanmo raised his head and smiled after refilling the tea, saying that Shishi Fengshu was a bit bullying.

"But Xuanyi has already gone to look for Wanri before." Shi Shi Fengshu was not polite, picked up the teacup, turned it around, but did not drink it.The light in the eyes is dim and unclear.

"But Wan Ri didn't agree? And this is just Xuan Yi's wish, I, the eldest son, have never said anything." Pisces Xuan Mo waved his hands and smiled heartily.

But Shizi Fengshu shook his head and said: "Xuan Mo, you have to know that I don't trust you. Besides, even if Yue Yi is here, I can't go to her. You and I know her ability, and I can't." Go ask her for help, even though she will help me unconditionally."

After a pause, she put down the teacup, stood up, and turned her head with a smile: "Yueyi, she is too stupid and persistent. I can't go to her, and I can't cause trouble for her before my wings are full. , is our mutual agreement, we can't cause any trouble to each other, do you understand?"

Pisces Xuanmo was stunned for a moment, shook his head with a smile, and said: "The way you looked just now made me think you were possessed by Yue Yi. I understand what you said. You really think that we only contacted Yue for profit. Do you remember it? If so, then you are wrong."

"I don't know about other people, but I know I'm not. I envy you, to be honest. I never thought that you, who have never had any friendship with Yue Yi, actually have a better relationship with Yue Yi than everyone else. "

"In fact, I really hope to be called a friend by her." Turning the cup, something seemed to recall in my mind, and I smiled happily: "The first time I saw her was when I was 11 years old."

"At that time, the Gemini family lost their profits because of my uncle's actions. So people disapproved of my uncle's attempt to eradicate the Yue clan, and because of everyone's opposition, my uncle only managed half of it."

"Really, even I called him stupid in my heart at that time. But later, when the Gemini family, which lost both wealth and power, sent out an invitation, everyone was shocked. Everyone was watching the joke of the Gemini family, because the invitation It was posted by the parents and daughter of the twins, everyone laughed, and there is no one in the twin family."

"At that time, when the patriarchs of each family went, they brought their children there, as if they were comparing each other. I went too, Feng Shu, you should go too, right?"

"En." Hearing the question, Shi Shi Fengshu froze for a long time before nodding, indicating that he was going.Looking at Pisces Xuanmo's eyes shining brightly, he suddenly lost his mind.

"In my memory, too. But I didn't like it. I was shy at the time and didn't like crowded environments at all. So I went to the back garden, and there was no one there. But I was wrong. I saw Yue Yi there, with a look on her face. Cold, not moving at all. At first I thought it was a doll."

She smiled again, and then said: "Think about it, it was really embarrassing at that time! I was shocked when Yue Yi moved, she was very quiet, a little too quiet."

"But it is undeniable that I like her quiet very much. I thought that I might not see her again in the future, so I didn't bother with her about any embarrassing things."

(End of this chapter)

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