part-time teenage grandma

Chapter 43 Xiaoshou Qiu Xie, click 1 like

Chapter 43 Xiaoshou Qiu Xie, give me a thumbs up
Qi Jingyuan motioned her to keep her voice low, Chu Xixi realized her gaffe, immediately covered her mouth, and approached cautiously, her voice was so low that only the two of them could hear: " you really like men?"

Qi Jingyuan nodded seriously.

Can't remember who said that the best way to break a woman is to be her gay honey.

Facing her GAY honey, she will definitely say everything.

These days, GAY honey is obviously more valuable.

Qi Jingyuan suddenly stood up and waved towards the door: "Xiao Xiezi, master is here!"

Chu Xixi followed Qi Jingyuan's gaze, and there was a thin boy standing by the door, wearing a pink shirt on his upper body and a pair of tight black leather pants on his lower body, with a fair complexion and a refreshing look.

Qiu Xie lowered his eyes lightly and looked over with a blank expression.

This was the first time Qiu Xie saw Chu Xixi.

She was wearing a beige dress with white high heels, like a tired deer with her neck tilted slightly, looking at the hunter in the woods with her clear eyes.

Then, a strange light began to shine in her eyes, she pulled Qi Jingyuan's sleeve excitedly, and whispered something.

As for that sentence, Qiu Xie never wanted to know.

—— "So this is your beloved Xiao Shou!"

Chu Xixi exaggeratedly gave a thumbs up: "You have vision! Give me a thumbs up!!"

Qi Jingyuan smiled without saying a word, secretly delighted at getting closer to Chu Xixi in an instant.

It's just that he is calm enough, with no traces on his face, and the excitement in his heart is properly hidden in a soft and indifferent smile.

Qiu Xie sat down, did not wave to call the waiter, and stared at Qi Jingyuan, but from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Chu Xixi.

It turns out that this is the future young mistress of the Qi family, and it's not an exaggeration to describe it as lively and fragrant.

After Qiu Xie appeared, Chu Xixi closed her mouth knowingly. She had never had such an experience, and she didn't know whether she should get up and leave.

The three of them sat quietly for a while, Qi Jingyuan made eye contact with Qiu Xie, and then found a reason to send Qiu Xie away first.

"Little Xiezi, you go back and pack up first, good evening to us..."

Looking at the back of Qiu Xie leaving, Chu Xixi leaned on the wooden rattan seat foolishly, and said mysteriously: "He is a good man worth entrusting for life, I support you!"

Qi Jingyuan smiled treacherously: "Thank you, I am very happy to have your support. My family and friends can't accept such a thing, so I ran all the way to Linzhou. I hope you don't tell others, I don't want to bear others Unbearable eyes, okay?"

In just a few words, he told the lie perfectly, and Qi Jingyuan admired him so much.

Chu Xixi nodded righteously: "No problem! I promise not to reveal a word!"

"I have confessed my biggest secret to you, we will be good friends from now on?" Qi Jingyuan smiled innocently.

"Of course!" Chu Xixi promised with folded chest, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you catch up with Qiu Xie! Tell me if you have anything to do in the future, welcome anytime!"

Qi Jingyuan smiled moved, and sounded the gongs and drums of victory in her heart: the first step, success!

Before the midterm exam in the first semester of senior year, Chu Xixi had to go back to school to solve her graduation thesis.

She took the day off to go back to school with Weil.As soon as the two arrived at the school gate, they were stopped by a school girl who was distributing leaflets.

The junior girl handed over the two speech tickets, and explained with a smile: "President Mu of the Mu Group will return to his alma mater to give a speech of gratitude, and the number of seats is limited!"

Looking at the bright red ticket, Chu Xixi caught a glimpse of a name unexpectedly, and felt a dull pain in his heart. Has he returned to China?

Wei Yi frowned, snatched the ticket from Chu Xixi's hand, and said tentatively: "It's been almost two years, can't you forget him?"

Chu Xixi snatched back the ticket from Wei Yi, squeezed out a bitter smile, and pretended to be strong: "Who says I can't forget? Xiao Wei, take care. Even if he stands in front of me today, I can tell you with certainty You, I have no feelings for him!"

Mu Yurui, the first heir of the Mu Group, graduated from a prestigious school and has a solid net worth. He is the new generation of diamond kings in Linzhou.

However, no one knows that this diamond king is the one Chu Xixi has had a crush on since his love for Dou Chukai.

At that time, she was in the first year of high school and he was in the third year of high school, and it was the time when the young girl and teenager fell in love.They got along happily as good friends, and when he was admitted to Linzhou University, she worked hard to study and vowed to go to the same school as him.

Chu Xixi understood her novelty, that sour secret love sprouted in her heart, and she was even sure that Mu Yurui must also like her.

In this world, what is happier than the person you have a crush on who happens to also have a crush on you?

However, in the end, nothing happened, no confession, no holding hands, let alone a hug...the two of them hardly broke through this layer of paper, and parted ways.

Although there were no dramatic and earth-shattering stories, first love is an unforgettable experience for a girl, not to mention that Mu Yurui is an extremely good man...

Mu Yurui's speech started on time in the auditorium of Linzhou University. Chu Xixi and Wei Yi sat in the crowd, surrounded by excited and screaming female students.

The man on the stage was dressed in a straight suit and had a handsome face. He had a calm and capable demeanor at a glance. He was no longer the shy boy he was back then.

"Hi students, I'm Mu Yurui, and I'm your alumni."

His pleasant voice remained the same as before, but Chu Xixi was no longer as inexplicably excited as before, her little heart was always beating peacefully.

After several years of time precipitation, she has seen many people and things clearly.

There is no doubt that Mu Yurui is a shining man, he is handsome, he has a successful career, he is good at everything, but there is one thing that is not good - there is no fate between them.

Mu Yurui on the stage delivered a speech calmly, while Chu Xixi in the audience looked calm as if facing any strange man.

Since it is the past tense, it shouldn't be nostalgic, right?

In life, we can only move forward, obsessed with the past, but it only adds to the sadness!

At the end of the speech, Mu Yurui sang a song softly at the request of the students in the audience, and those students screamed loudly as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

The magnetic singing directly hit Chu Xixi deep in his heart.

"When the light is turned on, the appearance in front of the eyes, the huge room and the lonely bed, are all the same when the light is turned off.

The pain in my heart cannot be shared, life flows with the years, grows old with white hair, and happiness disappears with you.
Let the past fade away, fall asleep with the dream, and gradually fade away with the numb heart, I miss you so much, but there is no trace..."

All of a sudden, it seemed as if the years were turned back, and Chu Xixi returned to the green years of a few years ago. She clearly felt the heat and humidity on her face. She raised her head and covered her eyes with her hands, only to realize that her eyes were filled with tears...

"I miss you so much, but I lie to myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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