part-time teenage grandma

Chapter 640 Rotten Peach Blossom, Damn It

Chapter 640 Rotten Peach Blossom, Damn It

It turned out that when the crows came to ask to search the house just now, Tianma, Xing's first counselor, felt that something was wrong, and secretly kept an eye on it.

I ran to the third floor and looked around, and I saw a group of people standing against the wall on the right, and a man in black was probably the leader.

It's not clear what it looks like from a distance, but this posture should have a lot of background, Tianma turned around and looked downstairs, Xiong Er couldn't stand it anymore and let him in.

Based on what he knew about Xiong Er, he would definitely think of getting rid of this person after he was overwhelmed. It would be okay if this person came alone.

But there is still a group of people standing outside waiting for him to go out to report the news, if something goes wrong with this person here.

Not to mention Chu Xixi and Qi Jiahui, it is estimated that Lian Xing will be taken away.

Tianma looked left and right, gritted his teeth secretly, he had no choice but to take a risky move, grabbed someone and dragged him to the window.

"Did you see that group of people..." Tianma pointed to the crow and his followers standing by the wall on the right.

The captured person nodded, "I see, do you need me to get rid of them?"

Just by you?Tianma really wanted to hit his forehead, he was really arrogant, "You pretend to be drunk and disturb them, pay attention to hit the man in black, fast..."

After Tianma let go, the man ran downstairs as fast as he could, grabbing a bottle of wine and drank it.

How can a drunk person not smell of alcohol? After drinking, this person jumped out of the back wall and walked unsteadily towards the wall on the right.

A group of Crows were discussing where to search next, and they didn't notice that a person was approaching them at all, so they couldn't be blamed for being unprepared.

In this main city, no one has ever dared to find anything about them, and there is some negligence in defense.

The man staggered close to the crow and the group, took a few steps and hugged the crow, and spit out the last mouthful of wine on the crow.

The crow watched in disbelief as someone vomited all over him, and what was even more hateful was that the man wiped his mouth on his body after vomiting.

Not to mention the crow, the crow's entourage was shocked by this sudden situation. What's going on?Is this person dying?

After wiping his mouth, the man smiled at the crow and turned away, hiccupping before leaving.

"Stop!" The crow's entourage rushed up to stop him, thinking about leaving after throwing up, isn't it a bit too good to think, judging by his boss's face, he was about to explode.

"You, who are you? Do you want to drink with me?" The man shook the wine bottle in his hand, and threw it on the ground as if in distress, "No, no more..."

He looked around and walked to the crow's side, "I, I think you look familiar... Is it my son, who has grown up to such a big..." As he spoke, he touched the crow's face with his hand.

Uncle Shi Keren couldn't bear it, even if the uncle could bear it, the crow slapped his hand off his face, and slapped the man's chest with his palm.

"Ouch, ouch, why did you hit me, you son of a bitch..." The man lay on the ground and began to roll, hugging the crow's legs while rolling.

The crow couldn't bear it and kicked him away, "Shut up!"

"This, so fierce, it's not my son..." The man stood up while hiccupping, "It looks like he has no father or mother..."

This time the crow was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, "Kill him to death!" After hearing this, the crow's entourage rolled up their sleeves and was ready to go up and beat someone.

When the man heard that he was going to be killed, he howled and ran away.

"Catch him! Don't let him run away!" The crow couldn't bear this, and greeted him first to catch up.

To say that this person's footsteps are really fast enough, he disappeared within two laps, and the crow only found out that he had lost him after a few laps.

Angrily, he kicked the people who followed him one by one, "Useless things, even a drunk person can lose them!"

His entourage doesn't want to complain, it seems that you were the first one to chase just now, right?
The crow couldn't catch up with the drunk man, so he had no choice but to go back the same way, and on the way, he ran into the man sent to investigate Chu Xixi.

The crow was stunned when he saw him, "Finished the investigation?" Since he came out, the investigation should have been completed.

Seeing the impatient look on Crow's face, those who went to investigate Chu Xixi did not dare to say that they hadn't finished the investigation, so they nodded and replied that they had already done the investigation.

The crow nodded and walked ahead first, "Tell me about her situation..." It seemed that she was planning to go back.

"Her name is Cuihua, she is 22 years old, and she is a noble lady. This time she came to the main city to visit relatives..." The attendant had no choice but to make up things.

Lady?Sure enough, if it wasn't for the noble lady, how could there be such a perfect human figure, Crow stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, he was just about to get married.

Why don't you go back and ask the leader to do this for you? The more Crow thought about it, the more he felt that this method was very good. He turned around and changed direction, "Back to the royal court..."

The crow is the biggest here. Of course, the crow has the final say. Wherever he wants to go, he can only follow his orders.

Yu was very curious after hearing that Crow fell in love with a noble lady. Crow, who has always been arrogant, would actually fall in love with someone else?

"What kind of girl is it?" Yu looked at the crow with interest.

The crow smiled embarrassedly, "It's perfect, it has a perfect human figure, and it looks very eye-catching when it smiles..."

This way of describing it is no one, it is estimated that Yu does not understand this feeling very well.

"Well, take me to see..." Yu suddenly became interested and asked Crow to show him that girl.

Crow originally wanted Yu to come forward to accomplish good things for him, so it was his wish that he was willing to watch, so he immediately took Yu secretly to Xing's house.

Everything happened so suddenly, and it was also such a coincidence that after Chu Xixi said to go to the cellar, she didn't want to go to the cellar later, and asked to sit in the yard to eat when eating.

Because there is a tall flower tree there, which looks like a crabapple.

Delicious food, food is not beautiful in the future, so Chu Xixi can only find beauty by herself.

As a result, Yu followed the crow's hand and saw Chu Xixi who was sitting under the tree and gnawed something. Yu squinted his eyes.

If she is here, does it mean that Xing is also here?

"This woman is not suitable for you..." Yu stared at Chu Xixi and told Crow softly.

(End of this chapter)

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