Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 228 Solicitation

Chapter 228 Solicitation
With the enhancement of spiritual cultivation, although it is impossible to see everything clearly, there are many times when it is still possible to predict in advance.

After reaching the realm of the "living dead", Qin Zhiyong had a premonition that it was time for him to leave.Because what he wants to obtain in this side world has already been obtained.Waiting any longer is not beneficial to practice.

Unless, Qin Zhiyong is willing to stagnate in practice.

Practice is like exploring knowledge, it never ends.Of course, Qin Zhiyong would not stop his practice and exploration.However, he felt a little regretful that Zhang Wuji hadn't grown up after being trained by him and Zhang Sanfeng, and he didn't know what level Zhang Wuji's cultivation would reach in the future.

Leaving now, the data on Zhang Wuji's practice that Qin Zhiyong collected is actually very incomplete.However, things have come to this point, it is useless to force, everything cannot be so perfect.Defects, at some point, are not necessarily bad things.

When Qin Zhiyong left, he didn't go to see Liu Bowen and Zhu Yuanzhang.He left a letter to Qiuyue and Lingshuang, and just left cleanly.

As for whether Zhang Wuji can still be the leader of Mingjiao in the future?When will Zhu Yuanzhang overthrow the Yuan Dynasty?These were no longer Qin Zhiyong's concerns.

Qin Zhiyong came to the Northern Song Dynasty.

The atmosphere of the rivers and lakes here is stronger than that of the late Yuan Dynasty.

As the largest gang in the world, the Beggars' Gang can be said to have a large number of people and a powerful momentum like a rainbow.Its status in the rivers and lakes is comparable to the Shaolin Temple, the holy land of martial arts.Especially Qiao Feng, who has just ascended to the position of gang leader, is known as "North Qiao Feng".He and Murong Fu in the south are called "North Qiaofeng South Murong".

Qiao Feng and Murong Fu are the top masters of the younger generation in the Jianghu martial arts world.They are entitled to this prestigious name.

It's just that Murong Fu thinks highly of himself and is too proud.I always feel that I am stronger than Qiao Feng.Qiao Feng is just a reckless man, he is as famous as himself, he has humiliated the Murong family.

The place where Qin Zhiyong lives now is in Suzhou City.

When he came to Suzhou City, Qin Zhiyong was penniless.

It took three days for Qin Zhiyong to make money, buy a large mansion in the east of the city, and transform it into a "Hui Chun Tang" medical clinic.

The hanging pot helps the world, and the wonderful hand rejuvenates.Hence the name "Rejuvenation Hall".

Qin Zhiyong's medical center not only treats people's diseases, but also teaches his disciples medical skills and practice.

Since Qin Zhiyong was not well-known, the people who came to the medical clinic to be apprentices were all poor children.

The poor are not even considered poor.

A child from a poor family, he only thinks about studying, thinking about the imperial examination, thinking about becoming a scholar and becoming an official.Everything is inferior, only reading is high.This kind of thinking has long been ingrained in the hearts of the public.

The poor have the opportunity to study, but the poor do not even have the opportunity to study.The poor are willing to send their children to the "Rejuvenation Hall", in addition to letting them seek a skill, which is the foundation of their lives.More importantly, as an apprentice in Huichun Hall, you can eat two meals at noon and evening.

Half the size, eat the poor old man.

Sending the half-year-old son of the family to Huichuntang as an apprentice can be regarded as a great burden on the family.

It has been eight months since Huichun Hall opened.

Eight months, not long, but not short.Eight months is enough to make Huichuntang famous in Sioux City.It is also enough to completely transform the thirty apprentices of Huichun Hall.

Qin Zhiyong prepared a hallucinogenic drug, and then used his spiritual power to assist thirty apprentices in their cultivation.Today, 18 of the [-] apprentices can achieve deep sleep.As for the first level of health-preserving exercises, they have already started.

Apprentices who can achieve deep sleep have improved by leaps and bounds since practicing health-preserving exercises.


Qin Zhiyong was lecturing to the children in the lobby.

"There are more than 130 kinds of medicinal materials in Huichuntang. Most of you have already mastered the identification, sorting and medication of medicines." Qin Zhiyong stared at the thirty apprentices with focused expressions and said, "After lunch, Zhao Wu you take 14 people went out of the city to collect medicine. You have to take good care of the others, and you must come back before dark. Wang Yun, you take 14 people to stay in the medical center and treat the patients who come to the medical center. What you have learned must be applied to practice Otherwise, it is meaningless. What is the unity of knowledge and action? The perfect combination of brain and hands is the unity of knowledge and action."

Zhao Wu and Wang Yun stood up, cupped their fists and said respectfully, "Yes, sir."

The two may be because they are older, they are the most focused on their studies and have the highest cultivation.As long as they are sensible children, they know that entering the Huichuntang Medical Center as an apprentice is their only chance to change their destiny.

Therefore, they study and practice desperately.

Qin Zhiyong said: "School is over now. After lunch, everyone go to work."

Watching the children leave the lobby, Qin Zhiyong fell into deep thought.

How should I cultivate my body in the future?
After reaching the realm of the "living dead", Qin Zhiyong's mind has lost a lot of debris, and he can enter a dormant state every day when he sleeps.

The body is dormant, but the consciousness is still very active, a bit like the legendary "soul out of body".It is more appropriate to describe this state as life and death.

Of course, it is still impossible for Qin Zhiyong to truly separate his consciousness from his body.It's just that Qin Zhiyong's spiritual power has a tendency to interfere with external matter.When the state of mind is improved again, one's mental power may be able to leave the body, form a mental power, and interfere with matter.

It's just a pity that Qin Zhiyong still didn't make up for the lack of vitality in his upper body when he reached the realm of the "living dead".In other words, his normal lifespan still hasn't reached the human limit of 150 years.

Even if Qin Zhiyong could dormant, use dormancy to prolong his life.But this is a palliative, not a permanent cure.

To be honest, Qin Zhiyong still doesn't know how to practice in the future and how to improve his life level.However, Qin Zhiyong had a hunch that he would definitely be able to find a way to make his life complete.

Just after lunch, Wang Yun came to report: "Sir, Mr. Murong from Yanziwu is visiting."

Qin Zhiyong said: "Murong Fu and the others, please come in."

Qin Zhiyong thought to himself that he and Murong Fu had nothing to do with each other, so it must be no good for him to come looking for him.

The visitor is the guest.

Since Murong Fu is here, let's entertain him.There is not much money in the medical hall, but there is still some good tea for entertaining guests.

Wang Yun led Murong Fu, Bao BuTong and Feng BaoE into the lobby.

Qin Zhiyong clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I'm Qin Zhiyong, the owner of this 'Rejuvenation Hall' medical clinic. Please sit down, three. Wang Yun, serve tea to the three guests."

Wang Yun said, "Yes, sir."

Murong Fu clasped his fists and said, "Murong Fu has seen Mr. Qin."

Qin Zhiyong asked: "I don't know why Mr. Murong came to find Qin?"

Bao BuTong laughed: "Of course we came to the clinic to see a doctor."

Qin Zhiyong shook his head and said: "The three of you have profound internal strength, high martial arts, no disease or pain, and no need for treatment. I am a person who speaks quickly, Mr. Murong, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Murong Fu said: "Mr. Qin, according to my estimation, your clinic doesn't seem to make much money."

Qin Zhiyong didn't open the clinic to make money.Of course, there will not be a lot of money in the medical center.

Murong Fu came this time to give Qin Zhiyong money.

Qin Zhiyong understood Murong Fu's hidden meaning, and said with a smile on his face: "Young Master Murong wants to recruit Qin, and let Huichuntang Medical Center join Murong's family?"

Murong Fu nodded and said: "Mr. Qin is right. That's exactly what I mean."

Murong Fu is very confident, he thinks that with the title of "Nan Murong", Qin Yuyong will definitely surrender to him.

 Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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