Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 274 World Class Mathematician

Chapter 274 World Class Mathematician
As one of the world's top [-] companies, Umbrella's salary is very good, and middle managers can get hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual salary.If the scientific research personnel develop a famous method, they can open up new sources of income for the company, and the returns will be even richer.

Of course, the premise is to be able to enter the Umbrella company.

Umbrella Corporation is one of the most difficult companies to enter.Without any real skills, it is almost impossible to get into a certain position.

Survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle, is the way of survival within Umbrella.It is the way to survive in the capital market.

When Qin Zhiyong walked into the Umbrella headquarters building, he frowned slightly.90.00% of the company's employees at the headquarters are white, with relatively few blacks and Latinos.

Of the Chinese, Qin Zhiyong only found eight.

The edifice of Umbrella's headquarters looks regal and glamorous.However, in Qin Zhiyong's perception, the headquarters building as high as hundreds of floors was full of blood, and countless innocent souls were howling.


It's like a magic cave.

"It's such a strong negative energy magnetic field." Qin Zhiyong thought to himself, "After working and living here for a long time, there will be physical and mental problems. Even with my current physical fitness and spiritual cultivation, if I stay here for ten or eight years, I will suffer. some impact."

The big companies in the western world are not clean, and they have done many outrageous things in secret.

The accumulation of capital is bloody and cruel.Umbrella has just completed the primitive accumulation of capital.The company has made some achievements in biomedicine, and there are definitely not a few people whose families have been ruined because of Umbrella.

However, these are not things Qin Zhiyong should worry about.What he needs now is to enter Umbrella Corporation as a mathematician and participate in the development of artificial intelligence projects.Then find a way to get in touch with life science research.

The interviewer is a middle-aged woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks good, and she can be regarded as a beauty.It's a pity that I'm a little older.

Western women do not conform to Qin Zhiyong's aesthetics.

Seeing that Qin Zhiyong was from the East, the contempt in the eyes of the middle-aged woman was fleeting.

Racial discrimination is not strange in the United States, but a norm.

"I'm your interviewer Emilia. Are you Japanese? Korean?" Emilia asked blankly.

Qin Zhiyong said neither humble nor overbearing: "Qin Zhiyong, Chinese."

Emilia sneered and said: "Qin, if you don't know the specific recruitment information of our company, I can remind you again. Our Umbrella company recruits experts in mathematics and computers. As far as I know, China doesn't seem to have Mathematicians, not to mention excellent computer experts."

Qin Zhiyong said: "I am a world-class mathematician."

When dealing with Westerners, you cannot be humble, you must show your strength.Qin Zhiyong went to the countryside to do as the Romans did.Now that you are in the United States, use American behavior to make a living.

Emilia laughed and said, "A world-class mathematician? Telling lies, it seems to be what you Chinese are best at. I'm not afraid to tell you, I, Emilia, graduated from Harvard University and majored in mathematics. I can I have never heard of a world-class mathematician named Qin Zhiyong."

Qin Zhiyong said: "Miss Emilia, there are still many things you don't know. Let's start our interview officially. I will put my ugly words up front. If you don't let me enter the company because of your prejudice against me , you will regret it."

Emilia was taken aback, Qin Zhiyong was really different from other Chinese.Speaking so hard, could it be that he is really a world-class scientist?

Qin Zhiyong's words really made Emilia uncomfortable.She decided that even if Qin Zhiyong was really a mathematician, he could not be hired.

Emilia sneered: "OK. The interview has officially begun."

Emilia waved her hand and gestured to the assistant beside her.The assistant lifted the white cloth from the wall, revealing the blackboard.

A math problem is written on the blackboard.

Emilia said: "Qin, you said you are a world-class mathematician, so solve this problem on the blackboard. There are still seven applicants outside, time is tight, I only give you 10 minutes. "

Although this math problem is not a worldwide math problem, even a professor at the Academy of Mathematics cannot solve it within 10 minutes.

Qin Zhiyong nodded and said, "Okay."

With Qin Zhiyong's mathematical attainments, there is no problem in solving this problem.

Two 10 minutes is enough.

3 minutes passed.Qin Zhiyong had a clear idea of ​​how to solve the problem.

Emilia saw that Qin Zhiyong was sitting still on the chair, and when he was about to say something sarcastic, Qin Zhiyong stood up, picked up the chalk and began to write on the blackboard.

Since Qin Zhiyong wrote the first word on the blackboard, the chalk has never stopped.

The seven applicants outside saw Qin Zhiyong solve the problem through the glass door, and they all stood up to observe.

Among the seven applicants was a Chinese girl in her 20s named Zhao Mengfei.She just graduated from Princeton University this year.Umbrella Company offers good treatment and high wages. Zhao Mengfei wants to work in this company for a few years to earn some money before returning to China.

Zhao Mengfei's mathematics is also very good.She came to Umbrella Company to apply for a job, and she also planned to apply for a mathematics expert.

Seeing the math problem on the blackboard, Zhao Mengfei frowned. For a while, she had no idea to solve it.

When Qin Zhiyong started to answer the questions, Zhao Mengfei stared at the blackboard intently, thinking to follow Qin Zhiyong's problem-solving ideas.

When she learned about Qin Zhiyong's thinking on solving the problem, Zhao Mengfei almost overwhelmed her and exclaimed.

"What an ingenious way to solve the problem."

Zhao Mengfei secretly said in her heart: "Logically, it is impeccable. The process of solving the problem is extremely precise, clean and neat, and almost no word is superfluous. This person's mathematical attainments are at least several levels higher than mine."

Qin Zhiyong wrote down the last number, threw the dust-free chalk onto Emilia's interview table, and said calmly, "The answer is over. I only took twelve minutes. Miss Emilia, this question is not too difficult. It's difficult, but it's just a little confusing. Algebra and geometry are soft together, which is a bit interesting. If you have better problem-solving skills, why don't you show them to me."

Emilia's face was very ugly.Where does she have better problem-solving skills?This question was given to her by her university tutor the day before yesterday.

Up to now, Emilia still hasn't understood this question.

Emilia's mathematics tutor is a master in the American mathematics field. He is currently working as a consultant for Umbrella, helping the company solve mathematical problems in artificial intelligence.

As far as Emilia knew, even her tutor hadn't solved this problem.

I didn't expect to be cracked by the Chinese in front of me.

Seeing that Emilia didn't speak, Qin Zhiyong said again: "Miss Emilia, have I passed the interview?"

Emilia was silent for a while, and said, "Go back and wait for the notice."

She didn't say that Qin Zhiyong passed, nor did she say that she failed.

Qin Zhiyong smiled and said, "Okay. Then I'll go back and wait for the company's notice. The resume I left has my address information on it. Remember to contact me."

When he reached the door, Qin Zhiyong stopped for a moment, and said without looking back: "Miss Emilia, when I say that I am a world mathematician, I don't mean my fame, but my attainments in mathematics."

After Qin Zhiyong left.

A gleam of anger flashed in Emilia's eyes. This Chinese is really arrogant.She crumpled up Qin Zhiyong's resume and threw it into the trash can under the table.

Zhao Mengfei looked at Qin Zhiyong's back, hesitated for a moment, and chased after him.

He followed Qin Zhiyong.

Zhao Mengfei said in English: "Can I get to know you? I also study mathematics and just graduated from Princeton University. Your mathematics is very good. You say you are a world-class mathematician, I believe it. By the way, my name is Zhao Mengfei."

Qin Zhiyong glanced at Zhao Mengfei, smiled, and said in pure Chinese: "My name is Qin Zhiyong, Chinese. Hello, Miss Zhao Mengfei. Nice to meet you."

Zhao Mengfei said pleasantly: "You are Chinese. Great!"

During the interview just now, Qin Zhiyong spoke fluent English, and Zhao Mengfei was really not sure which country he was from.

Now knowing that Qin Zhiyong is a Chinese just like herself, Zhao Mengfei is immediately elated.

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(End of this chapter)

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