Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 308 Family Private Soldiers; There is a labor shortage here.

Chapter 308 Family Private Soldiers; There is a labor shortage here.

The situation is better than people.

It's not good to be hungry.Fu Junmao was stubborn, but still gave in, and continued to work, carrying supplies.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are also helping with the work.After eating enough, the strength of the two is not small.Half a child, equivalent to the labor force of an adult.

Kou Zhong said in a low voice: "Master Ling, my mother was reprimanded by Mr. Qin again, and she was wronged. Shall we find a chance to escape with my mother?"

Xu Ziling hesitated for a moment and said, "Didn't you listen to what Mr. Qin said? No one can escape from under his nose."

Kou Zhong glanced at Qin Zhiyong quietly, and said, "Mr. Qin is just blind. He can't see, maybe he's trying to scare us. There's nothing so evil about it."

Xu Ziling said: "Mr. Qin is no ordinary blind man."

Kou Zhong said: "Young Master Ling, tell me, is Mr. Qin a good person?"

Xu Ziling's mind is more dexterous than Kou Zhong's, and knows how to think.But he didn't know whether Qin Zhiyong was a good person or not?During the period of begging in Yangzhou, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong met all kinds of people.There are good guys and there are bad guys.But Qin Zhiyong is different from others.

Qin Zhiyong was gentle, he gave them food and took care of their bodies.But Fu Junmao was to be detained again.

Xu Ziling couldn't understand why Qin Zhiyong would do this.

Xu Ziling shook his head: "I don't know who Mr. Qin is either."

Both of them are teenagers with limited experience, and they don't understand that people are very complicated, and they can't be easily divided by simply "good" and "bad".

Kou Zhong said: "Young Master Ling, it would be great if we knew martial arts."

Xu Ziling said: "We will go to ask mother for advice at night. I believe she will teach us martial arts."

Tan Lin suddenly appeared behind the two of them, and said, "Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, what are you two muttering about? If you want to eat, you have to work. Be quicker."


in the afternoon.

Fifty horsemen in armor entered the village.

A cavalryman said, "Master Yuwen, are you sure that woman is hiding here?"

The leading cavalryman was a handsome middle-aged man.His eyes are bright and his skin is fair. People around him will subconsciously feel cold.

These states of the middle-aged people are the signs that they have cultivated the "Bing Xuan Jin" to the innate state.

Although Yu Wentong is a branch of the Yuwen family, he has a good talent in martial arts since he was a child. He received personal guidance from the lord Yu Wenshang, and finally became a natural master.Although Yuwentong is only at the early stage of congenital, it can be regarded as barely stepping into the upper echelons of the Yuwen family.

Few people know that what Yuwentong is best at is not martial arts, but tracking.

Fu Junmao was seriously injured by Yu Wenhuaji, and Yu Wentong was responsible for the pursuit.

Yuwentong said confidently: "I, Yuwentong, are not ranked among the top powerhouses in the world. But when it comes to tracking skills, I, Yuwentong, think that I am not inferior to others. That Goguryeo woman is very smart. She left Yangzhou without any doubts." She fled directly to the north, but went west and entered the border of Chang'an. She wanted to enter the grassland, and then detoured back to Goguryeo."

Fu Junmao is smart, but Yuwentong is not stupid either.Fu Junmao exhausted all means but failed to get rid of Yu Wentong, and he was still found by him.

Yu Wentong waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's arrest people."

The sound of horseshoes caught the attention of the villagers.

When the horses were about to enter Qin Zhiyong's crop field, Yu Wentong and the others heard a "stop".

The fifty war horses stopped as expected.

Yu Wentong's hair stood on end, his heart sank, and he secretly said, there are strong people.

Qin Zhiyong walked over with Shi Qingxuan and Tan Lin.

Yu Wentong clasped his fists and said: "There is a Goguryeo woman who assassinated the emperor, and my official Yu Wentong was ordered to arrest him. I hope you three can help me."

The Chang'an area of ​​Taiyuan is not within the sphere of influence of the Yuwen Clan.It's better to act cautiously.As a collateral disciple of the family, Yu Wentong knows better how to survive.

It is the principle of Yuwentong to do things first.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Fu Junmao is with me. Assassinating the emperor, she deserves death. But you are not representing the imperial court, but the Yuwen Clan. I need someone to do some heavy work here, and I just lack a labor force. Fu Junmao is a natural swordsman. It is very powerful and suitable for work. Therefore, I cannot hand over Fu Junmao to Yuwen's private soldiers. If you want to take him away, unless you bring the emperor's imperial decree."

Qin Zhiyong was blindfolded and couldn't see the other party, but he could see things more clearly by observing the world with the power of his mind.

Qin Zhiyong could sense the cold aura on Yu Wentong's body without using mental power.

Yu Wentong frowned, and asked in a cold voice: "Who are you? Covering up Goguryeo assassins is a serious crime of extermination. Aren't you afraid?"

Qin Zhiyong said: "I'm Qin Zhiyong. As I said, if you want to take people away, unless you have an imperial decree. Otherwise, it's absolutely impossible."

A cold light flashed in Yuwentong's eyes, and he said, "Are you trying to make an enemy of the Yuwen clan?"

Qin Zhiyong shook his head and said, "Qin doesn't want to be an enemy to anyone. As long as you don't regard me as an enemy."

Yu Wentong hesitated for a moment, waved his hand, and said, "Arrest!"

The cavalry behind him shot immediately.

Family private soldiers are more elite than the imperial army.

The gentry attaches great importance to their own armed forces, and is even more willing to invest in them. Their equipment is very sophisticated.

If the imperial army could have the cavalry of the Yuwen family as excellent, what Goguryeo or Turks would have been pacified long ago.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Qingxuan, stop them."

Shi Qingxuan was taken aback, asking herself to stop these cavalrymen?With my own martial arts, can I do it?

Shi Qingxuan said: "Sir, I... can't. My martial arts are low."

Qin Zhiyong said: "I say you can do it, you can do it. Don't underestimate yourself. Be more confident."

Shi Qingxuan had never experienced fighting with dozens of well-equipped cavalry, but there was a first time for everything.

Escape is not the solution.

Facing the threat of death, Shi Qingxuan finally brought out her potential.

Qin Zhiyong pointed out from the side: "Pay attention to their shoulders and arms, and you can judge their attack direction and angle. Also, don't leave your feet off the ground at the same time, and don't lift your legs high, otherwise you will lose your center of gravity. Shoot people first. Horse, hit the horse's leg joints with dark force."

First-class warriors are already considered masters in the arena.Not to mention one enemy against a hundred, but when dealing with dozens of cavalry, be more cautious, and the problem is not big.Shi Qingxuan has the internal strength and physical fitness of a first-class warrior, but she has no sense of fighting.

Fighting consciousness can only be comprehended by oneself at the moment of life and death.

It cannot be taught by teaching.It's like learning to swim.If you want to learn how to swim as soon as possible, you can only train in the water by yourself.Otherwise, even if you invite the most powerful coach to demonstrate, it will be useless.

Qin Zhiyong taught Shi Qingxuan how to use dark energy, but not to teach her to fight, but to use dark energy to massage the bones and muscles.

At first, Shi Qingxuan was very scared, but when she actually fought against the cavalry, her heart calmed down.

Shi Qingxuan dodged a cavalryman's sword, raised his right foot, and touched the horse's leg joint with his toe.

Darkness penetrates!

The horse fell down immediately, and the cavalry fell off the horse.

Qin Zhiyong nodded secretly. Shi Qingxuan's spiritual cultivation is deep sleep now, her physical fitness is good, her foundation is solid, and she is also doing a good job of learning and selling.

After this battle, I believe that Shi Qingxuan will have the ability to protect herself in the future.

 The second night.Ask for tickets, ask for subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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