Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 384 The weakness is exposed, the will is shaken and the heart is in a trance.

Chapter 384 The weakness is exposed, the will is shaken and the heart is in a trance.

Qin Zhiyong's blow was very terrifying, not only powerful, but also very fast, even Di Shitian was a little terrified.

Too late to dodge,
Because Qin Zhiyong was faster than Di Shitian.


Still head-to-head.

The thousand-year-old ice layer on the roof of the cave was shattered, and huge ice blocks kept falling down.

"The ice cave is about to collapse." Nie Feng said.

Bu Jingyun said: "Quick, let's get out immediately. Otherwise, we will be buried alive here."

Everyone in the ice cave, except Qin Zhiyong and Di Shitian, escaped.The ice cave collapsed, burying Qin Zhiyong and Di Shitian inside.

The construction of Tianmen was based on the foundation of the ice cave, which was destroyed once with the collapse of ice and snow.

But just when Nie Feng and the others felt that Qin Zhiyong and Di Shitian would surely die, the two broke through the ice and snow with super strength and rushed out.

That kind of powerful power is really shocking, just like a god and demon.

Qin Zhiyong stood on the snow mountain, looking at Di Shitian calmly.

Di Shitian thought to himself: "It's different. Qin Zhiyong is completely different from before. His skill is enough to pose a threat to me. How could this be?"

The speed of Qin Zhiyong's progress completely surpassed Di Shitian's cognition, and it can even be said to have subverted his worldview.

People, relying on self-cultivation, the speed of self-improvement is actually comparable to the self who swallowed the blood of the phoenix back then.

If Qin Zhiyong swallowed the dragon yuan and his power increased greatly, Di Shitian could still accept it.But in fact, Qin Zhiyong has never eaten any natural treasures.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Di Shitian, I saw shock in your eyes. Up to now, you still can't accept the reality? Swallowing the true essence and blood of the beast is drinking poison to quench thirst, not the right path of cultivation. When you swallow the blood of the phoenix, It has already cut off the path of future practice."

"Your body structure has long been changed because of the phoenix blood. You are no longer an ordinary human being. At this moment, you are the pinnacle. When the energy of the phoenix blood in your body is exhausted, you will die. And I, Qin, rely on I have come to the present step by step, and my path of practice will become wider and wider in the future. Because I have unlimited possibilities."

Di Shitian said angrily: "It's nonsense. Qin Zhiyong, you are worthy of being a scholar. Compared with the strategists in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, you can speak eloquently. But you can't shake my mind. In this world, only I am the strongest. Only this seat is eligible to enjoy endless life, immortality."

Qin Zhiyong said with a smile: "Really? Qin has cultivated a noble spirit, is sincere, does not lie, and only tells the truth. I sense some uneasiness in your spirit. Your will has begun to waver, and you gradually recognize what I said .”

Letting a person's will collapse does not happen overnight, but needs to be done step by step.

Qin Zhiyong's words only slightly tore a hole in Di Shitian's spiritual will.But this opening will grow bigger and bigger as Di Shitian's self-doubt and self-denial.In the end, the values ​​​​and worldview completely collapsed.

Values ​​are a person's persistence and the "Tao" in his heart.

If you want to defeat the "Tao" in Di Shitian's heart, you can't do it with clever words, you can only rely on the truth.Truth is not a lie, it is irrefutable, it is the law of the existence of facts.

Although Qin Zhiyong's words did not mean the true truth of life and the universe, but at least they were more real than the values ​​in Di Shitian's heart.

Why is Di Shitian angry?It was because he knew that what Qin Zhiyong said might be the truth.He denied it with his mouth, but other movements of the body, as well as deeper physiological reactions, cannot be faked.

Qin Zhiyong rushed towards Di Shitian like a bolt of lightning.This attack was different from the previous ones, Qin Zhiyong only used [-]% of his strength.Before he imitated the flood dragon, the blow he unleashed was [-]% powerful.

With [-]% strength, although it is very fierce, it cannot last long.It will be very easy to play with Di Shitian with [-]% of his strength.

Just like ordinary people sprinting for [-] meters, if they try their best to run [-] meters, they will run out of energy.But jogging, like doing warm-up exercises, will not exhaust your body even if you run [-] meters.

While blocking the attack, Di Shitian sneered and said, "Qin Zhiyong, what do you want? You know, relying on this level of attack will have no effect on me."

Qin Zhiyong said with a smile, "Try your reaction."

Qin Zhiyong threw heavy punches thousands of times in a row, as if he was tireless, and he was doing meaningless and useless work.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun didn't understand why Qin Zhiyong did this?
Bu Jingyun said: "Junior Brother Feng, Pojun has slipped away."

Nie Feng took a look, sure enough, Po Jun did not know when to run away quietly: "Mr. The army didn't even have a chance to escape."

Duanlang saw that Qin Zhiyong and Di Shitian were fighting inseparably, and he only had jealousy and resentment in his heart. He felt that Qin Zhiyong did not pass on the essence of martial arts to himself when he taught him martial arts and swordsmanship.

Duan Lang wronged Qin Zhiyong.

The martial arts taught by Qin Zhiyong to Duanlang are all foundations, and it is precisely because of Qin Zhiyong's careful teaching that Duanlang can build such a solid foundation.

It's just that Duanlang's heart is not good, and his personality is flawed.

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

No wonder Qin Zhiyong didn't take the road well after breaking the waves.

It is really unreasonable for Duan Lang to resent Qin Zhiyong.

But there is no way, Duanlang is such a person, he has such a mentality, and he will never change it until he dies.

"Huh?" Qin Zhiyong secretly said, "Di Shitian's physiology has an extraordinary response."

How keen is Qin Zhiyong's perception of the power of the mind? Even if there is a slight change in Di Shitian's psychology and physiology, he can clearly perceive it.

Qin Zhiyong has a purpose in doing things, and it is impossible to do useless work.

After fighting with Di Shitian for so long, Qin Zhiyong just wanted to know if Di Shitian's phoenix blood energy would be consumed faster if Di Shitian was not injured.

Just as Qin Zhiyong predicted, when Di Shitian was practicing martial arts, the consumption of phoenix blood in his body would definitely accelerate.

This is also the reason why Di Shitian's sacred heart is determined to be yin and cold, and he wants to sleep in the iceberg and retreat, just to reduce the metabolism and slow down the energy consumption of the Phoenix blood.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Di Shitian, the temperature in your body is getting higher and higher, and the consumption rate of the phoenix blood will increase exponentially. The effect of your sacred art will gradually decrease. It seems that you have many weaknesses. I can break the myth of your immortality today."

After all, Di Shitian was old, and his physical strength was actually not strong. What really made him strong was the energy of Phoenix Blood.But phoenix blood energy is different from physical strength.If the physical energy is exhausted, rest for a while, and it will recover soon. If the energy of the phoenix blood is consumed, it will weaken a little, and it will not recover.

In the past, when Qin Zhiyong was weak in strength, when he fought against Di Shitian, he would run away to save his life after three or five moves. He didn't find Di Shitian's fatal weakness.After seeing Jiaolong, Qin Zhiyong's strength has increased a lot again, and he can compete with Di Shitian, and Di Shitian's weakness has been revealed.

Di Shitian's will was shaken even more, and he even had a thought that he might not be Qin Zhiyong's opponent.

 This chapter provides food for readers on the "road ahead".Thanks for supporting this book.

(End of this chapter)

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