Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 452 The relationship is broken, and fair cooperation takes what is needed.

Chapter 452 The relationship is broken, and fair cooperation takes what is needed.

The headquarters of the Red Ribbon Legion was destroyed, high-level personnel suffered heavy casualties, and the entire legion was leaderless. Other forces would definitely devour the interests of the Red Ribbon Legion like hungry wolves.

A force may seem powerful, but it often collapses when it is at its strongest.

Like the Red Ribbon Legion.

Qin Zhiyong secretly said: "I can only blame the Red Ribbon Army for provoking the wrong people. Is Monkey King so easy to deal with? But in the final analysis, the Red Ribbon Army itself is not strong enough."

It can be seen from this that if a person is strong to a certain extent, he can destroy a country by one person.

Qin Zhiyong is temporarily considered to be the strongest existence on earth, but he dare not relax in the slightest.If you want to keep yourself from being hurt, you have to be strong, keep getting stronger, and always stand at the top.

Qin Zhiyong had never been so eager to gain power as he was at this moment.

Dr. Gero pointed at Qin Zhiyong and said, "Qin Zhiyong, go and kill that boy Monkey King for me."

Dr. Gero's tone was ordering Qin Zhiyong.

The light in Qin Zhiyong's eyes flashed, and he frowned slightly: "I'm sorry, doctor, I can't do it. Master Tao Baibai is no match for Monkey King, and it's the same if I go. Monkey King is much stronger than before."

Qin Zhiyong is just Dr. Gero's assistant, here to help with scientific research.

However, now Dr. Gero is afraid of Qin Zhiyong, guards against him, and no longer imparts knowledge.

Qin Zhiyong did not deny that he had learned a lot from Dr. Gero, but Dr. Gero also gained a lot of inspiration from himself.

Qin Zhiyong talked frankly with Dr. Gero several times, allowing Dr. Gero to impart his knowledge without reservation, and he can teach Dr. Gero to practice.The two learn from each other and improve each other.

It's a pity that Dr. Gero's eyes were high and he rejected Qin Zhiyong.

People like Dr. Gero have too strong a will to allow others to have different opinions, which is very unpleasant.That being the case, then Qin Zhiyong would no longer be sincere to him, otherwise, it would not be sincerity, but stupidity.

Qin Zhiyong and Dr. Gero are not a teacher-student relationship at all.

Qin Zhiyong was no longer respectful, and said calmly: "Doctor, the Red Ribbon Corps is over, and there will be no financial support for the laboratory in the future. There is no way to continue your scientific research. I think we need to talk about it."

Dr. Gero stared at Qin Zhiyong, and snorted coldly: "You want to add insult to injury? Qin Zhiyong, don't forget, I still have a lot of advanced knowledge that you haven't learned. If you dare to have other thoughts, I won't teach you any more. Knowledge."

Everyone has different needs.Some people ask for money, some people ask for power, but Qin Zhiyong is a scientist, and Dr. Gero is very clear about what Qin Zhiyong wants in his heart.

Qin Zhiyong's thirst for knowledge is the strongest among scientists Dr. Gero has ever met.

What is intellectual curiosity?
In the words of the practice world, it is the spirit of seeking Tao.Qin Zhiyong's spirit of seeking Tao is very firm, and no thought can shake or influence him.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Doctor, you don't need to use this set of rhetoric to run me down again. I'm not afraid to tell you that besides being a mathematician and biologist, I'm also a master of psychology. Doctor, I can guess what's in your heart Even if I obey you and respect you, you will not pass on any knowledge to me. Because you are afraid of me. You are afraid, you are afraid that my academic attainments will surpass yours. "

"I don't bother to do things that make things worse, and I won't do them. Because the doctor and I are not enemies. Doctor, you have no financial support, and I can provide you with funds. The laboratory is secret, but with the current information technology on the earth, There is no absolute secret at all, as long as you pay attention, someone will find it here. However, doctor, you don’t need to worry, I can provide protection for the laboratory.”

"Of course, I don't do this for free. I need you to exchange your knowledge with the doctor. This transaction is fair and just. Doctor, you can consider the pros and cons. If you have a decision, just call me."

Qin Zhiyong walked out of the laboratory, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky as a stream of light.

Standing in the monitoring room, Dr. Gero watched Qin Zhiyong disappear into the sky, and said in shock: "Qin Zhiyong can fly! I still underestimated his strength. What should I do? If I agree to him, it won't be long. What I have mastered Knowledge will be emptied by him. But if he refuses, scientific research will not be able to continue.”

What's more, if Qin Zhiyong turns his face a little bit, the laboratory will be in danger.

The direction of the matter is out of Dr. Gero's control, and now Qin Zhiyong has taken the initiative.

Weighing the pros and cons, Dr. Gero found that cooperating with Qin Zhiyong was the only way out.

Dr. Gero clenched his fist, slammed the table hard, and gritted his teeth: "Sun Wukong destroyed the legion, and Qin Zhiyong made trouble again. I will not let you go. When I complete the transformation of No. 17 and No. 18, I can kill you." I'm sorry for you. Let you enjoy yourself for a while first."

Without strong power, it will be very aggrieved.

Dr. Gero is now as eager as Qin Zhiyong to gain great power.


As soon as Qin Zhiyong arrived in Xidu, he received a call from Dr. Gero.

Taking out his mobile phone, Qin Zhiyong said, "Doctor, have you thought about it so soon?"

Dr. Gero said: "Qin Zhiyong, you won. I agree to cooperate with you. You provide me with funds and protection for the laboratory, and I will pass on your knowledge."

Qin Zhiyong said happily: "The doctor is wise, then let's cooperate happily. After ten days, I will transfer 1 million earth coins to your account."

Dr. Gero said, "Okay. I'm waiting for your funds."

Actually, Dr. Gero doesn't believe that Qin Zhiyong is rich.

1 million earth coins is an astronomical figure for ordinary people.But Dr. Gero forgot that knowledge is wealth.Qin Zhiyong is not the kind of person who is stupid in reading, he has the ability to transform knowledge into wealth.

As for Dr. Gero, he belongs to the category of people who only know how to do research, but who don't understand the world and economics.

Like Dr. Breaves and Bulma, transforming scientific research results into wealth, and then using wealth to feed back scientific research, forming a virtuous circle, is the right way.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Zhiyong came to Wanneng Capsule Company.

Bulma and Yamcha happen to be in the company.

Seeing Qin Zhiyong, Bulma's eyes lit up. Qin Zhiyong was handsome and handsome, younger than Yamcha.Especially Qin Zhiyong's breath made Bulma feel very comfortable.

"You are Qin Zhiyong?" Bulma said with a smile, "What do you want a spaceship for? Do you really plan to leave the earth and travel into the universe?"

Qin Zhiyong said: "Hello, Miss Bulma, I am Qin Zhiyong. I have not seen you the last two times I have been here. I have long heard that there is a talented girl in Xidu. After meeting you, I think you are more beautiful than the legends Excellent. I plan to take a walk in the universe. In the universe, I can definitely see different scenery from the earth. By the way, is it difficult to build a spaceship?"

Bulma said: "Of course there are difficulties. The main reason is that the speed of the spaceship cannot be increased. The limit speed of the spaceship I designed is only half of the speed of light, which is far from meeting the requirements of space navigation."

0.5 times the speed of light is already very fast.

But this speed is still too slow for the vast and boundless universe.

Qin Zhiyong said: "Miss Bulma, have you ever thought about the theory of space folding and wormholes? If a spaceship can cut through space and travel through wormholes, then the speed will exceed the speed of light."

Bulma's eyes lit up, yes.Why didn't I think of space folding and wormholes?You know, space physics is my family knowledge.

Bulma is a scientific genius who is rare in a thousand years, and she has already achieved profound attainments in space physics.In the future, Bulma not only mastered the mysteries of space technology, but also studied the mysteries of time and created a space-time machine.

Bulma and Qin Zhiyong discussed scientific issues endlessly, forgetting the time.

Yamcha stood beside him, as if he had become a marginal figure.However, the issues discussed by Bulma and Qin Zhiyong were all advanced professional knowledge, which ordinary people could not understand.

Yamucha was jealous, but couldn't speak.

Yamcha thought to himself: "I am Bulma's boyfriend. But now in Bulma's eyes, there is only Qin Zhiyong."

Yamucha walked up to Qin Zhiyong, interrupted their conversation, and said, "Qin Zhiyong, right? I want to challenge you."

Qin Zhiyong said: "Mr. Yamcha, you want to challenge me? As far as I know, you can't even beat Monkey King. When you beat Monkey King, come challenge me again."

Bulma was startled: "You know Wukong?"

Qin Zhiyong nodded and said, "Of course I do. I also taught Sun Wukong his cultivation and martial arts skills."

Yamcha said, "I don't believe it."

Qin Zhiyong said: "Mr. Yamucha, it's fine if you don't believe me."

Yamucha didn't talk nonsense, and directly attacked Qin Zhiyong.

Qin Zhiyong smiled and said, "It's very powerful, as fast as a hungry wolf. This is the Wolf Fang Fengfeng Fist? It's a very interesting pictographic fist, but it's a bit weaker."

Qin Zhiyong waved his sleeve lightly, and a burst of strong energy defeated Yamucha's offensive.

Yamcha was shaken back tens of meters, with a look of horror on his face.

Qin Zhiyong shot a stream of air at will, and there is such a strong force, it is too strong.

Now, Yamcha believed that Qin Zhiyong taught Sun Wukong martial arts.

Yamucha didn't dare to attack again, and said, "Qin Zhiyong, how strong is your strength?"

Qin Zhiyong said: "My comprehensive combat power has surpassed your imagination and reached a realm that you can't touch at present. I mean, you won't understand. You should practice down-to-earth first, and wait until your strength reaches my level. , naturally you will know.”

Qin Zhiyong didn't say his battle stats because he was afraid of hurting Yamcha.Because Yamcha's combat power is only around 90, which is too weak compared to Qin Zhiyong's 3000 combat power.

It is also possible for Qin Zhiyong to use the power of the soul and hypnosis to defeat a strong man with a combat value of over [-].

Qin Zhiyong said: "Miss Bulma, I have a project, let's start a company together. How about it?"

Bulma smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of company you want to start?"

Qin Zhiyong said, "Food company."

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the four basic needs of human beings.

Qin Zhiyong decided to introduce a food that can enhance human physical fitness. When the time comes, he will not worry about making money.With food companies, there is a steady stream of money that can be exchanged for Dr. Gero's knowledge.

 Ask for tickets, ask for subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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